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Joe Joyce wrote on Sun, Nov 30, 2008 05:13 PM UTC:
This site has at least 26 people who have posted 15 or more games.
Apologies for anyone left out, and for the question marks by 3 names, as I
do not know their countries of origin or residence. And there are a number
of other variantists that do not post, or post much, on the CVPages;
Christian Freeling [Grand Chess] is one name that springs instantly to
mind, and there are others. [I guesstimate there are roughly 100 living
prolificists right now. Considering history, and what's been lost from
it, I'd estimate there have been on the order of 1000 prolificists so
far. Hmm, given a total human population throughout history of not that
much more than 10,000,000,000, it seems roughly one in ten million people
is a chess variant prolificist.] The topic of style has come up.

What are the styles of prolificists? Here are the 26 names, 24 copied from
earlier in this thread, and 2 recent people added from memory, all
contributors to this site. Fergus Duniho has noted that the three most
prolific, Betza, Gilman, and Winther, design pieces primarily, while he
[Fergus] designed entire games, and it was this comment that really got me
started thinking on the topic of styles. So, with foolish optimism instead
of great trepidation, let us open a discussion on styles. We can always
hope to learn something.

Adrian Alvarez de la Campa USA
Peter Aronson USA
Christine Bagley-Jones Australia
Ralph Betza USA
(zzo38)A. Black USA
Charles Daniel USA
Fergus Duniho USA
Gary K. Gifford USA
Charles Gilman UK
Jeremy Gabriel Good USA
David Howe USA
Joe Joyce USA
Roberto Lavieri Venezuela
Jared B. McComb USA
A. Missoum ?
Graeme Neatham [UK]
Joao Pedro Neto Portugal
Vernon Rylands Parton UK
David Paulowich Canada
David Short USA
John Smith USA
Abdul-Rahman Sibahi [Saudi Arabia]
Sergey Sirotkin ?
Larry L. Smith USA
M. Winther Sweden
Namik Zade ?

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