Check out Modern Chess, our featured variant for January, 2025.

Top 50 Games on Game Courier

Based on records of finished games on Game Courier, the games listed here have been sorted and ranked based on how many times each has been played here. The number of games played links to the logs of the actual games. The name links to a page with one or more presets for playing the game. In some cases, this will include alternate sets or boards that make use of the same settings file. Since more games have been played on Game Courier than there are official pages for, not every game will be linked to a preset page. You will also find links to settings files you can select for playing the game. These are listed in order of popularity. Since the preset defining a game does not have to include a settings file, and because settings files just weren't used when the earliest presets were made, some games here do not have any. In the rare instance in which a game has no preset page and no settings file, you can still find a preset for it by going to one of the games actually played.

The URL can take the following arguments: sort=rank to sort by rank, sort=alpha to sort alphabetically, min=number to filter out games played fewer than the given number of times, max=number to filter out games ranking above the rank given by the number, and past=number to filter out games finished before the given number of seconds before the present. Default values are sort=rank&min=0&max=0&past=0. For max and past, zero values really mean infinity. When all numeric filters are zero, it will include never-played games to give a complete listing of all games available on Game Courier.

Note that you are going to find here presets with rule-enforcement and others without it, and sometimes both will be available for the same game. Most presets without rule-enforcement will clearly state that they lack it. In case it doesn't, you can tell for sure by clicking the Edit button in a game's menu page and checking whether the code for rule-enforcement is there.

1457Shogi default Japanese-PNG Japanese-CSS Motif-CSS Symbolic
2321Chess with Different Armies' Unequal Armies default Knights-Colorbound Colorbound-Knights Colorbound-Rookies Rookies-Colorbound Colorbound-FIDE FIDE-Rookies Knights-Rookies FIDE-Colorbound Rookies-FIDE Rookies-Knights Knights-FIDE Nutty Knights FIDE-Knights Colorbound-Rookies_MOM Colorbound Clobberers Unequal_Armies_GS Remarkable Rookies Knights-FIDEss Colorbound-Knights_MOM FIDE-Colorboundvv Knights-Colorboundv FIDE-Knightss Knights FIDE-Colorbounds Classic-Rooksversion1 Colorbound-Knightsv Colorbound-Knightsvv FIDE-Knightsss Colorbound-Rookiess Knights-FIDEs Knights-Rooksversion Knights-Men NeglectedKnights
3286Symmetric Chess default rules
4234Chinese Chess GB-set fairychess
5209Chess' JPG-Alfaerie default fairychess Chess3 PNG-Magnetic JPG-Alfaeriev CSS-Motif
6207Chu Shogi chu
7187Janggi default SWAP
8185Cetran Chess 2 asymmetric asymmetric-enforced asym1tourney reversed_symmetric asymmetric to carlos-sagi5 cameron-jeremy cetran2 sagi-carlos3 Cetran2 Asymmetric qrknchsaKSNRCAQH sqhrkncaHQRCKANS hcsraqnkHQCRAKNS ksnhcaqrAHCSRQNK krhcqnsaHACNKQRS rkqnaschKRQNCAHS crhnqskaANHRSCKQ mirror-symmetric
9171Glinski's Hexagonal Chess default PNG-Magnetic-Earthtones PNG-Magnetic-Earthtonesvvv alf PNG-Alfaerie-nicelooking
10160Fischer Random Chess Abstract special Alfaerie Abstract2 FRC01 FRC02 special-sagi-carlos makov-sissa
11131Alice Chess default MagneticPieces alf
12130Ultima Galactic fairychess Galacticnocheck
13123Eurasian Chess newrules Eurasian fairychess
14114Sac Chess default Default-Standard Default-Alternate Default-Abstract abstract
15104Pocket Mutation Chess Alfaerie-fpd mageofmaple greg
1698McCooey's Hexagonal Chess default
1792Shako Cazaux standard newcazaux
1886Omega Chess Alfaerie Omega Chess fairychess
1983Rococo Alfaerie
2082Circular Chess default JPG-Motif 2
2082Grand Chess Abstract fairychess
2278Opulent Chess AlfaerieNew Alfaerie NoRules
2376Shatranj Alfaerie-CSS
2475Gross Chess default fairychess
2569Universal Chess Alfaeries asymmetric Alfaeries-asymmetric Alfaerie reversed-symmetric73 reversed-symmetric24 JM-CC Alfaerie40std
2668Modern Shatranj carrillo carrillo2 Modern_Shatranj
2766Capablanca Chess' default capa final capa defaultvvv
2864Latrunculi XXI Set2 Set9 Set1 Set8 Set7 Set4 Set3
2960Falcon Chess Alfaerie
3059Makruk (Thai chess) Alfaerie2r Alfaerie Alfaerie3 Alfaerie2 Alfaerie4
3158Caïssa Britannia default
3158Cetran Chess 3 asymmetric-enforced Alfaerie zcxmbqysrnkaCANKMZQYXSBR xqnabsmzkyrcAMBZQRCYNSXK yxnsmzrkcabqBZAMXCNRSKYQ amyszbkqnrcxRYKANZSQMXCB xbmacsrnkzqyCBQKMYXRAZNS
3158Petteia XXI Set7 Set2 Set1 Set9 Set4 Set6 Set8 Set3
3456Berolina Chess Chess3 Alfaerie berolinachess-joyful
3555Kamikaze Mortal Shogi Symbolic Japanese-CSS Japanese-PNG
3555Crazyhouse Galactic
3555Pocket Shogi Copper' default
3853Colossus rules Quad
3952Euchess Euchess default
4049Different Pawns Random Chess default
4148Cardinal Chess Default default
4148Shatranji default
4347Maorider Chess default Maorider Chess Checkered
4445Wildebeest Chess default Wildebeest Chess Wildebeest Chess with rules Wildebeest
4445Courier Chess AlfaerieCourier Alfaerie def
4642shako_balbo default standard
4741Apothecary Chess-Modern ApothecaryChess-Modern Apothecary_Chess-Modern
4940Chess 9x9 default reinforced Default special
5039Expanded Chess expanded-test expanded jump-and-castle default expanded-no-castling arx-sissa king-jumping
5039Cetran Chess 1 asymmetric-enforced asymmetric asymmetric by carlos-sagi4 carlos-sagi1 carlos-sagi2
Total Variants Listed: 51
Total Games Played: 5181

Written by Fergus Duniho
WWW Page Created: 07 April 2015