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Colour-changing is well-defined in my Comment about hexagonal Falcon: it just may not be Gilman's term. Broadly 'Non-colourbound' has unique meaning when there are three colours, so 'changing' seemed to be better as a new term, when making a second Comment about FHC. I noticed Gilman's 'colourswitching' without even trying to get his full Comment and then approached the Knight-Falcon-tour idea from that colour-changing vantage to highlight one ordinary feature. I need to review the distinctions here, because they seem interesting in this context, but they appear descriptive not evaluative, and not what someone designing would dwell on for piece-move choices, involving as they do a Move 2, Move 3 and so on. Okay, Charles, I will organize the concepts and get back, and the last couple sentences may be somewhat off the mark. 'Note that it's colour-switching like the Knight' in the text may be ARSibahi usage exactly like ours above using 'colour-changing', and it just does not happen to be Gilmanese: we are not sure whether your particular 'colour-switching' has caught on.