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I added a link to play this chess variant using Zillions of Games.
Thanks, Ben.
The new layout of the piece descriptions looks good. I have added more comments in the checkmate section on how the tetrahedrons can also be checkmated by forking and skewering them, provided the attacking piece is not captured in the next move and the attack cannot be blocked.
While checkers pieces can be used as pawns, I thought it would be easier for the average chess player to use actual pawn pieces if they are familiar with chess already. I've added a note in the equipment section to clarify this.
I have added a few words in the pawn promotion section to emphasize that the promotions are only for capture. I hope it is clearer now. I also added some comments on how advancing the pawn to the last rank like orthodox chess may not be the best idea since it will not be able to advance passively anymore.
In theory, a single pawn or a Platonic solid piece can checkmate the opponent by forking the two Tetrahedrons. So there will always be enough material to checkmate the opponent as long as you have a Platonic solid piece or a Pawn that is not stuck at the last rank. I mention some of the possible forks and skewers in the checkmate section. Beyond that, I haven't gotten into any in-depth mating material analysis yet.
Those look much nicer, thanks!
With multiple-royal games being so rare, a few more words about your game-end condition would be nice. In particular, it isn't really necessary to "checkmate" either of the pieces, as forking them is sufficient (if I've understood the reddit post of the game correctly).
In the equipment section, what was the purpose of the chess set? You'd need more pawns, and so I'd expect you'd rather just use the checkers pieces...?
The pawn "temporary promotions" are interesting. The penultimate row seems to suffer the most from having the dodecahedron's forwardmost moves cut off by the board. I imagine analyzing pawn moves becomes more difficult when each move also changes its abilities. I think it would be worth emphasizing that the additional powers are only for capture (right?).
Do you have any analysis of mating material?
The table layout for piece descriptions wasn't great on my mobile browser, so I've changed that. It's still not great, as the description text block will keep a few short words on the right and then break everything else to below the image, but I've run out of time to work on it right now.
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your suggestion. I have changed the piece diagrams and use dots to indicate their movements.
As in your other page, different colors for the movement indicators would be better. Using dots instead of coloring the entire square would be nicer, and can be done with an ! or # in the diagram designer (which would need to be url-encoded, so don't just edit the URLs).
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BTW, why did your name appear in my English test? And why did you disagree with students coming to school with smartphones?