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Tagging is a crowd-sourced method for organizing the content of this site. You may add a tag to a page to indicate a category it belongs to, and this will link to a page that provides a description of the tag and lists every page with the same tag.

Tag Syntax

A tag begins with an alphanumeric, and every word is captitalized. Spaces may be used in tags, though tags will be stored without spaces, using a change from lower to upper case to indicate where a space goes. When displayed, the tag will be preceded by a # symbol, though this symbol is not stored in the name of the tag.

Tag Relations

There are two ways of indicating a parent/child relationship between tags. One way is to begin a child tag name with the name of its parent tag and a colon. For example, Goal:Race would automatically be treated as the child of the Goal tag. Parent names of this sort are built into a child tag and cannot be deleted without deleting the child tag. The other way is to add a parent to a tag. When you do this, it will tag the tag page with the name of the parent. When you go look at your own tags, you will see each of your tags followed by its tagged pages, which are like leaves, and its children, which are like branches. If two tags happen to be tagged to each other, which would make each the parent and the child of the other, they will simply be treated as related. This is appropriate for tags very close in meaning. Since any parents, children, or other relatives are listed on the page for a tag, it is not essential to apply parent tags to pages. The most approrpiate child tags will usually be enough.

Tag Guidelines

Since the main purpose of having tags is to organize the content of the site, there are some guidelines in place to makes sure tags are used for this purpose:

  1. Tags are not allowed on hidden or unpublished pages.
  2. Tags should be general enough to fit categories that may apply to multiple pages.
  3. Tags should be clear in meaning and applicable to the pages they are given to.
  4. Use the best and most applicable tag for the meaning you intend instead of multiple tags with the same meaning.
  5. Tags should be written entirely in ASCII characters.
  6. For the sake of better meeting these goals, tags are subject to editorial revision or deletion.

How to Tag a Page

To tag a page, make sure you are signed in, and go to the Tags section at the bottom of a page. There you will normally find a form for entering tags. To make it easier to reuse tags, the input field is connected to a datalist of current tag names. As you begin to type, matching suggestions will appear, though you are free to ignore them and create a new tag. When you do introduce a new tag, you will be prompted to go to its page and give it a description. A good description will make it clear what the tag is for and how it should be used.

Tags Listing

This is a list of all the tags for pages on this site. To see the individual pages with a tag, click on a tag to go to its Tag Info page.