Wa Shogi pictures
Below are some pictures of a board and pieces for Wa Shogi, a large shogi variant played with or without drops. The set was aquired in 1985 from George Hodges (1934–2010).
The board is vinyl, about 18 x 19.5 inches (47.7 x 49.5 cm). The playing surface is approximately 14.375 x 15.5 inches (36.5 x 39.4 cm). The pieces are a dense yellow plastic, with the unpromoted rank written in black, and the promotion rank written in red. The Crane King is about 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) long.
The photos were taken with a Nikon COOLPIX 2000 digital camera.

Written by John Lawson. Modified by Fergus Duniho to note the death of George Hodges.
WWW page created: October 26, 2002.