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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'NewsItem' AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
2006 World Chess Variants Championship on-line. World Chess Variants Championship. By Stephen R. Stockman.
Announcement Circular Chess World Championship 2004. Missing description
Award from ChessAward.Org. Chessvariants.com named 'Great Chess Resource'.
Board Image Utility. A web based application being developed on the Chess Variants Wiki that creates images of CV boards and positions. By Graeme C Neatham.
Circular Chess Championship for 2002 Announced. Missing description Author: Rob Stevens.
Circular Chess Tournament for 2005. 10th Anniversary World Circular Chess Tournament. Author: Dave Reynolds and Richard Orange.
Circular Chess World Championship 2003. Missing description
The CMG 7th Computer Olympiad (announcement). Missing description
David Pritchard. Death notice. Author: Mike Adams.
Dutch translations on the Chess Variant Pages. Missing description Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Fischer Random Chess News. News on Fischer Random Chess. Author: Modest Solans. Inventor: Robert J. Fischer.
A forum at chessvariants.com. A new place to discuss chess variants. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Gary Gygax. Announcement of Gary Gygax's death.
Hans Bodlaender resigns as editor-in-chief. Missing description Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Hexes chess. A new commercial hexagonal chess variant. Inventor: Mike Layfield.
Inventor of Stratomic to appear at International Games Fest. Runing from February 27 to March 3, 2002. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Janus Chess Blitz Tournament. Taking place in Saarbruecken on March, 1st 2002. Author: Jörg Knappen.
Major FUN's Daily Briefings. Article on the Chess Variant Pages. Author: Bernie 'Major Fun' DeKoven.
New sets of Exchess (Superchess). Announcement of sets of chess variant pieces. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Henk van Haeringen.
News on Superchess. A championship in combination with Corus chess, and a third set of pieces. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Henk van Haeringen.
News: D. B. Pritchard asks for information. Missing description Author: David B. Pritchard.
Superchess in Corus Chess tournament. Missing description Inventor: Henk van Haeringen.
Three-players Chess. Newspaper announcement of three player chess. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Tony Quintanilla is a new Father!. Our Chess Variant Pages editor's new creation! Author: David Howe. Inventor: Tony Quintanilla.
WGRCV. WGR Index of Chess Variants.
Zillions of Games 2.0.1 Released. Missing description By Jeff Mallett.