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I have created a Wikipedia page for this variant, the tables there should be a bit clearer than the existing setup and diagrammatic view graphics.
There is a larger version of the image which looks better.
Though the movement grids are difficult to discern for my colourblind eyes.
The problem with the image is that it is small and low-resolution. Zooming it to a larger size helps a bit, but its low resolution limits how effective that is. Ideally, the graphics need to be redone.

The text is much better than before, but my point about the picture of the movement diagrams still stands.
Since the source was broken up into paragraphs, I resaved it as Markdown after adding in ###
before some lines for H3 tags.

Unfortunately, the quality of this page is severely lacking. Most of the page is just text, and that text isn't even separated into paragraphs to make reading easier. Furthermore, the few pictures that are present do not describe the game very well, and in particular, the picture describing the piece movements is so tiny that it is impossible to map the piece movements to the pieces in the setup photo. TBH, as it is now, I'm amazed that this paged even got approved in the first place.
That being said, having multi-capturing pieces in a variant with drops is quite an interesting idea that I have never seen before. I am thinking about doing something similar in the future.
This game, I have not noticed before and seems a neat idea but lack of pictures really makes move remembering difficult :(!
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I have made a Wikipedia page for this. The tables for setup and piece movement there should be cleaner and more accessible than the two existing graphics. Unsure if that Wikipedia page will last, but seeing as the philosophy for shogi variant pages over there seems to be anything invented before 1990 goes, and that the similarly barely-played related variant of normal Whale Shogi has already had a page for two decades, I don't forsee any problems.
My previous comment to this effect appears to have not gone through.