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Greg Strong wrote on Sat, May 8, 2021 09:19 PM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from Wed May 5 08:06 AM:

I fully agree that the pages should keep their current character. But in many cases it should be possible to make an Interactive Diagram that looks exactly the same as the static diagrams they have now.

Indeed.  And I see you've added additional features to make this possible.  Thank you!  I think having the "primary diagram" be one of your interactive diagrams is a worthy goal, for multiple reasons.

Of course in cases where the original setup 'image' consists of ascii art, it becomes a bit questionable whether it deserves to be preserved.

Agreed.  I think the ASCII diagrams need to go.  And, for the record, for a long, long time I felt that all pages throughout the Internet should be fully-available to text browsers, and that formatting decisions should come from the client side, etc.  As such, I opposed the direction web development was taking for a long time ... kind of like an old-school Catholic, bitter that mass was no longer recited in Latin.  But slowly I decided this paradigm shift was inevitable, whatever my personal inclinations were.  And now, I think, overall, it is probably for the better.  (Although there are still unfortunate trade-offs, such as handicapped accessibility and support for personal tastes, such as dark-mode.)  Ideally, maybe it's possible to make the ASCII description the "alt text" to the image, but that would be a TON of work that is almost certainly not the best use of my time.  As this website grows, the number of things that should be done grows faster than my time to do them, and I'm not even sure that ASCII diagrams as alt-text serves any real purpose.  (Can blind people get any value out of an ascii diagram?)

Regarding substituting interactive diagrams for main diagrams, I have a couple of questions... Is it possible to have some custom text float to the right of the diagram?  I'd still like to have the location of pieces and initial FEN displayed to the right of the diagram as in this page for example.  Also, can we do 3 square colors for games with nightriders, such as shown here?  (Only one light-square color, but the dark colors alternate per row.)  I'm not saying that either of these things is essential, but, in my mind, if we could do both of these things, replacing the primary images with interactive diagrams would be a "no brainer" (as we say in English - sorry if it doesn't translate well.  It means of course we should do it.)

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Top level header: <H1>

Block quote

Second paragraph in block quote

First Paragraph of response. Italics, bold, and bold italics.

Second Paragraph after blank line. Here is some HTML code mixed in with the Markdown, and here is the same <U>HTML code</U> enclosed by backticks.

Secondary Header: <H2>

  • Unordered list item
  • Second unordered list item
  • New unordered list
    • Nested list item

Third Level header <H3>

  1. An ordered list item.
  2. A second ordered list item with the same number.
  3. A third ordered list item.
Here is some preformatted text.
  This line begins with some indentation.
    This begins with even more indentation.
And this line has no indentation.

Alt text for a graphic image

A definition list
A list of terms, each with one or more definitions following it.
An HTML construct using the tags <DL>, <DT> and <DD>.
A term
Its definition after a colon.
A second definition.
A third definition.
Another term following a blank line
The definition of that term.