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OK - Where is a ZRF for this game ?
I am reading from the original rules and I would like to add or clarify some items. There is no restriction on using the star squares for transferring two levels on the first move. Rule 2d. clearly states: 'A piece or a pawn which lands on a 'Star' squre on its first move has the option of transferring either one or two Levels.' CAPTURING Pieces are immune from capture by pieces on other levels. However, you are allowed to capture an enemy piece on a Star square and then jump to another level. The same options are open when a piece or pawn captures for the first time.
I received Space Chess as a gift, when I was A child.
Copyright 1970 from Pacific Game Company, North Hollywood, Calif. 91605
It's good to find that it was still in production for years after that. I also was looking for direction, my Grandkids lost mine last month. It was and is still a great game. Thanks for the links to the rules.
David Brown
To answer Steve's question: The piece, or pawn, making the capture and the one being captured must be on the same level at the start of the capturing move. You may not change from one level to another and capture a piece, or pawn, on the new level as part of the same move. However, after capturing a piece which occupied a Star square (or a King symbol square, if you are moving your King) on the Original Level, you have the option of remaining on the Original Level, transferring one Level, or transferring two Levels. The same options are open to you when you make a capture with a piece, or pawn, being moved for the first time. Don't forget the transfer squares available to the King, including those under the Special King Option. If by moving to a Star square or King symbol square the King can escape to a Level where he would not be under attack (even though the 'Star' or King symbol square on the Original Level was under attack), a Checkmate can be avoided. The checkmated King and every piece, or pawn, essential to the Checkmate must be on the same Level at the conclusion of the mating move, with no possibility for the King to excape by changing Levels. Snce the basic rules for chess apply to Space Chess, pawns do promote when they reach the 'enemy' Level (white must reach 'Level A', top Level, row 8 and black must reach 'Level C', bottom Level, row 1).
I have two questions. Can you capture and change levels on the same turn and do pawn promote on any level, or only the enemy level?
I was certainly glad to find the rules for Space Chess so easily. I bought my husband a 1969 Space Chess set off of eBay a couple of years ago but it had no rules. He has a dozen regular chess sets and can't seem to get enough. He finally decided he had to learn how to play Space Chess but we never expected to be able to find the rules so easily. Thanks for sharing!!
thank you for the rules for space chess. I too lost the directions to my
set years ago. My set was purchased at a game store in 1994as well, looks
extactly like the one you have placed on the web, but the box it came in
says 1981 Pacific Game Company,INC. no. 1420
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