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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'Piece' AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
All the King's Men. Page describing variant chess pieces.
Base Pieces and Templates.. Missing description
Bent Riders. A discussion of pieces, like the Gryphon, that take a step then move as riders.
Calculation of Piece Values
. Link to an essay on attack values, material values, relative piece values.
Complementarity - Part I. With Short Range Project in mind, list of a highly specific set of pieces defined by simplest compounds.
Crazy 38's: The Bishop. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The Gold General. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The King. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The Knight. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The Pawn. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The Rook. Missing description
Crazy 38's: The Silver General. Missing description
The Crooked Bishop. Missing description
The Crooked Bishop. Revisiting the Crooked Bishop.
Cupid Chess 3. Pieces trace out geometrical patterns suggested by the way they are designed.
Eurasian Pawn piece. A hybrid European and Asian Pawn.
Fairy Pieces Part 1. Missing description
Growing and Shrinking. Playing with the Size of Chess Pieces.
Halflings. Pieces that can travel at most half their usual distance.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 1). A discussion of the values of chess pieces.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 2). More on the value of Chess pieces.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 3). More on the value of Chess pieces.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 4). Additional details on the values of Chess pieces.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 5). A study of the value of Cannon-style jumpers.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 6). A study of the value of the Furlrurlbakking piece.
Index A to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter A.
Index B to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter B.
Index C 1 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter C followed by a-m.
Index C 2 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter C followed by o.
Index D to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter D.
Index E to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter E.
Index F to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter F.
Index G to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter G.
Index H to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter H.
Index I to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters I to K.
Index L to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter L.
Index M to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter M.
Index N to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter N.
Index O to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters O and Q.
Index P to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter P.
Index R to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter R.
Index S 1 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter S followed by A-I.
Index S 2 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter S followed by K-Y.
Index T to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter T.
Index U to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters U and V.
Index W to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters W to Z.
List of fairy pieces. A long list of fairy piece name and sources.
A List of Novelty Pieces. Lists unusual pieces with move descriptions.
Man and Beast 01: Constitutional Characters. Systematic naming of symmetric and forward-only coprime radial pieces.
Man and Beast 02: Shield Bearers. Systematic naming of divergent coprime radial pieces.
Man and Beast 03: From Ungulates Outward. Systematic naming of the simplest Oblique Pieces.
Man and Beast 04: Generalised Generals. Systematic naming of part-symmetric coprime radial pieces.
Man and Beast 05: Punning by Numbers. Systematic naming of coprime triaxial oblique pieces.
Man and Beast 06: The Heavy Brigade. Systematic naming of symmetric and forward-only non-coprime radial pieces.
Man and Beast 07: When Beasts Collide. Systematic naming of more complex oblique pieces.
Man and Beast 08: Diverse Directions. Systematic naming of symmetric pieces mixing radial and oblique components.
Man and Beast 09: Mighty Like a Rose. Systematic naming of pieces following Curved, Crooked, or Bent paths.
Man and Beast 10: The Hybrid Diagonal. Systematic naming of straight coprime hex-prism-specific radial pieces.
Man and Beast 11: Long-nosed Generals. Systematic naming of part-symmetric pieces with non-coprime components.
Man and Beast 12: Alternative Fronts. Systematic naming of pieces using complex mixes of forward, backward, and same-rank moves.
Man and Beast 13: Straight and Crooked Moving. Systematic naming of part-straight and more complex non-straight pieces.
Man and Beast 14: Oddly Oblique. Systematic naming of hex-specific coprime oblique pieces.
Man and Beast 15: Strengthened Across the Board. Systematic naming of pieces reinterpreting the concept of directions.
Man and Beast 16: Diverging Further. Systematic naming of more complex divergent pieces.
Man and Beast 17: Hex Heavies. Systematic naming of non-coprime hex-specific pieces.
Man and Beast 18: Complex Pieces with Simple Ratios. Systematic naming of compounds of oblique pieces with SOLLs in ratios of 1, 1½, 2, 3, and 6.
Man and Beast 19: The Vice Squad. Systematic naming of more complex pieces mixing radial and oblique moves.
Man and Beast 20: Far From Square. Systematic naming of more complex hex-specific pieces.
Man and Beast 21: Lords High Everything-Else. Systematic naming of pieces that do not fit in any of the other articles.
Man and Beast Overview and Glossary. Table summarising what piece characteristics Man and Beast articles cover, with glossary of terms used to describe pieces.
Mimics. Several pieces that can imitate the movement of other pieces.
The most generalized piece classification ever. Missing description
Multipath Chess Pieces. Suggests adding "multi-path" pieces to leapers and riders classification of pieces.
Multiple Displacers. A multiple displacer is a version of a piece that can capture enemy pieces partway along a longer move.
Nao. Moves like nightrider, but must jump when taking.
New 3D Leapers. Leapers restricted to the diagonal and triagonal patterns of the 3D field.
Positional 3-D Chess. 3D games using position to determine how to move from board to board.
The Prime Minister. Missing description
Rococo. Animated piece movement diagrams.
The ShortRange Project. Missing description
Spacious Pieces. Pieces that need a bit more open space to move.
Suffix Index to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of suffixes used in the Man and Beast series.
A Taxonomy. Categorizing several types of pieces.
The Crab: ffNbsN. Missing description
Thoughts on Chess with Different Pawns. The difficulties of composing Chess with Different Pawns.
Ultima Pieces. Illustrated guide to how Ultima Pieces capture.
Who is Who on Eight by Eight. A compilation of Zillions-estimated piece values on an 8x8 board.
Worse than Worthless. A discussion of pieces with negative value, and the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity!
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