Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To George Duke wrote on Sun, Mar 21, 2004 03:54 PM EST:With respect to Shogi and such cases, I think of promotion pieces as counting 1/2, so Shogi charts at 11/81. Not regarding this 13% as an outlier, what factor(s) makes 0.13+ work in Shogi? Answer: the weaker, Pawnlike character of most pieces, also quantifiable. (Piece-type Density, only one convenient measureable factor, falls off in effectiveness much below 64 squares, certainly by Tori Shogi's 49.) With standards like 'simplicity' and 'elegance,' can they ever be quantified? I think so. Another criterion is Average Moves per recorded game. I submit there is an optimum that players prefer, about 30 or 35, lower than most chesslike games deliver. With the prospect of variants of variants, and thousands of game-rules sets, numerical relationships help evaluate, and some even fail by the numbers. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Game Design does not match any item.