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Sometimes I think it is more important to consider the Plausibility of a piece before other factors.....There is in this page, at the end and with a move diagram, a modified Character (piece) called the (Northern or Sumatran) Tiger-emperor and he is a little bit more powerful than the Character called the (Northern or Sumatran) Tiger-prince that he is a modification of.....But, he is not quite so logical in his moves as the Prince and so I have not included him in any Games here - the Prince appears in the Games of Tiger-strike and Tiger-crossfire.....I think the Emperor is Plausible enough in his moves though, and I think Plausibility needs to be considered with the moving and capturing abilities of Chess Characters, or the Game and its Background and Representational aspects can lose sense - this is of course only my personal opinion.....The Emperor combines the moves of just two Chess pieces i.e. the Rook and Knight.....despite this, he seems to be fractionally more powerful than the well known three-piece compound of Rook, Bishop and Knight (usually called a General, or Amazon or other name).
Thanks Fergus.....I think the WYSIWYG mode might sort it out - I'll try it later on.
I'm not sure what you're describing, but you should be aware that you have three options when editing text. One option is to use CKEditor in WYSIWYG mode. One is to use CKEditor with Codemirror in Source mode. And the third is to turn off JavaScript and not use CKEditor at all. When editing a page, you normally begin in Source mode with CKEditor using Codemirror, because WYSIWYG mode can mess up your hand-crafted HTML if you use that mode. If you originally wrote you page in WYSIWYG mode, you can switch to that mode. Or if you have hand-crafted HTML in which spacing matters, and Codemirror is messing this up, you can just turn off JavaScript, and CKEditor will not change anything you type in. With Chrome, you can turn off JavaScript using the menu that pops up when you click on the i in a circle beside the URL in the navigation bar. In FireFox, you can use an extention like NoScript or WebDeveloper to turn it off.
Whatever I do the spacing on the text always comes out as one line on this Page - does anyone know why - I would be very obliged for any advice or help on this.
This is probably from php running as the user apache instead of as chessvariants (which was the owner). I have changed the permissions of the directories to 0775 and the graphics inside to 0664, and I have added some lines to give these permissions to new directories and new graphics. So try it again and let me know whether it works.
I don't seem to be able to upload images....they are just the usual JPG images and are under 100k - does anyone know why this is?
I can only speak for my own Games on this site here, but this may well apply to some of the thousands? of other variants, and that is, although I have done some testing, I cannot guarantee that every Game I have on this site would "work".....they all seem Plausible, but Plausible is the word, and in any case no Money has been paid me (and none are for sale at all anyway) and so I owe no duty that the Games do in fact "work". BUT they MAY be good.
Thank you for trying to help. I do have a complete word document of all that is on this page and I will make efforts to repost it when time permits.
I'm not sure what the original URL was. Do you know Fergus?
I looked for the current ItemID in the OldItemIDs table, and it didn't turn up. This means the page was created after I moved the site and instituted semantic URLs. Checking its creation date in the Item table, it says October 23, 2016. So, it was created after I moved the site and after I set up CKEditor. But I did recently find CKEditor not working properly and made some fixes to its installation. Getting back to the original question, its original URL is its current URL, but it is not archived at

Another possibility would be I'd check but the URL of this page has changed because the naming scheme changed and I'm not sure what the original URL was. Do you know Fergus?
Fergus, do we have a database backup that would have the old version of this page around?
No. Although I saved a backup of the old site in order to copy it here, I seem to have lost that. Unfortunately, I had some screw-ups with both my SSD and my external harddrive during the summer and lost some data.
10 x 10 Variants are IMHO hard indeed to invent, even Capablanca settled on a 10 x 8.
Thanks for the reply. I'll give this a try, but its late here in the UK, so tomorrow maybe, or when there's time.

If you have the Word document still, give the "Paste from Word" option in CKEditor a try. Otherwise, Fergus, do we have a database backup that would have the old version of this page around? (I did insert a few linebreaks and removed a pre tag so the page fits on screen for now.)
I agree with Fergus that probably the problem occurred when you edited the page: CKEditor doesn't play well with the old "no html" format. I think, if you do not click the "Source" button in CKEditor, everything is fine except that empty lines get swallowed, breaking any paragraph structure you had. (Regular linebreaks are preserved.) I looked for a little while to see how to fix this, but didn't find anything right away. Fergus, could you also look?
As a temporary workaround, if you need to edit any non-html pages, you can disable javascript in your browser, which will kill CKEditor and leave you with the old style textarea. (Or can you disable just the CKEditor js?)
I don't think this page should have been messed up like it has been. Changes should not just be made that do this. What great purpose has been served by the change anyway. Posting in Word was at least straightforward and it worked and was simple. I think someone should put things back to how they were. There are in fact a series of Games on this page, and not merely one, and they often link together, and there are other items connected with Chess and Chess variants that some may find interesting, items that are somewhat of novelty value.
Thanks for the reply, but I don't have this sort of knowledge and I'm far too busy to sort all this out. The page is readable with effort and so if someone wants to read this page it is down to them to make the effort I'm afraid - the page has been up long enough. If you or anyone else can tidy it up without further confusing the page, fine, otherwise I'll leave it as it is. Nobody should change things that mess up other Persons' pages without letting everyone know first in simple language.
Previously, the two options given to authors of member-submitted content was to use HTML or to let everything be enclosed in PRE tags. Since updating to CKEditor, that has changed. HTML is always used, and the two options are now to write the HTML yourself or to let CKEditor turn your WYSIWYG text into HTML. Since this page does have HTML code in it, I checked the "Using HTML tags in the text below" option and resaved it. This removed the PRE tags around each section but otherwise left it alone.
Odds are, you recently edited this page in WYSIWYG mode, and CKEditor added HTML tags to code that you hadn't intended to have any while also removing your original linefeeds. If you originally wrote this in MS Word and have the original files, you can recopy your text from Word using CKEditor's "Paste from Word" button while in WYSIWYG mode. If not, you could still edit the page in WYIWYG mode or, if you know HTML, in Source mode. In WYSWYG mode, most of the buttons will be functional, while in Source mode, most of them will be ghosted out. The "Paste from Word" button is available only in WYSIWYG mode.
This page was posted by using MS Word and took a great deal of time and effort to make reasonably tidy and readable. It is now something of a mess. I would very much appreciate knowing what to do to restore the page.
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With reference to my previous comment regarding the moves of the Characters (pieces) called the Tiger-prince and the Tiger-emperor, I ought to add that Tigers do indeed sometimes "hit" their prey with a leap (or pounce) from the side and this can result in a "follow through" of differing angles. Of course, a "Tigerish" Person could perhaps also move and strike like this in a Medieval Battle. There is also a Tiger-princess as well in this page.
Of course, various combinations are possible of these Characters, but only one is mentioned on my pages, and that is the TigerGuard (one word), and he combines the powers of the Tiger-prince and the Tiger-princess - see my page TigerSquares (also one word).
The Tiger-emperor could, of course, and perhaps better so, be called the Tiger-king, but I have decided on Emperor due to his strength - but he may be too strong to bring into a Game - the Tiger-prince and Tiger-princess are strong enough.