Tagging is a crowd-sourced method for organizing the content of this site. You may add a tag to a page to indicate a category it belongs to, and this will link to a page that provides a description of the tag and lists every page with the same tag.
Tag Syntax
A tag begins with an alphanumeric, and every word is captitalized. Spaces may be used in tags, though tags will be stored without spaces, using a change from lower to upper case to indicate where a space goes. When displayed, the tag will be preceded by a # symbol, though this symbol is not stored in the name of the tag.
Tag Relations
There are two ways of indicating a parent/child relationship between tags. One way is to begin a child tag name with the name of its parent tag and a colon. For example, Goal:Race would automatically be treated as the child of the Goal tag. Parent names of this sort are built into a child tag and cannot be deleted without deleting the child tag. The other way is to add a parent to a tag. When you do this, it will tag the tag page with the name of the parent. When you go look at your own tags, you will see each of your tags followed by its tagged pages, which are like leaves, and its children, which are like branches. If two tags happen to be tagged to each other, which would make each the parent and the child of the other, they will simply be treated as related. This is appropriate for tags very close in meaning. Since any parents, children, or other relatives are listed on the page for a tag, it is not essential to apply parent tags to pages. The most approrpiate child tags will usually be enough.
Tag Guidelines
Since the main purpose of having tags is to organize the content of the site, there are some guidelines in place to makes sure tags are used for this purpose:
- Tags are not allowed on hidden or unpublished pages.
- Tags should be general enough to fit categories that may apply to multiple pages.
- Tags should be clear in meaning and applicable to the pages they are given to.
- Use the best and most applicable tag for the meaning you intend instead of multiple tags with the same meaning.
- Tags should be written entirely in ASCII characters.
- For the sake of better meeting these goals, tags are subject to editorial revision or deletion.
How to Tag a Page
To tag a page, make sure you are signed in, and go to the Tags section at the bottom of a page. There you will normally find a form for entering tags. To make it easier to reuse tags, the input field is connected to a datalist of current tag names. As you begin to type, matching suggestions will appear, though you are free to ignore them and create a new tag. When you do introduce a new tag, you will be prompted to go to its page and give it a description. A good description will make it clear what the tag is for and how it should be used.
Tags Listing
This is a list of all the tags for pages on this site. To see the individual pages with a tag, click on a tag to go to its Tag Info page.
- 12X10Board (11)
- 16X16Board (1)
- 3DBoard (33)
- 3DChess Game On Two Boards (7) Played On A 3D chess board
- 4DBoard (19)
- Absorption (4) Pieces absorb the powers of those they capture.
- Ai Ai (98) Games playable with Ai Ai
- AISE (35) Games that were played by AISE
- Betza Chess (30) Betza Chess or Chess with different armies
- Board: 12X8 (10) A 96 square board with 12 files and 8 ranks.
- Board: 41Spaces (4) Board with 41 spaces
- Board: Large: Empty Border (7) Pieces are centred on a board with additional empty border squares
- Board: Large: Really Big (15) Games on a 16x16 board
- Board: Large: Ten Files (27) An 80 square board with ten files and eight ranks
- Board: Small (15)
- Board: Small: 42Spaces (6)
- Board: Standard (54) Games played on the standard 8x8 64 square Chess board
- Board Building (6) Variants that let players build a board
- Board Space (6) @@SePih
- Bombs (14) Kaboom!
- Chess+Compounds (62) Pieces only from FIDE chess and compounds of FIDE pieces.
- Chess V (97) @@VE9xG
- Crazy Board (7) Boards that defy our usual notions of order
- Crossover: Checkers (7) Chess variants with elements of Checkers
- Cube Board (8) A board on multiple surfaces of a cube or even multiple cubes
- Decimal (47) Played on a 10x10 board
- Dice Landing Chess (1)
- Disguised-Pieces (14) Pieces contain secret information
- Double-Move (18) Games that let each player move twice per turn
- Dozenal (18) Played on a 12 × 12 board
- Draw-Free (11) Games that always end with the victory of one player
- Drops (15) Pieces can be held in reserve and dropped.
- Drops: Initial Setup (8) Players may drop pieces onto the board before regular play begins
- Drops: Pocket (6) A piece may be dropped onto the board from a pocket space.
- Drops: Turncoat (24) Captured pieces change sides and may later be dropped back on the board.
- Fission (1)
- Fusion (2) A piece may move onto a square with another piece, merge and form one piece.
- Game Engine (10) @@d3eK3
- Game Server (8) An online service or website that hosts the playing of games online or by email
- Game Software (4) Software for playing games with either a computer opponent or another person
- Game Store (1) Platforms you can download games from
- Geometry (1)
- Geometry: Hex-Prism (12) Games played on a Hex‐prism board
- Geometry: Tesseract (1) Games played in (or on) a tesseract (four-dimensional cube)
- Geometry: Xyrixa (3) Games played on a board with rhombic‐dodecahedral cells arranged tetrahedrally
- Goal: Marriage (11) Players can win by ‘marriage’
- Goal: Race (16) A (or the) win condition is a race.
- Groundbreaking (66) @@Pho14
- Hexagonal (1)
- Hexagonal Board (17)
- Interactive Diagram (270) 17
- Interactive Diagram: In Comment (39) The interactive diagram is in a comment but not on the page
- Interactive Diagram In Comment (3)
- Interesting (33)
- Large (48) Played on boards larger than 8x8
- Lichess (8) -1" OR 3+424-424-1=0+0+0+1 --
- Ludii (18) Chess variants supported by Ludii
- Money (4) Games that allow the use of money
- Moving Cells (2)
- Multi-Move (8) Games that allow a player multiple moves per turn
- Multiple Armies (5)
- Multiroyal (24) A player has more than one royal piece.
- Musical Inspiration (2)
- Neutral Pieces (13) Game with neutral piece(s)
- New Piece (1)
- NOST (24) Games that were played by NOST
- Online Multiplayer (1)
- Palace Used (18) Board has some sort of Palace zones
- Parent: Child (1)
- Parent: Child: Grandchild (1) Demo
- Pentagonal (3) Games played on pentagonal boards
- Piece: Advancer (6) Moves like a Queen, but captures by approach
- Piece: Alfil (13) Games that include the 2-2 leaper
- Piece: Alibaba (11) Jumps two orthogonally or diagonally; sometimes called Spider
- Piece: Amazon (26) For games featuring the compound piece of Queen and Knight
- Piece: Amazonrider (3) A combination piece of Queen and Nightrider
- Piece: Archbishop (82) Includes the Bishop/Knight compound commonly known as an Archbishop
- Piece: Archchancellor (2) A triple combination piece consisting of Rook, Knight, and Ferz
- Piece: Aurochs (1) Combines the moves of Knight and Giraffe: (1,2)(1,4)
- Piece: Banshee (16) Games with the compound piece of Bishop and Nightrider commonly known as Banshee, or Unicorn
- Piece: Berolina Pawn (13) Pawn variant that takes straight and moves diagonally forward
- Piece: Bishop (13) For games with the Bishop of FIDE Chess or a piece with the same moves
- Piece: Bodyguard (3) Moves up to two spaces; adjacent spaces are a stop zone.
- Piece: Boyscout (4) A piece that takes alternating Wazir moves in a zig-zag pattern
- Piece: Caliph (9) Moves like Bishop or Camel; also called Flying Dragon
- Piece: Camel (24) A colourbound leaper, having a large Knights move, (1,3)-leaper.
- Piece: Cannon (11) For games with the Cannon (Pao) from Xiangqi
- Piece: Centaur (33) Includes the Knight/King compound known as a Centaur
- Piece: Champion (11) Moves one orthogonally or jumps two orthogonally or diagonally
- Piece: Chancellor (80) Includes the Rook/Knight compound commonly known as a Chancellor
- Piece: Crown Princess (2) A triple compound piece of Bishop, Knight, and Wazir
- Piece: Dabbaba (6) Historical piece leaping two squares horizontally or vertically.
- Piece: Debtor (1) A piece with Knight and Dabbaba moves in six directions
- Piece: Dragon Horse (40) Games that include the Dragon Horse from Shogi, which moves as a Bishop or a King
- Piece: Dragon King (32) Games that include the Dragon King from Shogi, which moves as a Rook or a King.
- Piece: Dullahan (12) For games with the compound piece of Ferz and Knight also known as Prince or Priest
- Piece: FAD (8) Moves one diagonally or jumps two orthogonally or diagonally
- Piece: Ferz (19) Games that include the 1-1 leaper known as the Ferz
- Piece: Fibnif (4) A piece that moves as a Ferz or as a vertical Knight
- Piece: Flying Goose (1) A piece that moves forward like a King and backward like a Wazir.
- Piece: Friend (2) The Friend moves like any allied piece that guards it.
- Piece: Frog (2) The Frog is a combined leaper consisting of Ferz and Threeleaper
- Piece: Giraffe (3) Makes (1,4)-jump
- Piece: Girlscout (2) A piece that make consecutive orthogonal steps on a zig-zag path.
- Piece: Gnu (18) Makes (1-2)-jump or (1-3)-jump
- Piece: Gold General (1) For games with the Gold General from Shogi
- Piece: Grasshopper (4)
- Piece: Griffon (19) Historic piece that steps one space diagonally then slides like a Rook
- Piece: Guardian (3) Omnidirectional Berolina Pawn
- Piece: Half Duck (3) A piece that moves as Fers, Dabbaba, or leaps 3 squares orthogonally
- Piece: High Priestess (4) Moves like a Knight, Alfil and Fers.
- Piece: Immobilizer (9) Pieces standing near an immobilizer may not move
- Piece: King (3) Games with a classical chess king
- Piece: Kirin (4) Compound of a Ferz and Dabbaba
- Piece: Knave (2) A piece with Knight and Dabbaba moves in six directions
- Piece: Knight (35) Games with the Knight in them
- Piece: Leeloo (2) The compound piece of Quintessence and Rook
- Piece: Lioness (2) A combination piece of Man and Squirrel
- Piece: Man (25) Games with a non-royal piece moving like a King
- Piece: Manticore (11) Moves one space orthogonally, then slides outward as a Bishop
- Piece: Marquis (18) For games with the compound piece of Wazir and Knight, also known as Emperor
- Piece: Minister (4) A piece combining the moves of Wazir, Knight, and Dabbaba.
- Piece: Modern Elephant (24) Games with the compound of Ferz and Alfil
- Piece: Nightrider (23) Makes a Knight leap, and can make additional leaps in the same direction
- Piece: Okapi (1) The piece that combines the moves of a Knight and a Zebra
- Piece: Pasha (5) For the piece with the moves of a crowned Alibaba
- Piece: Pawn (2) Parent tag for different kind of pawns
- Piece: Pawn: Quick (5) Pawns that have double moves anywhere on the board
- Piece: Pawn: Shatranj (4) For games with the original Shatranj Pawn
- Piece: Pawn: Shogi (2) For games with the Shogi Pawn
- Piece: Pawn: Snake (1) The Snake moves and captures as a forward Ferz and moves only as a forward Knight
- Piece: Pawn: Western (6) For games with standard Chess Pawns
- Piece: Pawn: Xiangqi (5) For games with the Xiangqi Pawn.
- Piece: Pegasus (1) A combined piece of Giraffe and Zebra
- Piece: Pentere (1) The compound piece of Quintessence and Queen
- Piece: Phoenix (15) For games with the Phoenix piece, a compound of Wazir and Alfil
- Piece: Priestess (1) Moves like a Knight and Alfil.
- Piece: Prince (1) The Prince moves one space diagonally, or leaps like a Knight
- Piece: Queen (9) For games with the standard Chess Queen or a piece with the same moves
- Piece: Quintessence (4) The Quintessence is a crooked Nightrider moving along Camelrider lines
- Piece: Roc (2) A combined piece with the moves of Alfil and Camel
- Piece: Rook (36) Games with the Rook in it
- Piece: Rose (8) Can make consecutive knight moves in a circle
- Piece: Sai (1) The compound piece of Quintessence and Bishop
- Piece: Short Rook (4) A piece that moves like a Rook restricted to four steps
- Piece: Silver General (3) For games with the Silver General from Shogi
- Piece: Sorcerer (2) Moves to an orthogonally adjacent space, or leaps (2,3) like a Zebra.
- Piece: Squirrel (17) Games containing the Squirrel piece, a compound of Dabbaba, Knight, and Alfil
- Piece: Steward (33) Omni‐Directional Pawn
- Piece: Templar (3) A combined piece with the moves of Dabbaba and Knight
- Piece: Teutonic Knight (1) A triple compound leaper consisting of Wazir, Knight, and Camel
- Piece: Vao (11) For games containing the Vao piece, the diagonal counterpart of the Cannon
- Piece: Vuivre (1) A combination piece of Squirrel and Camel
- Piece: Waran (3) A combined piece of Rook and Nightrider
- Piece: Wazir (13) Moves one square orthogonally
- Piece: Withdrawer (7) Takes by moving away
- Piece: Wizard (17) Moves one diagonally or makes (1,3)-jump
- Piece: Woody Rook (3) The compound piece of Wazir and Dabbaba
- Piece: Wyvern (1) A triple combined leaper moving as Ibis, Stag, or Tripper
- Piece: Zebra (15) For games with a (3,2) leaper, commonly named Zebra
- Play Strategy (1)
- Powerup-Zone (3) Some squares give (temporary) powerups to occupants
- Promotion: Capture (1) For games where pieces promote as a reward for capturing
- Promotion: Multiple (1) Pieces that have promoted can promote again
- Pychess (15) https://www.pychess.org - Free, open-source chess server for playing chess variants online and against the AI (powered by Fairy Stockfish).
- Random: Pieces (1) The pieces each side gets are determined at random
- Random: Play (6) Games with a random element in play
- Random: Setup (8) Games with random setups
- Regional (8) Variants that are indiginous to particular parts of the world
- Reproduction (4) Reproduction of pieces is possible
- Rifle-Capture (10) Has pieces that can capture from a distance without moving
- Ring (4)
- River Board (12) The board is divided by a border that serves some role in the game
- Round Board (10)
- Royal: King+Compounds (11)
- Rules: Absorption (6) Pieces may merge with captured pieces, gaining their powers of movement
- Rules: Bare King (11) Baring opponent's King may win game next turn
- Rules: Castling (1) Parent tag for noting specific deviations from the castling rule in Chess.
- Rules: Castling: None (35) Games without castling
- Rules: Castling: Queenside: Black: Wins (1)
- Rules: Castling: Three Spaces (19) The King moves three spaces when castling
- Rules: Fission (17) Compound pieces may split apart
- Rules: Fusion (18) A player's simple pieces may combine into compound pieces
- Rules: Piece Demotion (18) Pieces may demote
- Rules: Piece Promotion (21) Pieces besides Pawns may promote
- Rules: Piece Swapping (1)
- Rules: Stalemating: Loss (9) Stalemating counts as loss for player delivering stalemate
- Rules: Stalemating: Win (26) Stalemating counts as win for player delivering stalemate
- Separate Modifier Board (3) A separate board can control pieces on the main board.
- Setup Phase (14) Setting up the pieces on the board is part of the gameplay.
- Shape (1)
- Shape: Board (4) The board is not a simple rectangle.
- Shape: Cells (5) The cells of the game board are not squares or hexagons.
- Shogi (18)
- Short Range (3)
- Simpli-FIDE (6) Simpler versions of chess.
- Simultaneous Moves (3) Players decide on their moves simultaneously
- Smess Like Game (6)
- Square-Removal (17) Squares may be removed from the playing area during the game.
- Steam (2) Games playable on the Steam game distribution software
- Strength Sapping Pieces (24) Game has pieces that can reduce strength of nearby piece(s)
- Symmetric Setup Both Flanks (16) Setup and Board symmetric on both flanks
- Teleporting (12) A player may teleport a piece of his that's on a board cell to elsewhere
- Theme: Literary (3) Games based on, or inspired by, works of literature
- Time Dimension (5)
- Triagonal (8) Games played on triagonal boards
- Ultima Like Game (21)
- Unusual Board (70) Any board that isn't simply a rectangular grid of squares
- Vchess (2) Games playable at vchess.club
- Viking (1)
- Windrose (1)
- Without Kings (10)
- Xiangqi(Chinese Chess) (7)
- Zillions OTB (33) Games natively supported by Zillions-of-Games out-of-the-box