For now in my pregame section I have relevant to this discussion the following:
setsystem starpath ((!p9)(!p2));
allow drops 2;
And and the end of my premove section there is this code:
verify flag $origin;
verify == space p2 J;
if > turn 8:
delete p2;
elseif not $answered and == mln $maxmln:
ask "Do you want to insert your joker now?" "Yes" J*a1 "No";
How would you do it? I don't have something solid to stand on it seems!
For now in my pregame section I have relevant to this discussion the following:
setsystem starpath ((!p9)(!p2));
allow drops 2;
And and the end of my premove section there is this code:
verify flag $origin;
verify == space p2 J;
if > turn 8:
delete p2;
elseif not $answered and == mln $maxmln:
ask "Do you want to insert your joker now?" "Yes" J*a1 "No";
How would you do it? I don't have something solid to stand on it seems!