; ABC CHESS ; By JEFF 'CAVEBEAR' STROUD ; A CHESS VARIANT with DIFFERENT ARMIES ; Each side has a king and seven different pieces ; Inspired by Scirocco [Adrian King] and ; *** Chess with Different Armies ; *** game of Ralph Betza, ZRF by Peter Aronson ; *** Version for 1st Email Championship Chess with Different Armies ; Credits for Chess with Different Armies: ; V.1.0 Original Coding [for Chess with Different Armies] ; V.1.1 Added Joao Pedro Neto's piece graphics ; Credits (and blame) for ABC Chess: ; Coding [for ABC Chess] by Jeff 'Cavebear' Stroud ; Some additional coding by Peter Aronson on Pawn Promotion ; ; You need to purchase Zillions of Games to load this rules file ; Visit the Zillions web site at http://www.zillions-of-games.com ; ; Regular and not-so-regular movement macros (define add-and-flag (set-attribute can-castle? false) add ) (define step1 ( $1 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define step2 ( $1 (verify empty?) $2 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define leap2 ( $1 $2 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define leap3 ( $1 $2 $3 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define move1 ( $1 (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) )) (define moveleap2 ( $1 $2 (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) )) (define slide ( $1 (while empty? (add-and-flag) $1) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define captureslide ( $1 (while empty? $1) (verify enemy?) (add-and-flag) )) (define stuka2 ( $1 $1 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) (verify empty?) $2 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define stuka3 ( $1 $1 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) (verify empty?) $1 (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) (verify empty?) $2 (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) )) (define slide2 ( $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $1 ) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define slide4 ( $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $1 ) ) ) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define hookslide2 ( $1 $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $2 ) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define hookslide3 ( $1 $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $2 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $3 ) ) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define hookslide4 ( $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $1 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $2 (if empty? (add-and-flag) $2 ) ) ) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) (define skating ( $1 $2 (while empty? (add-and-flag) $3) (verify not-friend?) (add-and-flag) )) ; end of custom move macros ; standard pawn and castling macros (define O-O ( (verify can-castle?) e ; KB1 (verify empty?) e ; KN1 (verify empty?) cascade e ; KR1 (verify (and friend? can-castle?) ) from back ; K1 ; Save expensive not-attacked?s for last (verify not-attacked?) e ; KB1 (verify not-attacked?) to (set-attribute can-castle? false) ; We could check if KN1 is attacked too, but this isn't ; really necessary since Zillions doesn't allow any moves ; into check e ; KN1 (set-attribute can-castle? false) add ) ) (define O-O-O ( (verify can-castle?) w ; Q1 (verify empty?) w ; QB1 (verify empty?) cascade w ; QN1 (verify empty?) w ; QR1 (verify (and friend? can-castle? (not-piece? Bede)) ) from back ; K1 ; Save expensive not-attacked?s for last (verify not-attacked?) w ; Q1 (verify not-attacked?) to (set-attribute can-castle? false) ; We could check if KN1 is attacked too, but this isn't ; really necessary since Zillions doesn't allow any moves ; into check w ; QB1 (set-attribute can-castle? false) add ) ) (define O-O-O-O ( (verify can-castle?) w ; Q1 (verify empty?) w ; QB1 (verify empty?) w ; QN1 (verify empty?) cascade w ; QR1 (verify (and friend? can-castle? (piece? Bede)) ) from back ; K1 ; Save expensive not-attacked?s for last (verify not-attacked?) w ; Q1 (verify not-attacked?) w ; B1 (verify not-attacked?) to (set-attribute can-castle? false) ; We could check if KN1 is attacked too, but this isn't ; really necessary since Zillions doesn't allow any moves ; into check w ; QB1 (set-attribute can-castle? false) add ) ) (define am-white (in-zone? promotion-zone a8)) (define Pawn-add (if (in-zone? promotion-zone) to (if (am-white) White-Hiring-Hall else Black-Hiring-Hall) (if (not-piece? Recruiter) (add Knight Bishop Rook Queen Amazon) else (if (not A-B-C-promotion?) (set-attribute A-B-C-promotion? true) (add Bishop Knight Wazir Alfil Rook Roc Chimera Manticore Bowman Musketeer Lancer WD Stormtrooper Stuka Panzer VLeaper SkatingB YRider Ballista) else (if (not AB-BC-AC-promotion?) (set-attribute AB-BC-AC-promotion? true) (add WazirKnight WazirBishop Cardinal FA FerzRook AlfilRook RocChimera RocManticore ChimeraManticore Chasseur Hussar Rifleman FerzKnight FerzWD WDKnight Paratrooper AirCav MechInfantry VLeaperSkatingB FVLeaper FSkatingB YRiderKnight BallistaKnight YRiderBallista Queen) else (add BlackKnight FARook RocChimMan Dragoon FerzWDKnight Elite Browning YRiderBallistaKnight Amazon) ) ) ) (go to) else add ) ) (define Pawn-move ( n (verify empty?) (Pawn-add) (verify (in-zone? third-rank)) n (verify empty?) add ) ) (define Pawn-capture ( $1 (verify enemy?) (Pawn-add) ) ) (define En-Passant ( $1 (verify enemy?) (verify last-to?) (verify (piece? Pawn)) capture n to n (verify last-from?) add ) ) ; End of castling and pawn macros ; Piece-move macros (define F-moves (step1 nw) (step1 ne) (step1 sw) (step1 se) ) (define W-moves (step1 n) (step1 e) (step1 w) (step1 s) ) (define A-moves (leap2 nw nw) (leap2 ne ne) (leap2 sw sw) (leap2 se se) ) (define D-moves (leap2 n n) (leap2 e e) (leap2 w w) (leap2 s s) ) (define N-moves (leap2 n nw) (leap2 n ne) (leap2 s sw) (leap2 s se) (leap2 w nw) (leap2 e ne) (leap2 w sw) (leap2 e se) ) (define Z-moves (leap3 n nw nw) (leap3 n ne ne) (leap3 s sw sw) (leap3 s se se) (leap3 w nw nw) (leap3 e ne ne) (leap3 w sw sw) (leap3 e se se) ) (define Bowman-moves (move1 n) (move1 w) (move1 e) (move1 s) (captureslide nw) (captureslide ne) (captureslide sw) (captureslide se) ) (define Lancer-moves (leap2 n nw) (leap2 n ne) (leap2 s sw) (leap2 s se) (moveleap2 w nw) (moveleap2 w sw) (moveleap2 e ne) (moveleap2 e se) ) (define Musketeer-moves (move1 nw) (move1 sw) (move1 ne) (move1 se) (captureslide n) (captureslide e) (captureslide w) (captureslide s) ) (define YRider-moves (slide nw) (slide ne) (slide s) ) (define Ballista-moves (slide n) (step1 sw) (step1 se) ) (define VLeaper-moves (stuka2 n nw) (stuka2 n ne) (stuka2 w nw) (stuka2 e ne) (stuka2 w sw) (stuka2 e se) (stuka2 s sw) (stuka2 s se) ) (define SkatingB-moves (skating nw nw nw) (skating ne ne ne) (skating sw sw sw) (skating se se se) ) (define Stormtrooper-moves (step1 n) (step1 e) (step1 w) (step1 s) (step2 n nw) (step2 n ne) (step2 e ne) (step2 e se) (step2 s se) (step2 s sw) (step2 w sw) (step2 w nw) ) (define Panzer-moves (slide2 nw) (slide2 ne) (slide2 se) (slide2 sw) ) (define Stuka-moves (leap2 n n) (leap2 e e) (leap2 w w) (leap2 s s) ) ; End of Piece-move macros ; Start of Game (define Board-Definitions (image "images\Chess\Chess8x8.bmp") (grid (start-rectangle 5 5 53 53) (dimensions ("a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h" (49 0)) ; files ("8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1" (0 49)) ; ranks ) (directions (n 0 -1) (e 1 0) (s 0 1) (w -1 0) (ne 1 -1) (nw -1 -1) (se 1 1) (sw -1 1) ) ) (dummy White-Hiring-Hall Black-Hiring-Hall) (symmetry Black (n s)(s n) (ne se)(sw nw) (nw sw)(se ne)) (zone (name promotion-zone) (players White) (positions a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8) ) (zone (name promotion-zone) (players Black) (positions a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1) ) (zone (name third-rank) (players White) (positions a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3) ) (zone (name third-rank) (players Black) (positions a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6) ) ) (game (title "ABC CHESS Army1 (BNW) vs Army1") (description "ABC CHESS is played on a normal 8x8 chessboard. Each side has an army composed of a King, 8 Pawns, and 7 other pieces. Imagine three different pieces whose moves do not overlap. Call these pieces A, B, and C. Now let there be three pieces whose moves are a combination of a pair of A, B, and C above. Call these pieces AB, AC, and BC. Now let there be a piece whose moves are a combination of all three pieces A, B, and C. Call this piece ABC. Set up white pieces from a1 to h1 as follows: a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 ABC BC AC C K A B AB Set up white pawns on a2 to h2. Set up black pieces to mirror white's pieces.") (history "ABC CHESS invented by CAVEBEAR during 2001") (win-sound "Audio\Orchestra_CF.wav") (loss-sound "Audio\Orchestra_FC.wav") (click-sound "Audio\Pickup.wav") (release-sound "Audio\WoodThunk.wav") (players White Black) (turn-order White Black) (pass-turn false) (recycle-promotions true) ; This allows us to control what pawns promote to ; by ; what is specified in off clauses in ; board-setup block. (board (Board-Definitions)) (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (BlackKnight a8 off 6) (WazirKnight b8 off 1) (WazirBishop c8 off 1) (Wazir d8 off 1) (King e8) (Bishop f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (Cardinal h8 off 1) ) ) ; Start of piece definitions ; Special pieces (piece (name Recruiter) (description "Controls promotions.") (attribute A-B-C-promotion? false) (attribute AB-BC-AC-promotion? false) ) (piece (name FIDE-Recruiter) (description "Controls promotions.") (attribute A-B-C-promotion? true) (attribute AB-BC-AC-promotion? true) ) ; Pawns (piece (name Pawn) (help "Pawn: moves forward, captures diagonally, can promote on 8th row") (description "Pawn\A Pawn can move straight ahead one square, or two squares from its starting position. A Pawn captures by moving one square ahead and diagonally. If a Pawn reaches the far rank it promotes, changing into any non-pawn piece other than the King that started on the board on either side. The Pawn also execute a move called `En Passant`, or `in passing`. This allows a Pawn to take an enemy Pawn that has just moved two squares.") (image White "images\Chess\wpawn.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bpawn.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Pawn-capture nw) (Pawn-capture ne) (Pawn-move) (En-Passant e) (En-Passant w) ) ) ; Knight equivalents ; Alternate Armies piece definitions left in for players who wish to edit ; International (piece (name Knight) (help "Knight: moves like an `L`, 2 squares one way and one the other") (description "Knight\A Knight moves like an `L`, two squares vertically plus one horizontally, or two squares horizontally plus one vertically. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\wknight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bknight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name Fibnif) (help "Fibnif: 1 space diagonal or jump 2 forward/back and 1 outward") (description "Fibnif\A Fibnif either takes on step diagonally, or jumps two squares forward and one outward, or jumps two squares back and one square outward. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\chess\wfibnif.bmp" Black "images\chess\bfibnif.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (step1 ne) (step1 nw) (step1 se) (step1 sw) (leap2 n ne) (leap2 n nw) (leap2 s se) (leap2 s sw) ) ) (piece (name Waffle) (help "Waffle: 1 space orthogonal or jump 2 diagonally") (description "Waffle\A Waffle either takes one step orthogonally, or jumps two squares diagonally. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\wwazalf.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bwazalf.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (step1 n) (step1 w) (step1 s) (step1 e) (leap2 ne ne) (leap2 nw nw) (leap2 se se) (leap2 sw sw) ) ) (piece (name Woody-Rook) (help "Woody-Rook: 1 space orthogonal or jump 2 orthogonally") (description "Waffle\A Waffle either takes one step orthogonally, or jumps two squares orthogonally. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\wwoodyrook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bwoodyrook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (step1 n) (step1 w) (step1 s) (step1 e) (leap2 n n) (leap2 w w) (leap2 e e) (leap2 s s) ) ) ; Bishop Equivalents ; Alternate Armies piece definitions left in for players who wish to edit ; International (piece (name Bishop) (help "Bishop: slides diagonally any number of squares") (description "Bishop\A Bishop moves any number of squares on a diagonal. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\wbishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bbishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) (piece (name Forfnibakking) (help "Forfnibakking: jumps like Knight forward, steps 1 space to the 5 back and side squares") (description "Forfnibakking\A Forfnibakking can make any of the four forward Knight's moves, jumping two forward and one outward or one forward and two outward, or may step a single square left, right, back or on the back diagonals. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\wForfnibakking.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bForfnibakking.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (leap2 n ne) (leap2 n nw) (leap2 e ne) (leap2 w nw) (step1 e) (step1 w) (step1 se) (step1 sw) (step1 s) ) ) (piece (name FAD) (help "FAD: steps 1 space diagonally, or jumps two on any Queen-line") (description "FAD\A FAD can either step one square diagonally, or it can hop two squares orthogonally or diagonally. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\wferalfda.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bferalfda.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (leap2 n n) (leap2 nw nw) (leap2 w w) (leap2 sw sw) (leap2 s s) (leap2 se se) (leap2 e e) (leap2 ne ne) (step1 ne) (step1 nw) (step1 se) (step1 sw) ) ) (piece (name Half-Duck) (help "Half-Duck: steps 1 space diagonally, or jumps 2 or 3 orthogonally") (description "FAD\A FAD can either step one square diagonally, or it can hop two or three squares orthogonally. It hops over any pieces on the way.") (image White "images\Chess\whalfduck.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bhalfduck.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (leap2 n n) (leap3 n n n) (leap2 w w) (leap3 w w w) (leap2 s s) (leap3 s s s) (leap2 e e) (leap3 e e e) (step1 ne) (step1 nw) (step1 se) (step1 sw) ) ) ; Rook equivalents ; Alternate Armies piece definitions left in for players who wish to edit ; International (piece (name Rook) (help "Rook: slides any number of squares along the row or column.") (description "Rook\A Rook moves any number of squares orthogonally on a rank or a file. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\wrook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\brook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (slide n) (slide e) (slide s) (slide w) ) ) (piece (name Furlrurlbakking) (help "Furlrurlbakking: slides any number of spaces forward, left or right, steps 1 back or diagonally back.") (description "Furlrurlbakking\A Furlrurlbakking moves any number of squares forward, left or right, or one step backwards or diagonally backwards. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\wFurlrurlbakking.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bFurlrurlbakking.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (slide n) (slide e) (slide w) (step1 se) (step1 s) (step1 sw) ) ) (piece (name Bede) (help "Bede: slides diagonally any number of spaces, or jumps 2 orthogonally") (description "Bede\A Bede moves any number of squares on a diagonal, or may jump two spaces orthogonally. It may not leap over other pieces when sliding, but may when jumping.") (image White "images\chess\wbidabba.bmp" Black "images\chess\bbidabba.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (leap2 n n) (leap2 s s) (leap2 e e) (leap2 w w) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) (piece (name Short-Rook) (help "Short-Rook: slides up to 4 spaces along the row or column.") (description "Short-Rook\A Short-Rook moves up to four squares orthogonally on a rank or a file. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\wshortrook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bshortrook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (slide4 n) (slide4 e) (slide4 s) (slide4 w) ) ) ; Queen equivalents ; Alternate Armies piece definitions left in for players who wish to edit ; International (piece (name Queen) (help "Queen: can slide any number of squares in any direction") (description "Queen\A Queen moves any number of squares in a straight line. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\wqueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bqueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (slide n) (slide e) (slide s) (slide w) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) (piece (name Amazon) (help "Amazon: can slide any number of squares in any direction, or leap as a knight") (description "Amazon\An Amazon moves any number of squares in a straight line, or it may leap as a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\wqueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bqueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (slide n) (slide e) (slide s) (slide w) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name Forfnifurlrurking) (help "Forfnifurlrurking: 1 space in any direction, forward like a Knight, sideways or forward any distance.") (description "Forfnifurlrurking\A Forfnifurlrurking can make any of the four forward Knight's moves, jumping two forward and one outward or one forward and two outward, or may step a single square in any direction, or may slide any number of spaces forward or to the side. It hops over any pieces on the way when jumping like a Knight, but not otherwise.") (image White "images\Chess\wForfnifurlrurking.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bForfnifurlrurking.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (leap2 n ne) (leap2 n nw) (leap2 e ne) (leap2 w nw) (step1 se) (step1 sw) (step1 ne) (step1 nw) (step1 s) (slide n) (slide e) (slide w) ) ) (piece (name Cardinal) (help "Cardinal: slides diagonally any number of spaces, or jumps like a Knight") (description "Cardinal\A Cardinal moves any number of squares on a diagonal, or jumps like a Knight. It may not leap over other pieces when sliding, but may when jumping.") (image White "images\Chess\wknightbishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bknightbishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (leap2 n ne) (leap2 n nw) (leap2 s se) (leap2 s sw) (leap2 e ne) (leap2 e se) (leap2 w nw) (leap2 w sw) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) (piece (name Chancellor) (help "Chancellor: slides orthogonally any number of spaces, or jumps like a Knight") (description "Chancellor\A Chancellor moves any number of squares orthogonally, or jumps like a Knight. It may not leap over other pieces when sliding, but may when jumping.") (image White "images\Chess\wknightrook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bknightrook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (leap2 n ne) (leap2 n nw) (leap2 s se) (leap2 s sw) (leap2 e ne) (leap2 e se) (leap2 w nw) (leap2 w sw) (slide n) (slide s) (slide e) (slide w) ) ) ; Royal pieces (piece (name King) (help "King: steps 1 square in any direction to a safe square") (description "King\A King can move to any adjacent square, but never to a square where it can be captured. It may also `castle` with the piece that starts in the corner if neither the piece nor King has moved yet and there is nothing in between them. In castling the King moves two squares nearer the other piece and the other piece leaps to the far side of the King. You may not castle out of or through check, or if the King or other piece involved has previously moved.") (image White "images\Chess\wking.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bking.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (step1 n) (step1 e) (step1 s) (step1 w) (step1 ne) (step1 nw) (step1 se) (step1 sw) (O-O) (O-O-O) (O-O-O-O) ) ) ; ABC Pieces ; Army 1 (Bishop-Knight-Wazir) ; The first of my ABC armies and one which is not too exotic. (piece (name Wazir) (help "Wazir: one square along the row or column.") (description "Wazir\A Wazir moves one square orthogonally on a rank or a file.") (image White "images\Chess\wrook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\brook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) ) ) ; The Bishop and the Knight are already defined (piece (name WazirKnight) (help "WazirKnight: one square along the row or column, or leaps like a knight.") (description "WazirKnight\A WazirKnight moves one square orthogonally on a rank or a file, or it leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (N-moves) ) ) ; This next piece is called a Horseman in my other chess variants (piece (name WazirBishop) (help "WazirBishop: one square along the row or column.") (description "WazirBishop\A WazirBishop (or Horseman) moves one square orthogonally on a rank or a file. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) ; The BishopKnight is already defined as a Cardinal (piece (name BlackKnight) (help "BlackKnight: combines the powers of a bishop, knight, and wazir.") (description "BlackKnight\A BlackKnight moves one square orthogonally on a rank or a file. It may also move diagonally as a bishop, or leap like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (W-moves) (N-moves) (slide ne) (slide nw) (slide se) (slide sw) ) ) ; End of Army 1 ; Army 2 (Ferz-Alfil-Rook) ; (piece (name Ferz) (help "Ferz: one square diagonally.") (description "Ferz\A Ferz moves one square diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\wbishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\bbishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) ) ) (piece (name Alfil) (help "Alfil: leaps two squares diagonally.") (description "Alfil\A Alfil leaps two squares diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (A-moves) ) ) ; The Rook is already defined (piece (name FA) (help "FA: leaps one or two squares diagonally.") (description "FA\A FerzAlfil leaps one or two squares diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (A-moves) ) ) (piece (name FerzRook) (help "FerzRook: Slides orthogonally as a rook, or steps one square diagonally.") (description "FerzRook\A FerzRook slides orthogonally as a rook, or steps one square diagonally. It may not leap over other pieces.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (slide e) (slide n) (slide s) (slide w) ) ) (piece (name AlfilRook) (help "AlfilRook: Slides orthogonally as a rook, or leaps two squares diagonally.") (description "AlfilRook\An AlfilRook slides orthogonally as a rook, or leaps two squares diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (A-moves) (slide e) (slide n) (slide s) (slide w) ) ) (piece (name FARook) (help "FARook: Slides orthogonally as a rook, or leaps one or two squares diagonally.") (description "FARook\A FARook slides orthogonally as a rook, or leaps one or two squares diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (A-moves) (slide e) (slide n) (slide s) (slide w) ) ) ; End of Army 2 ; Army 3 The Beasts (FmZ-WmC-DmAm3-3) ; EC Army 7 (piece (name Roc) (help "Roc: moves one square diagonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 L away.") (description "Roc\A Roc moves one square diagonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name Chimera) (help "Chimera: moves one square orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-1 L away.") (description "Chimera\A Chimera moves one square orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-1 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name Manticore) (help "Manticore: leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a diagonally two or three squares.") (description "Manticore\A Manticore leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a diagonally two or three squares.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocChimera) (help "RocChimera: moves one square in any direction, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 or 3-1 L away.") (description "RocChimera\A RocChimera moves one square in any direction, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 or 3-1 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocManticore) (help "RocManticore: moves one square diagonally, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (description "RocManticore: moves one square diagonally, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name ChimeraManticore) (help "ChimeraManticore: leaps one or two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, or 3-3 L away.") (description "ChimeraManticore\A ChimeraManticore leaps one or two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocChimMan) (help "RocChimeraManticore: moves one square in any direction, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (description "RocChimeraManticore\A RocChimeraManticore moves one square in any direction, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (D-moves) (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) ; End of Army 3 ; Army 4 Archers (mWcB-mFcR-mNcfbN) (piece (name Bowman) (help "Bowman: moves one square orthogonally, but captures as a bishop.") (description " Bowman\A Bowman moves one square orthogonally, but captures as a bishop.") (image White "images\Chess\WBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Bowman-moves) ) ) (piece (name Musketeer) (help "Musketeer: moves one square diagonally, but captures as a rook.") (description "Musketeer\A Musketeer moves one square diagonally, but captures as a rook.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Musketeer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Lancer) (help "Lancer: moves as a knight, but captures as a narrow knight.") (description " Lancer\A Lancer moves as a knight, but captures as a narrow knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Lancer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Chasseur) (help "Chasseur: combination of Bowman and Lancer.") (description "Chasseur\A Chasseur is a combination of Bowman and Lancer.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (Bowman-moves) (Lancer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Hussar) (help "Hussar: combination of Musketeer and Lancer.") (description " Hussar\A Hussar is a combination of Musketeer and Lancer.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Musketeer-moves) (Lancer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Rifleman) (help "Rifleman: combination of Bowman and Musketeer.") (description "Rifleman\A Rifleman is a combination of Bowman and Musketeer.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Bowman-moves) (Musketeer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Dragoon) (help "Dragoon: combination of Bowman, Musketeer, and Lancer.") (description "Dragoon\A Dragoon is a combination of Bowman, Musketeer, and Lancer.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (Bowman-moves) (Musketeer-moves) (Lancer-moves) ) ) ; end of Army 4 'Archers' ; Army 5 'Short Leapers' (F-N-WD) ; The Ferz is already defined ; The Knight is already defined (piece (name WD) (help "WD: leaps one or two squares orthogonally.") (description "WD\A WD.") (image White "images\chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (D-moves) ) ) (piece (name FerzKnight) (help "FerzKnight: one square along the row or column, or leaps like a knight.") (description "FerzKnight\A FerzKnight moves one square diagonally, or it leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name FerzWD) (help "FerzWD: Leaps orthogonally one or two squares, or steps one square diagonally.") (description "FerzWD\A FerzWD leaps orthogonally one or two squares, or steps one square diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (W-moves) (D-moves) ) ) (piece (name WDKnight) (help "WDKnight: leaps one or two squares along the row or column, or leaps like a knight.") (description "WDKnight\A WDKnight leaps one or two squares orthogonally on a rank or a file, or it leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (D-moves) (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name FerzWDKnight) (help "FerzWDKnight: one square diagonally, or leaps one or two squares along the row or column, or leaps like a knight.") (description "FerzWDKnight\A FerzWDKnight moves one square diagonally, or it leaps one or two squares orthogonally on a rank or a file, or it leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (W-moves) (D-moves) (N-moves) ) ) ; end of Army 5 'Short Leapers' ; Army 6 'Short Sliders' ; The dreaded SS Army! ; An whimsical and slow ABC piece mix. (piece (name Stormtrooper) (help "Stormtrooper: slides one square orthogonally like a wazir; if that square is empty, may continue on one square diagonally to a square a knight's move away from the starting square.") (description "Stormtrooper\A Stormtrooper slides one square orthogonally like a wazir; if that square is empty, may continue on one square diagonally to a square a knight's move away from the starting square.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Stormtrooper-moves) ) ) (piece (name Stuka) (help "Stuka: leaps two squares orthogonally like a dababba.") (description "Stuka\A Stuka leaps two squares orthogonally like a dababba.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Stuka-moves) ) ) (piece (name Panzer) (help "Panzer: slides up to two squares diagonally.") (description "Panzer\A Panzer slides up to two squares diagonally.") (image White "images\Chess\WBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Panzer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Paratrooper) (help "Paratrooper: moves either as a Stormtrooper or as a Stuka.") (description "Paratrooper\A Paratrooper moves either as a Stormtrooper or as a Stuka.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Stormtrooper-moves) (Stuka-moves) ) ) (piece (name AirCav) (help "AirCav: moves either as a Panzer or as a Stuka.") (description "AirCav\AirCav moves either as a Panzer or as a Stuka.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Panzer-moves) (Stuka-moves) ) ) (piece (name MechInfantry) (help "MechInfantry: moves either as a Stormtrooper or as a Panzer.") (description "MechInfantry\Mechanized Infantry moves either as a Stormtrooper or as a Panzer.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (Stormtrooper-moves) (Panzer-moves) ) ) (piece (name Elite) (help "Elite: moves either as a Stormtrooper, a Panzer, or a Stuka.") (description "Elite\The SS Elite moves either as a Stormtrooper, a Panzer, or a Stuka.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (Stormtrooper-moves) (Panzer-moves) (Stuka-moves) ) ) ; End of Army 6 'Short Sliders' ; Army 7 'Extremely Colourbound' (F-DskC-AskB) ; The Ferz is already defined (piece (name VLeaper) (help "VLeaper: leaps two squares orthogonally, and may skate one more square diagonally outward. ") (description " VLeaper\A VLeaper leaps two squares orthogonally, and may skate one more square diagonally outward.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (VLeaper-moves) ) ) (piece (name SkatingB) (help "SkatingB: leaps two squares diagonally, and may skate diagonally outward any number of squares without further leaps.") (description "SkatingB\A Skating Bishop leaps two squares diagonally, and may skate diagonally outward any number of squares without further leaps.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (SkatingB-moves) ) ) (piece (name VLeaperSkatingB) (help "VLeaperSkatingB: combination of VLeaper and SkatingB.") (description "VLeaperSkatingB\A VLeaperSkatingB is a combination of VLeaper and SkatingB.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (VLeaper-moves) (SkatingB-moves) ) ) (piece (name FVLeaper) (help "FVLeaper: combination of Ferz and VLeaper.") (description "FVLeaper\A Ferz VLeaper is a combination of Ferz and VLeaper.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (VLeaper-moves) ) ) (piece (name FSkatingB) (help "FSkatingB: combination of Ferz and SkatingB.") (description "FSkatingB\A Ferz Skating Bishop is a combination of Ferz and SkatingB.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (SkatingB-moves) ) ) (piece (name Browning) (help "Browning: combination of Ferz, VLeaper, and SkatingB.") (description "Browning\Browning is a combination of Ferz, VLeaper, and SkatingB.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (VLeaper-moves) (SkatingB-moves) ) ) ; End of Army 7 'EC' ; Army 8 (YRider-Ballista-Knight) ; The YRider is apparently better known as a Falcon (piece (name YRider) (help "YRider: slides diagonally forwards or orthogonally backwards.") (description "YRider\A Yrider slides diagonally forwards or orthogonally backwards.") (image White "images\Chess\WBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (YRider-moves) ) ) (piece (name Ballista) (help "Ballista: slides orthogonally forwards or steps one square diagonally backwards.") (description "Ballista\A Ballista slides orthogonally forwards or steps one square diagonally backwards.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Ballista-moves) ) ) ; The Knight is already defined (piece (name YRiderKnight) (help "YRiderKnight: slides diagonally forwards or orthogonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (description "YRiderKnight\A YriderKnight slides diagonally forwards or orthogonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (YRider-moves) (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name BallistaKnight) (help "BallistaKnight: slides orthogonally forward or steps one square diagonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (description "BallistaKnight\A BallistaKnight slides orthogonally forward or steps one square diagonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (Ballista-moves) (N-moves) ) ) (piece (name YRiderBallista) (help "YRiderBallista: slides diagonally forward or orthogonally forward or backward or steps one square diagonally backwards.") (description "YRiderBallista\A YriderBallista slides diagonally forward or orthogonally forward or backward or steps one square diagonally backwards.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (YRider-moves) (Ballista-moves) ) ) (piece (name YRiderBallistaKnight) (help "YRiderBallistaKnight: slides diagonally forward or orthogonally forward or backward or steps one square diagonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (description "YRiderBallistaKnight\A YriderBallistaKnight slides diagonally forward or orthogonally forward or backward or steps one square diagonally backwards, or leaps like a knight.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (YRider-moves) (Ballista-moves) (N-moves) ) ) ; End of Army 4 ; EC Army 7 (piece (name Roc) (help "Roc: moves one square diagonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 L away.") (description "Roc\A Roc moves one square diagonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name Chimera) (help "Chimera: moves one square orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-1 L away.") (description "Chimera\A Chimera moves one square orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 3-1 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name Manticore) (help "Manticore: leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a diagonally two or three squares.") (description "Manticore\A Manticore leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a diagonally two or three squares.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnight.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnight.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocChimera) (help "RocChimera: moves one square in any direction, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 or 3-1 L away.") (description "RocChimera\A RocChimera moves one square in any direction, or leaps without capturing a 3-2 or 3-1 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WQueen.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BQueen.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (F-moves) (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocManticore) (help "RocManticore: moves one square diagonally, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (description "RocManticore: moves one square diagonally, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightBishop.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightBishop.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name ChimeraManticore) (help "ChimeraManticore: leaps one or two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, or 3-3 L away.") (description "ChimeraManticore\A ChimeraManticore leaps one or two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WKnightRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BKnightRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? false) (moves (W-moves) (D-moves) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) (piece (name RocChimMan) (help "RocChimeraManticore: moves one square in any direction, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (description "RocChimeraManticore\A RocChimeraManticore moves one square in any direction, leaps two squares orthogonally, or leaps without capturing a 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, or 3-3 L away.") (image White "images\Chess\WDownRook.bmp" Black "images\Chess\BDownRook.bmp") (attribute can-castle? true) (moves (F-moves) (D-moves) (W-moves) (n n nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n n ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w w sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e e se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s s se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (nw nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (ne ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (sw sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (se se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (n ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w nw nw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e ne ne (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (w sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (e se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s sw sw (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) (s se se (verify empty?) (add-and-flag) ) ) ) ; End of ABC pieces (loss-condition (White Black) (checkmated King) ) ) ; end of main programme ; Variants start here (variant (title "Army 2 (FAR) vs Army 2") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Alfil d8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (Rook f8 off 1) (FA b8 off 1) (AlfilRook c8 off 1) (FerzRook h8 off 1) (FARook a8 off 6) (King e8) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 3 (Beast) vs Army 3") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (RocChimMan a1 off 6) (ChimeraManticore b1 off 1) (RocChimera c1 off 1) (Chimera d1 off 1) (King e1) (Roc f1 off 1) (Manticore g1 off 1) (RocManticore h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (RocChimMan a8 off 6) (ChimeraManticore b8 off 1) (RocChimera c8 off 1) (Chimera d8 off 1) (King e8) (Roc f8 off 1) (Manticore g8 off 1) (RocManticore h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 4 (Archer) vs Army 4") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Dragoon a1 off 6) (Hussar b1 off 1) (Rifleman c1 off 1) (Musketeer d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bowman f1 off 1) (Lancer g1 off 1) (Chasseur h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Dragoon a8 off 6) (Hussar b8 off 1) (Rifleman c8 off 1) (Musketeer d8 off 1) (King e8) (Bowman f8 off 1) (Lancer g8 off 1) (Chasseur h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 5 (Short Leaper) vs Army 5") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (FerzWDKnight a1 off 6) (WDKnight b1 off 1) (FerzWD c1 off 1) (WD d1 off 1) (King e1) (Ferz f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (FerzKnight h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (FerzWDKnight a8 off 6) (WDKnight b8 off 1) (FerzWD c8 off 1) (WD d8 off 1) (King e8) (Ferz f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (FerzKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 6 (Short Slider) vs Army 6") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Elite a1 off 6) (Paratrooper b1 off 1) (AirCav c1 off 1) (Stuka d1 off 1) (King e1) (Panzer f1 off 1) (Stormtrooper g1 off 1) (MechInfantry h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Elite a8 off 6) (Paratrooper b8 off 1) (AirCav c8 off 1) (Stuka d8 off 1) (King e8) (Panzer f8 off 1) (Stormtrooper g8 off 1) (MechInfantry h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 7 (EC) vs Army 7") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (VLeaperSkatingB c1 off 1) (FVLeaper b1 off 1) (FSkatingB h1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (King e1) (SkatingB f1 off 1) (VLeaper d1 off 1) (Browning a1 off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (VLeaperSkatingB c8 off 1) (FVLeaper b8 off 1) (FSkatingB h8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (King e8) (SkatingB f8 off 1) (VLeaper d8 off 1) (Browning a8 off 6) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 8 (YBalKt) vs Army 8") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (YRiderBallistaKnight a1 off 6) (BallistaKnight b1 off 1) (YRiderBallista c1 off 1) (Ballista d1 off 1) (King e1) (YRider f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (YRiderKnight h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (YRiderBallistaKnight a8 off 6) (BallistaKnight b8 off 1) (YRiderBallista c8 off 1) (Ballista d8 off 1) (King e8) (YRider f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (YRiderKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) ; End of ABC Armies vs same ; Standard International vs ABC Armies (variant (title "Standard vs Army 1") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (BlackKnight a8 off 6) (WazirKnight b8 off 1) (WazirBishop c8 off 1) (Wazir d8 off 1) (Bishop f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (Cardinal h8 off 1) (King e8) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 2") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Alfil d8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (Rook f8 off 1) (FA b8 off 1) (AlfilRook c8 off 1) (FerzRook h8 off 1) (FARook a8 off 6) (King e8) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 3") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (RocChimMan a8 off 6) (ChimeraManticore b8 off 1) (RocChimera c8 off 1) (Chimera d8 off 1) (King e8) (Roc f8 off 1) (Manticore g8 off 1) (RocManticore h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 4") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Dragoon a8 off 6) (Hussar b8 off 1) (Rifleman c8 off 1) (Musketeer d8 off 1) (King e8) (Bowman f8 off 1) (Lancer g8 off 1) (Chasseur h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 5") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (FerzWDKnight a8 off 8) (WDKnight b8 off 1) (FerzWD c8 off 1) (WD d8 off 1) (King e8) (Ferz f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (FerzKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 6") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Elite a8 off 6) (Paratrooper b8 off 1) (AirCav c8 off 1) (Stuka d8 off 1) (King e8) (Panzer f8 off 1) (Stormtrooper g8 off 1) (MechInfantry h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 7") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (VLeaperSkatingB c8 off 1) (FVLeaper b8 off 1) (FSkatingB h8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (King e8) (SkatingB f8 off 1) (VLeaper d8 off 1) (Browning a8 off 6) ) ) ) (variant (title "Standard vs Army 8") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 1) (Bishop c1 f1 off 1) (Rook a1 h1 off 1) (Queen d1 off 1) (King e1) (Amazon off 6) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (YRiderBallistaKnight a8 off 6) (BallistaKnight b8 off 1) (YRiderBallista c8 off 1) (Ballista d8 off 1) (King e8) (YRider f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (YRiderKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) ; End of Standard vs ABC ; ABC Armies vs Standard International ; To add variant, remove ;s ;(variant ; (title "Army 1 vs Standard") ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Wazir d1) ; (Knight g1) ; (Bishop f1) ; (WazirKnight b1 off 1) ; (WazirBishop c1 off 1) ; (Cardinal h1) ; (BlackKnight a1) ; (King e1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Knight b8 g8 off 1) ; (Bishop c8 f8 off 1) ; (Rook a8 h8 off 1) ; (Queen d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; (Amazon off 8) ; ) ; ) ;) ;(variant ;(title "Army 2 vs Standard") ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Alfil d1) ; (Ferz g1) ; (Rook f1) ; (FA b1 off 8) ; (AlfilRook c1 off 8) ; (FerzRook h1 off 8) ; (FARook a1) ; (King e1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Knight b8 g8) ; (Bishop c8 f8) ; (Rook a8 h8) ; (Queen d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; ) ; ) ;) ;(variant ; (title "Army 3 vs Standard") ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (RocChimMan a1) ; (ChimeraManticore b1 off 1) ; (RocChimera c1 off 1) ; (Chimera d1) ; (King e1) ; (Roc f1) ; (Manticore g1) ; (RocManticore h1 off 1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Knight b8 g8) ; (Bishop c8 f8) ; (Rook a8 h8) ; (Queen d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; (Amazon off 8) ; ) ; ) ;) ;(variant ;(title "Army 8 vs Standard") ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (YRiderBallistaKnight a1) ; (BallistaKnight b1 off 8) ; (YRiderBallista c1 off 8) ; (Ballista d1) ; (King e1) ; (YRider f1) ; (Knight g1) ; (YRiderKnight h1 off 8) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Knight b8 g8) ; (Bishop c8 f8) ; (Rook a8 h8) ; (Queen d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; ) ; ) ;) ; End of Standard vs ABC ; ABC Armies vs each other (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 2") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 8) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Alfil d8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (Rook f8 off 1) (FA b8 off 1) (AlfilRook c8 off 1) (FerzRook h8 off 1) (FARook a8 off 6) (King e8) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 3") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 8) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (RocChimMan a8 off 6) (ChimeraManticore b8 off 1) (RocChimera c8 off 1) (Chimera d8 off 1) (King e8) (Roc f8 off 1) (Manticore g8 off 1) (RocManticore h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 4") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Dragoon a8 off 6) (Hussar b8 off 1) (Rifleman c8 off 1) (Musketeer d8 off 1) (King e8) (Bowman f8 off 1) (Lancer g8 off 1) (Chasseur h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 5") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 8) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (FerzWDKnight a8 off 6) (WDKnight b8 off 1) (FerzWD c8 off 1) (WD d8 off 1) (King e8) (Ferz f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (FerzKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 6") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Elite a8 off 6) (Paratrooper b8 off 1) (AirCav c8 off 1) (Stuka d8 off 1) (King e8) (Panzer f8 off 1) (Stormtrooper g8 off 1) (MechInfantry h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 7") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (VLeaperSkatingB c8 off 1) (FVLeaper b8 off 1) (FSkatingB h8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (King e8) (SkatingB f8 off 1) (VLeaper d8 off 1) (Browning a8 off 6) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 1 vs Army 8") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (BlackKnight a1 off 6) (WazirKnight b1 off 1) (WazirBishop c1 off 1) (Wazir d1 off 1) (King e1) (Bishop f1 off 1) (Knight g1 off 1) (Cardinal h1 off 1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (YRiderBallistaKnight a8 off 6) (BallistaKnight b8 off 1) (YRiderBallista c8 off 1) (Ballista d8 off 1) (King e8) (YRider f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (YRiderKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 3") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (RocChimMan a8 off 6) (ChimeraManticore b8 off 1) (RocChimera c8 off 1) (Chimera d8 off 1) (King e8) (Roc f8 off 1) (Manticore g8 off 1) (RocManticore h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 4") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Dragoon a8 off 6) (Hussar b8 off 1) (Rifleman c8 off 1) (Musketeer d8 off 1) (King e8) (Bowman f8 off 1) (Lancer g8 off 1) (Chasseur h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 5") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (FerzWDKnight a8 off 6) (WDKnight b8 off 1) (FerzWD c8 off 1) (WD d8 off 1) (King e8) (Ferz f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (FerzKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 6") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 8) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Elite a8 off 6) (Paratrooper b8 off 1) (AirCav c8 off 1) (Stuka d8 off 1) (King e8) (Panzer f8 off 1) (Stormtrooper g8 off 1) (MechInfantry h8 off 1) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 7") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (VLeaperSkatingB c8 off 1) (FVLeaper b8 off 1) (FSkatingB h8 off 1) (Ferz g8 off 1) (King e8) (SkatingB f8 off 1) (VLeaper d8 off 1) (Browning a8 off 8) ) ) ) (variant (title "Army 2 vs Army 8") (board-setup (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Alfil d1 off 1) (Ferz g1 off 1) (Rook f1 off 1) (FA b1 off 1) (AlfilRook c1 off 1) (FerzRook h1 off 1) (FARook a1 off 6) (King e1) ) (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (YRiderBallistaKnight a8 off 6) (BallistaKnight b8 off 1) (YRiderBallista c8 off 1) (Ballista d8 off 1) (King e8) (YRider f8 off 1) (Knight g8 off 1) (YRiderKnight h8 off 1) ) ) ) ; For Auld Tymes' Sake: (variant (title "Fabulous FIDE's vs Fabulous FIDE's") (board-setup (White (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) (Knight b1 g1 off 8) (Bishop c1 f1 off 8) (Rook a1 h1 off 8) (Queen d1 off 8) (King e1) (Amazon off 8) ) (Black (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) (Knight b8 g8 off 8) (Bishop c8 f8 off 8) (Rook a8 h8 off 8) (Queen d8 off 8) (King e8) (Amazon off 8) ) ) ) ; To use variant remove ;s ;(variant ; (title "Colourbound Clobberers vs same") ; This variant uses the special graphics designed for ; Chess with Different Armies (Betza/Aronson/Neto) ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Waffle b1 g1) ; (FAD c1 f1) ; (Bede a1 h1) ; (Cardinal d1 off 8) ; (King e1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Waffle b8 g8) ; (FAD c8 f8) ; (Bede a8 h8) ; (Cardinal d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; ) ; ) ;) ; Other stuff ; To use variant remove ;s ;(variant ; (title "Colourbound Clobberers vs Army 1") ; This variant uses the special graphics designed for ; Chess with Different Armies (Betza/Aronson/Neto) ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Waffle b1 g1) ; (FAD c1 f1) ; (Bede a1 h1) ; (Cardinal d1 off 8) ; (King e1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (BlackKnight a8) ; (WazirKnight b8 off 8) ; (WazirBishop c8 off 8) ; (Wazir d8) ; (Bishop f8) ; (Knight g8) ; (Cardinal h8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; ) ; ) ;) ; To use variant remove ;s ;(variant ; (title "Colourbound Clobberers vs Army 2") ; This variant uses the special graphics designed for ; Chess with Different Armies (Betza/Aronson/Neto) ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Waffle b1 g1) ; (FAD c1 f1) ; (Bede a1 h1) ; (Cardinal d1 off 8) ; (King e1) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (FARook a8) ; (FA b8 off 8) ; (AlfilRook c8 off 8) ; (Alfil d8) ; (King e8) ; (Rook f8) ; (Ferz g8) ; (FerzRook h8 off 8) ; ) ; ) ;) ; To use variant remove ;s ;(variant ; (title "Army 6 vs Colourbound Clobberers") ; This variant uses the special graphics designed for ; Chess with Different Armies (Betza/Aronson/Neto) ; (board-setup ; (White (Recruiter White-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2) ; (Elite a1) ; (Paratrooper b1 off 8) ; (AirCav c1 off 8) ; (Stuka d1) ; (King e1) ; (Panzer f1) ; (Stormtrooper g1) ; (MechInfantry h1 off 8) ; ) ; (Black (Recruiter Black-Hiring-Hall) ; (Pawn a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7) ; (Waffle b8 g8) ; (FAD c8 f8) ; (Bede a8 h8) ; (Cardinal d8 off 8) ; (King e8) ; ) ; ) ;)