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Thank you very much Mr. H.G. Muller! This is a great tool for those who want to understand the game in more detail.

Oops! It was I who had to refresh the cache.
After making this Diagram, I worked on betzaNew.js for allowing comma-separation in the captureMatrix rows. And that patch contained a syntax error that cause rejection of the entire script, so that no Diagram using it would work anymore. I now fixed that syntax error, and uploaded betzNew.js again. After refresh it should work now.
Cache refreshed.
Here is the comment in isolation as I see it:

I don't think so. Wait until the AI figures out the algorithm.
That is correct. This game isn't particularly difficult. It might need a complete retuning of the evaluation, though; normal piece values won't do. The value of a piece depends at least in part on the value of pieces it unloads. And extra absolute royals have huge negative values. Which again strongly suppresses the value of the Queen, which unloads those. An attacked Queen cannot move at all. So the piece values might very well be the reverse of the normal value.
The Dagaz bot sucks (also in Tenjiku Shogi), and that is made even worse here because it does not know extra royals are a liability. It spreads them around with great enthousiasm, and the quickly gets checkmated. This is the game the Interactive Diagram played against the Dagaz bot:
1. c4 h5 2. Nd4 g6 3. Bxg6 fxg6 4. Rc3 Nf8 5. Rb3 Bg8 6. Ra3 Rh8 7. Rxa7 Qh6 8. Ra8 Qg5
9. h4 Qxh4 10. Qe3+ Qf4 11. Qxf4#
(Unfortunately you cannot paste it in the ID, as it doesn't know how to make good move notation in this variant.)

Refresh the cache. I had to change betzaNew.js a bit for suppressing the "It seems I have already lost" message when there are no royals on the board in a game where royals do participate. (Through a kludge: with baring=-9 it always gives itself initially 0.001 royal extra.)
It must work; For me it did, and I even had it play a game against the AI of the Dagaz project, which it won.

Odd. It works for me in the full comments listing but not in isolation.
Also, the AI capitulates immediately as the game begins without Kings on the board.
...then the Diagram should work
It doesn't either
Battle of the Kings is the only chess variant with complete information in which AI is absolutely powerless.
I don't think so. Wait until the AI figures out the algorithm.

Yes, another Diagram in the Comments listing it spoiling it, as it uses betza.js instead of the needed betzaNew.js. Click the 'View' link to see the Comment in isolation, then the Diagram should work.
The interactive diagram does not really want to work.

Now Battle of Kings can be played at
You can play against a bot using the link (no registration required):
The bot, of course, plays very weakly, which is not surprising: Battle of the Kings is the only chess variant with complete information in which AI is absolutely powerless.
I replaced the setup diagram with a local one and approved this page. This game uses reproduction in an interesting way.
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I have now overruled the piece values that the Diagram itself would guestimate, and set N=150, B=100, R=50, Q=-10. The Diagram does not yet apply that consistently, though, as it does not take the value of the pieces it unloads into account. I might fix that later.