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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'J%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- J-Chess. Variant on 10 by 8 board with jesters. (10x8, Cells: 80) By Daniel Brown.
- Jabberwocky Chess. Chess with transformations of pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Вадря Покштя.
- Jack-Be-Nimble Chess. Jumping pieces have to learn how before they jump tall pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
- Jacks and Witches. Play this variant on 84 squares with special pieces and special squares! By Antoine Fourrière.
- Jacks and Witches 84 . Variant on 84 squares with special pieces and special squares. By Antoine Fourrière.
- Jacks and Witches 84. Variant on 84 squares with special pieces and special squares. (12x8, Cells: 84) By Antoine Fourrière.
- Jai-Alai . A sports theme variant with three new pieces: the Superball, the Ball and the Diagball. By Roberto Lavieri.
- Jai-Alai. A sports theme variant with three new pieces: the Superball, the Ball and the Diagball. (9x8, Cells: 72) By Roberto Lavieri.
- Jail Cell Chess. Large board with walls and jail cell areas. (14x20, Cells: 280) By Nick Wolff.
- Janggi - opening setups. Explanation of setup for Korean chess. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Janggi Positions. Missing description
- Janggi: Korean Chess. The variant of chess played in Korea. (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!) Author: Fergus Duniho and Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Janggidosa . Korean Chess Playing Program.
- Janus Chess. Variant on 10 by 8 board. (10x8, Cells: 80) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Werner Schoendorf.
- Janus Chess. Play this variant with two extra pieces that move as a Bishop or Knight on Jocly. Author: Michel Gutierrez and Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: Werner Schoendorf.
- Janus Chess. Large board variant. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Werner Schoendorf.
- Janus Chess. Play Janus Chess on Game Courier. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Werner Schoendorf.
- Janus Chess Blitz Tournament . Taking place in Saarbruecken on March, 1st 2002. Author: Jörg Knappen.
- Janus Kamil Chess. A crossover between Janus Chess and Modern Kamil Chess. By Jörg Knappen.
- Janus Kamil Chess. A crossover between Janus Chess and Modern Kamil Chess. (12x8, Cells: 96) By Jörg Knappen.
- Japanese Chess. Missing description Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Japanese Chess. The Japanese form of Chess, in which players get to keep and replay captured pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Fergus Duniho.
- The Japanese Heroes' Game. Missing description Author: L. U. Kisljuk.
- Javelin Chess . Pieces backed up by an extra row of single-capture Spearmen. By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- Jedi Chess. Maharajah and the Sepoys modified with a Star Wars theme. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Dave Leigh.
- Jester Chess. Featuring pieces that mimic last piece moved, archers that can either capture OR move. quadrapawns, and murray lions. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Thomas Havel.
- Jester Chess. Large variant, with four new pieces including Jester that imitates opponents last type of move. (10x11, Cells: 110) Author: John William Brown. Inventor: Thomas Havel.
- Jester Chess. The Jester is an 'anon' piece but similar to the 'Fool' - beautiful commercial wooden sets - a must have! Author: Simon Edward Jepps.
- Jester Chess: Cutouts. Pieces to print to make your own Jester Chess set. Author: John William Brown. Inventor: Thomas Havel.
- Jetan. Martian Chess. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan. Play Edgar Rice Burrough's Jetan (Martian Chess). Author: James Killian Spratt and Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan . Martian Chess, coming from the book The Chessmen of Mars. Author: Jens Markmann. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan - Martian Chess. Martian Chess, coming from the book The Chessmen of Mars. (10x10, Cells: 100) Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux and Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan Jeddara. Large Jetan variant, with new pieces. (16x12, Cells: 192) Author: Tony Quintanilla and James Killian Spratt. Inventor: James Killian Spratt.
- Jetan Jeddara. Large variant of Jetan. Author: Tony Quintanilla and James Killian Spratt. Inventor: James Killian Spratt.
- Jetan Sarang. Play this large variation of Jetan! Author: James Killian Spratt and Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: James Killian Spratt.
- Jetan Variant Graphics. James Spratt's graphics for Jetan variant Game Courier presets. Author: James Killian Spratt.
- Jetan, ERB . Implements different possible rules for Jetan. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan, the game of. Extensive discussion of various versions of the rules of Jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100) Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Jetan-Sarang . A large variation of Jetan. By James Killian Spratt.
- Jetan: The Martian Chess of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Book about jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Fredrik Ekman.
- Jewel: A Linked-series of Games. Missing description By Glenn Nicholls.
- Jikaida. A large variant, taken from A Sword for Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer. (12x18, Cells: 361) Author: Alan Burt Akers. Inventor: Kenneth Bulmer.
- Jinn Chess. Pieces start off the board, and game is divided into a placement phase and a traditional play phase. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Gyozo Nagy.
- Joari-Joara. West Indian variant in which you may capture a guarded piece if and only if the move gives discovered check. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games. Author: Michel Gutierrez.
- Joe Joyce Hyperchess. Easy to play 3D Chess variant where pieces can act on small board or large board. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Joe Joyce.
- John Savard's Three-Dimensional Chess. Missing description By John Savard.
- John Smith's Very Unofficial 47 Square Chess Variant Contest. Yes, just as the title says! I hope this is legal! By John Smith.
- Joker. Moves like last piece moved by the opponent. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Joko Urtaroak . Modern large version of Game of Four Seasons; four player chess variant. By Glenn Overby II.
- Joko Urtaroak. Modern large version of Game of Four Seasons; four player chess variant. (10x10, Cells: 84) By Glenn Overby II.
- Joshua's Chess . Missing description Author: Michael Nelson. Inventor: Joshua Nelson.
- Joshua's Chess. Missing description (12x12, Cells: 144) Author: Michael Nelson. Inventor: Joshua Nelson.
- Journalist's Chess. Journalist is movable to any position but no capture. (8x8, Cells: 64) By (zzo38) A. Black.
- Joust. Missing description Author: Gerry Quinn.
- Joust . Two knights. Squares cannot be revisited. Author: Gerry Quinn.
- Joust. Two knights. Squares cannot be revisited. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Joust Chess. Rotating pieces, long range movement, adjacent capture, both in one turn using different directions. By Jeff Cornell.
- The Jovan Army. An army for Chess with Different Armies featuring heavy pieces that move forward slowly. By Ralph Betza.
- Joyful Chess. One special square enhances a piece's powers, the other diminishes them. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Karl Schulz.
- Judkin's Shogi. Modern small shogi variant preset. Author: Charles Daniel and Armin Liebhart. Inventor: ? Judkin.
- Judkin's Shogi. Small shogi variant on 6 by 6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: ? Judkin.
- Juggernaut Chess. Roll a die each turn to determine the move of the all-capturing Juggernaut. Author: Seth McGinnis. Inventor: Erik Wilson.
- Juggernaut Chess. Unstoppable destructive unit moves at random. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Erik Wilson.
- Jumping Chess. Pieces capture by jumping. Board has extra edge squares making it 10x10. By Peter Aronson.
- Jumping Chess. Pieces capture by jumping. Board has extra edge squares making it 10x10. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Peter Aronson.
- Jumping Chess . Pieces capture by jumping. Board has extra edge squares making it 10x10. By Peter Aronson.
- Jumping Chess Zillions Saved Game . Download this file to see a sample game. Author: Tony Quintanilla and Peter Aronson. Inventor: Peter Aronson.
- Jumping Knights Chess. Nightriders replace Knights and War Machines have also been added to Jumping Chess. By David Paulowich.
- Jumping Knights Chess. Nightriders replace Knights and War Machines have also been added to Jumping Chess. (10x10, Cells: 100) By David Paulowich.
- The Jungle Game. Simulated conflict between animal kingdoms. (7x9, Cells: 63) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Jungle game. Photo's of a home made set. Author: Jean-Luc Muraro.
- Jungles and Mountains Chess. Bull-Dozers must clear through jungle brush and Engineers must make passages through mountains to free up piece movement. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Jungles and Mountains Chess. Chess with hindering terrain that must be removed to free up piece movement. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Gary K. Gifford.
- Junta Chess. The king and his knights are the junta. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Tony Paletta.
- Jupiter. Huge chess variant on 16 by 16 board. (16x16, Cells: 256) By Adrian King.
- Jupiter (Revised). Missing description (16x16, Cells: 256) By Adrian King.
- Jurassic Chess. Game with unusual movements, a river, and bridges. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Andrew Wong.
- Jurassic Chess. Dinosaur based chess variant played with regular chess pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Arvind Pillai. Inventor: Tarun Gupta and Arvind Pillai.
- Just a funny board with 40 squares. A board with 40 squares without rules. (Cells: 40) Author: Claude Chaunier.
- Juxtaposition Chess. Normal moves, plus pawns switch places with stones; pieces switch places with flags. By Gary K. Gifford.
- Juxtaposition Chess. Pawns and Pieces switch places with pseudo-pieces throughout the game. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Gary K. Gifford.
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