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Note to Fergus:
I've noticed many old webpages, including that for Circular Chess, have some sort of error message at the bottom of the page in question, and as an effect of that, perhaps, people cannot post (or even see old) Comments or Ratings for such a page. However, in the case of the Circular Chess webpage, I was able to post fresh Comments it after clicking on a 'Review' I did for Circular Chess quite some time ago, and I was then able to have the option of posting a fresh Comment for Circular Chess' webpage.
Here's a wiki on the theory of Circular Chess. At one point it is claimed that 3 minor pieces can mate a lone K. I believe this is true for N+2Bs (with Bs running on opposite colours), but I cannot yet see how 2N+B can force mate normally:
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I've edited my previous post slightly, most notably adding a wikipedia link for Circular Chess that I am to some extent at odds with.