Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

ASCII Chess Pieces

David Moeser made the following ASCII diagrams of chess pieces and fairy chess pieces.

                      Staunton-style Chess Pieces
   Row #1 = "regular" chess pieces.  Other rows display at least
one regular piece in order to compare sizes.  (Except for chess
King, Ascii art by david moeser, 1996.  Numbers are arbitrary
and are only for reference purposes.)
  _/____\_        ()       
  \      /      <~~~~>
   \____/        \__/         <>_
   (____)       (____)      (\)  )                        __/"""\
    |  |         |  |        \__/      WWWWWW            ]___ 0  }
    |__|         |  |       (____)      |  |       __        /   }
   /    \        |__|        |  |       |  |      (  )     /~    }
  (______)      /____\       |__|       |__|       ||      \____/
 (________)    (______)     /____\     /____\     /__\     /____\
 /________\   (________)   (______)   (______)   (____)   (______)
    King        Queen       Bishop      Rook      Pawn     kNight
     1            2           4          3         6         5    
               <~~~~>                   / \        __      /~~~\
  #######       \__/                   /   \      (__)    ( o o )
 (__o_o__)     (____)       /\/\      (_____)      ||      \ - /
  \_ < _/       |  |       (____)       | |        ||      /   \  
   | = |        |  |        |  |        | |        ||     <_> <_>
   |   |        |__|        |  |        |_|        ||       | |  
   |___|       /____\       |__|       /   \       ||       |_| 
  /_____\     (______)     /____\     (_____)     /__\     /___\
 (_______)   (________)   (______)   (_______)   (____)   (_____)
   Oscar       Queen      Squirrel    Unicorn    Giraffe   Dolly
     7           2           8           9         10      Parton
   _|  |_         ()       
  <      >      <~~~~>                       
    \__/         \__/                       
   (____)       (____)      ______     /\/\/\             __/"""\
    |  |         |  |      (______)    \____/            ]___ 0  }
    |__|         |  |       \ __ /     /    \                /   }
   /    \        |__|        |  |      \_  _/              /~    }
   [____]       /____\       |__|       |XX|               \____/
  /______\     (______)     /____\     /____\     ____     /____\
 |________|   (________)   (______)   (______)   (____)   (______)
   Prime        Queen       Squirk     Nixun     Checker   kNight
  Minister        2           13         14      (blot)      5
     12                                            15
   For information on how some of these pieces move, check such 
sources as:  A GUIDE TO FAIRY CHESS, by Anthony Dickins, published
by Dover Publications.  Or NEUE CHESS: THE BOOK, edited and pub-
lished by David Moeser.

                  More Staunton-style Chess Pieces
   Each row contains one "regular" chess piece in order to compare
sizes.  See previous file for the first 15 pieces.  (Except for 
chess King, Ascii art by david moeser, 1996.)
  <  o o  >          
   \  >  /         ()       
    \_=_/        <~~~~>                                      
   (_____)        \__/                               __________
   (_____)       (____)     /^^^^^^\                /_____    /
    |   |         |  |     `\____ 0 }     WWWWWW         /   /
    |___|         |  |          {   }      |  |         /   /
   /     \        |__|          {   }      |  |        /   /
  (_______)      /____\         /___/      |__|       /___/
 (_________)    (______)       /____\     /____\     /____\
 |_________|   (________)     (______)   (______)   (______)
   Fischer       Queen         Camel       Rook    Seven-Leaper
     16            2            17          3          18
    \__/                   _()_
   (____)      /""""\     (____)                       /""""\
    |  |      {  0__>>   (______)    ____             {  0__>>
    |  |      {   }       ||  ||    | __ |            {   }
    |__|      {___}       ||  ||     \  /      __     {___}
   /____\      \_H_\      ||  ||      ||      (__)     \_A_\
  (______)     /    \     ||__||     /__\     _||_     /    \
 (________)   (______)   (______)   |____|   (____)   (______)
   Queen      Humphrey    Dabbaba   Senetor   Guppy     Agnu
     2           19         20        21       22        23
     __           ()       
    (__)        <~~~~>
   //  \\        \__/            
  //    \\      (____)                    /\              
 //      \\      |  |                    /__\ 
 \\      //      |  |       _______     (____)      __   __
  \\    //       |__|      (_______)     |  |      (  ) (  )  
   \\__//       /____\        | |        |__|       ||   ||   
   /____\      (______)     __|_|__     /____\     /__\_/__\
  (______)    (________)   (_______)   (______)   (_________)
  Route 50      Queen     Ivory Tower   Alfil      Sidewinder
   Leaper         2            25        26            27
                __        _()_       _()_
              /    \     ( oo )     (o||o)             __/"""\
             | STOP |     \__/       \||/             ]___ o  }
     __       \____/       ||         ||                  /   }
   /    \       ||         ||         ||                /~    }
  (      )      ||        _||_       _||_       /\      \____/
   \____/     __||__     /____\     /____\     /__\     /____\
  (______)   (______)   (______)   (______)   (____)   (______)
    Zero      Pyramid    Elvis      Elvis's    Prawn    kNight
     28         29        30        Guitar      32        5

Made by David Moeser.
WWW page made: June 6, 1996.