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Gating. Nothing new, even well before Seirawan's and Gifford's several uses. Drops, particularized drops, unlikely to prevail in Western Chess. Richard Hutnik himself, commenter on Seirawan Chess, has two CVs from the first couple years of this website and none since. These Meta pieces are put in place one by one in separate moves: type of 'gating'. Meta Chess looks interesting, with Good creativity, though flawed. It says player may change a R to RN in the replacement phase, if not overruled. Who would not want RN instead of R? The other player can so decide too, that's why not necessarily. Some pieces are too outlandish such as ''piece that can kill opponent's King from anywhere.'' Milan R. Vukcevich(1937-2003) set up CVPage Contributor/Membership around the same time, when making speech in 1998 about Future forms of Chess, but had the sense not to become actual Contributor. Now Vukcevich's speech, as well as his Fairy Chess specialty, makes him part of Variant school anyway, like it or not. Likewise, Seirawan and Harper design in nice, but not very novel, Seirawan Chess a slight deviation of Betza's Tutti Frutti (1978) and Karakus' Perfect Chess(2000). Both CVs already have the same RN and BN on 8x8 also. Clearly then, the precedent for Seirawan Chess is already-existing Tutti Frutti and Perfect with very same piece-mix on same standard 8x8. To say ''not have anything to do with CV Community'' would be silly.