Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'O%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- O/R Chess - Overloader/Restorer chess. A cochess variant. Author: Alessandro Castelli.
- Obento Chess. 12x12 Chess variant with Shogi-style promotions and bent sliding pieces. (12x12, Cells: 144) Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux. Inventor: Eric Silverman and Jean-Louis Cazaux.
- Objective Bastardo. Cut-throat four-player variant where each player has a secret objective. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblique . Variant with board with 40 squares turned 45 degrees. By Tony Quintanilla.
- Oblique. Variant with board with 40 squares turned 45 degrees. (Cells: 40) By Tony Quintanilla.
- Oblong chess . Variant of Shatranj, played on a four by sixteen sized board. Author: Andrew Juell.
- Oblong chess. Variant of Shatranj, played on a four by sixteen sized board. (4x16, Cells: 64) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Oblong Chess 1. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 1. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 2. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 2. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 3. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 3. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 4. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 4. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 44 . Missing description By Erez Schatz.
- Oblong Chess 44. Based on the original oriental variant "Oblong Chess", a 16X4 Shataranj variant, but reducing the number of lines. Author: Jeff Rients. Inventor: Erez Schatz.
- Oblong Chess 44. Variant of Oblong Chess on board with 44 squares. (4x11, Cells: 44) By Erez Schatz.
- Oblong Chess 5. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 5. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 6. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 6. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Chess 7. Historic chess variant on 16 by 4 board - Setup 7. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Oblong Shatranj with Die. Missing description Author: M Winther.
- ObstructionChess. A new chess variant designed to challenge old strategies and improve your chess play with logical and organic obstructions. (8x8, Cells: 64) By martin rinab.
- Octa-Ashtapada. 8x8x8 variant with powerful armies and the potential for multiple royal pieces per side. By Larry L. Smith.
- OctaChess Tournament. Chess with eight different armies with four classic and four modern chess variants. By Albert Lee.
- Octahedral Chess. 3d-board in octahedral form. (9x(), Cells: 340) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Michael D. Ward. Inventor: Michael D. Ward.
- Octal XiangQi. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By HaruN Y.
- OctHex 146. Arranging the geometry of Tetrahedral Chess into an octahedron. (Cells: 146) By Charles Gilman.
- Octogonal Chess. Carrera Chess on an octogon-shaped board. (10x10, Cells: 76) By John Smith.
- Octopus Chess . Featuring the Octopus, the Sorcerer Snake, the Ferz Knight, the Wazir Knight and the Ninja Pawns. By Charles Daniel.
- Octopus Chess. Featuring the Sorcerer Snake, the Ninja Pawn, the Wazir Knight, the Ferz Knight and the Octopus. By Charles Daniel.
- Octopus Chess. Features the crooked slider: the Octopus and the dual path Sorcerer Snake. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Charles Daniel.
- Odalisque Chess. Magnetic rotating three dimensional chess variant. (16x(1x4), Cells: 64) By Robert J. Bell.
- Odds Chess . Ways of giving a weaker opponent better odds. Author: Roger Cooper.
- Odds Chess. Ways of giving a weaker opponent better odds. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Roger Cooper.
- Odin's Rune Chess. With pieces that were inspired by rune images and meanings.... By Gary K. Gifford.
- Odin's Rune Chess . Missing description Author: Michael Nelson. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
- Odin's Rune Chess. A game inspired by Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, runes, and Nordic Mythology. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Gary K. Gifford.
- Off Board Chess Pieces. Each side has off board pieces which can be used only once in a game. By Ronald Drinning.
- Officer Chess. Chess on an 8x10 board with many powerful compound piece types added. (8x10, Cells: 80) By Kevin Pacey.
- Officer-Spiel. Chess on a 16x8 board loaded with powerful pieces. (16x8, Cells: 128) By Kevin Pacey.
- Official Football Chess. Variant from the 1960's with pieces replaced by football players. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- Ogi. Missing description By Cyril Veltin.
- Ohm's Chess. A fun combination of Chess and Dota. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Rushil Baweja.
- OK Chess . After the first move, Pawns can advance any distance. Author: Gary Baydo. Inventor: Clifford Merry.
- Okapi. Moves as Knight or Zebra. By Bob Greenwade.
- Okapi Chess. Regular chess, except that Knights are replaced by Okapis. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Bob Greenwade.
- Old Chu Shogi Applet. The old version of the Chu Shogi Applet. (12x12, Cells: 144) By A. M. DeWitt.
- Olden-RoyalChess. A 12x12 game with many compounds plus new pawn types. By Mariano Moran.
- Omega Chess. Rules for commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares. (12x12, Cells: 104) (Recognized!) By Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess. Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega chess . Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess. This preset for Omega Chess enforces the rules and spots check, checkmate, and stalemate. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess. Commercial chess variant on board with 104 squares. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess. Players have many pieces that can only move in the direction they point at. (9x9, Cells: 81) Author: Carlos Cetina. Inventor: Gabriel Vicente Maura.
- Omega Chess. A review. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess Extended . Missing description By Mykola Dolgalov.
- Omega Chess game. Moves of a game between chess grandmasters Alex Sherzer and Judith Polgar.
- Omega Chess Review. Review of commercial Chess variant set. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess Review. Review of commercial Chess variant. Author: Alex Sherzer. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Chess set Photos. Missing description Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Daniel Macdonald.
- Omega Transplant . The Warmachine Alfil , the Camel Ferz, the Ninja Pawns and the usual suspects battle it out on a new chessboard. By Charles Daniel.
- Omega Transplant. The Champion and Wizard from Omega Chess are transplanted to the board system and rules used for Birds and Ninjas. By Charles Daniel.
- Omnichess. Omnichess - Create and play chess variants. 2-8 players. Square, Hexagonal, Triangular board types. By ch1gz .
- Omnigon. Photos and Review of commercial variant. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Mike Flynn.
- On Designing Good Chess Variants. Design goals and design principles for creating Chess variants. Author: Fergus Duniho.
- Once More, with Deans. Subvariants of River-with-university-and-cathedral series with extra piece type. By Charles Gilman.
- One dimensional Chess Variants. A page detailing some one dimensional chess variants. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
- One King Shogi. Checkmate the neutral king. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Daniil Frolov.
- One or Two. Make a normal move, or denote two pieces for which your opponent chooses how they must be moved. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
- The One Ring . White wants to get the Ring to the far side and destroy it. By Robert Price.
- The One Ring. White wants to get the Ring to the far side and destroy it. (5x8, Cells: 42) By Robert Price.
- The One Ring 1. Sample Game #1. Author: Robert Price.
- The One Ring 2. Sample Game #2. Author: Robert Price.
- The One Ring 3. Sample Game #3. Author: Robert Price.
- One Ring Chess. One dimensional chess played on a ring-shaped board. (Cells: 32) By Larry L. Smith.
- One Ring Chess . Chess on a one-dimension ring board. By Larry L. Smith.
- One Way Chess . Missing description By Adrian Alvarez de la Campa.
- One-Eye Chess (Blind). Kriegspiel variant where one side can see, but lacks both Knights, a Bishop and the Queen. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- One-Eye Chess (Sighted). Kriegspiel variant where one side can see, but lacks both Knights, a Bishop and the Queen. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Onitama. Cards decide how pieces move, perfect information with no chance beyond setup. Author: Mikk . Inventor: Shimpei Sato.
- Online PGN Viewer . Webtool to visualize the moves of a chessgame in PGN notation.
- Onslaught. Several pieces can capture only on the enemy half, favoring attack. (12x12, Cells: 144) By H. G. Muller.
- OOmost Chess. All movement in this variant is a form of castling. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
- Open Chess. Large variant with few pawns. (12x12, Cells: 144) By Moses Snell-Feikema.
- Open Chess . Large variant with few pawns. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Moses Snell-Feikema.
- Open King 4*4DChess. Four dimensional game with 48 pieces. (4x(4x(4x4)), Cells: 256) By Kevin Pacey.
- Open King 5*4DChess. Four dimensional game with 74 pieces. (5x(5x(5x5)), Cells: 625) By Kevin Pacey.
- Operational Chess. Wargame inspired variant played on a wide board. By Andy Thomas.
- Operational Chess 2. Large, wargame inspired variant with ranged pieces. By Andy Thomas.
- Operational Chess 2. Large, wargame inspired variant with ranged pieces. (17x11, Cells: 187) By Andy Thomas.
- Operations on Trafalgar Ocean. Missing description By Glenn Nicholls.
- Opposition Chess. Variant on 43 square board with sliding parts. (7x7, Cells: 43) By Uri Bruck.
- Optimized Chess - 8H x 10W. Missing description Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Omega Man.
- Optimum design of a Chess variant. Missing description By Namik Zade.
- Option Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: (zzo38) A. Black. Inventor: Paul Bonham.
- Option-Suicide Chess. You can optionally destroy your own pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By (zzo38) A. Black.
- Opulent Chess. Play this derivative of Grand Chess with additional jumping pieces (Lion and Wizard). By Greg Strong.
- Opulent Chess. A derivative of Grand Chess with additional jumping pieces (Lion and Wizard). (10x10, Cells: 100) By Greg Strong.
- Opulent Chess . Zillions file for Opulent Chess. By Greg Strong.
- Opulent Lemurian Shatranj. Joe Joyce's Shaman and Hero pieces are on a large board. By David Paulowich.
- Opulent Lemurian Shatranj. Joe Joyce's Shaman and Hero pieces are now on a larger board. (10x10, Cells: 100) By David Paulowich.
- Orda Chess. Asymmetric variant where one army has pieces that move like knights but capture differently. By Daniel Lee.
- Orda Mirror. Symmetric battle using the Horde armies from Orda Chess. By Daniel Lee.
- Origami Chess Set . Missing description Author: Joseph Wu.
- Original Kriegspiel. With help of a referee, two players move without knowing the moves of the opponent (captured piece types revealed). Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Henry Michael Temple.
- Orphan. Moves like a piece that attacks it. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: David L. Brown.
- Orphic Chess. Before the King is dropped the pieces can only capture. A very tactical and fast variant. By M Winther.
- Orphic Chess (with Elks). Before the King is dropped the pieces can only capture. A very tactical and fast variant, with Elks. By M Winther.
- Orthodia. Break your orthogonal and diagonal patterns! (Two versions). (8x8, Cells: 64) By Lev Grigoriev.
- Orwell Chess . Three player variant themed on George Orwell's 1984. By Glenn Overby II.
- Orwell Chess. Three player variant themed on George Orwell's 1984. (7x12, Cells: 84) By Glenn Overby II.
- Óskar's 3dchess. Missing description (5x(8x8), Cells: 320) By Hafsteinn Kjartansson.
- Óskar's 3dchess version 2. Missing description (5x(8x8), Cells: 320) By Hafsteinn Kjartansson.
- Ouk Chatrang (Cambodian Chess) . Part of a document describing various Historical Chess Variants. Author: Nader Daou.
- Outback Chess. Play this game with new pieces on plus-shaped board. Winner of the 84-square contest! Author: Tony Quintanilla and Timothy R. Newton. Inventor: Timothy R. Newton.
- Outback Chess . New pieces on plus-shaped board. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Timothy R. Newton.
- Outback Chess. New pieces on plus-shaped board. (10x10, Cells: 84) By Timothy R. Newton.
- Outer Space Chess. Space-themed game with hyperspace and regular space boards. (2x(5x8), Cells: 43) By Nicholas Kuschinski.
- Outpost Chess. Win by occupying a designated square in enemy territory for one move. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Outrigger Chess. On 10 by 8 board, with several variants. (10x8, Cells: 80) By Ralph Betza.
- Overkill Chess. Paired pieces are compounds of 2 FIDE elements, King's partner of all three. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Charles Gilman.
- Overkill Ecumenical Chess. Compounds of 2, 3, and all 4 Wildebeest Chess elements. (9x10, Cells: 90) By Charles Gilman.
- OverKnight Chess. Pawns are replaced by Knights, which promote. Author: Tony Quintanilla
- OverKnight Chess. Pawns are replaced by Knights, which promote. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- OverKnight Chess. Pawns are replaced by Knights, which promote. Author: Ed Friedlander.
- Overprotection Chess. If an attacked piece is more often defended than it is attacked, it gains extra powers. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
- Overyang. Variant using compounds of Yang Qi pieces. (11x13, Cells: 143) By Charles Gilman.
- Oxford History of Board Games. Describes board games from their ancient inception to the present day. Author: David Parlett.
- Oxybeles Chess. The Oxybeles can sling a piece to the farthest square in the movement direction (+zrf). By M Winther.
- Oxybeles Chess. Introducing the exceptional Oxybeles piece, which can hurl pieces over its head, on a Gustavian board (zrf available). By M Winther.
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