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Comments by RobertoLavieri
(RN, BN) vs. (rb,kn) seems to be a good alternative. The game must be balanced in this way.
My first impression is that both variants are really good. I´ll test the game a little more carefully this afternoon. Very thanks to Tony, for the ideas, and to Peter, for the ZRF, I think the game is enjoyable...
Yes, the game tends to blocked positions in some situations. All pieces look weaker in dense positions, and pawns are the better example. Using FIDE pawns may be an alternative, but I don't like it too much, because this kind of pawns are not thematic and they may be very vulnerable once the game has cleared a bit. Better is use MIX pawns, with Amphibian move and (FIDE-Chess or SHOGI move), i.e., really amphibians in all environments, with terrestrial and marine movements, other possibility is more elaborated: a two-moves per band game, the first is a normal move of one of the own pieces, the other is to move ANY enemy piece (except the King) to ANY position on the board where the piece is not directly attacked by an own piece. This induced 'separation' of the group is usual in the sea world, the compact groups look strong, isolated specimens are weak and the whole group is many times affected by the strategy of the enemies...
Well, here is new material for analysis. I agree, blocked positions can happen in the main variants, but this is the fact: It CAN happen, as it can happen in FIDE-CHESS, but I disagree with the inventor: it is not a necessary norm, all of us are 'diletants' about a game that is in our hands a few hours ago. My first tests yesterday say that the game is nice, with its own characteristics. Game ends are enjoyable. Blocked positions are not the norm, if you play trying to avoid it. And blocked positions can be broken in some situations. Pieces are less powerful in closed games,and generally speking less powerful than in Chess...but, is it a bad thing?. What is the criteria?. For now, we have four variants, so comparissons may come, and may be controversial. I think the variants are not well comparable, they all are good ones, each one with its own personality.
Apart of Tori-Shogi, is it another know 7x7 Shogi game?. An 8x8?
I have to delete an old Log extended personally to Antoine Fourriere. He made an error and can´t accede to the game being first. I am not able to delete the Log. Suggestions?
In the game in progress: P e2-e4 is the correct. If you write P e2 e4, your pawn dissapears. The second player can correct the error, adding the white pawn in e4: <Black move>; P -e4
'El Juego de las Amazonas', from Walter Zamkaukas, is one of the best territorial games I have seen, it is interesting, deep, nice, and with an impressive simplicity of ideas involved. But it is a complex game, it is not an easy matter the construction of a good computer player (Try with Zillions and see how it plays!). Strictly speaking, Amazons is not a Chess game, but it is a very good abstract game that appears in TCVP as guest, I think because it has some elements of Chess. I like this game. Maybe I´ll prepare a Courier Preset for this game (or a variant...) Variants?: It is easy imagine a lot of them, some of them as near to chess as you want. Any interesting Ideas?.
No notices about Glenn. I hope he is well. If there is someone that knows where is Glenn, please write some lines here.
Again, Should 'check the King' be discouraging sometimes?. Tell about tests of the game play.
No, I were wrong. If I check the enemy King and it impostorizes a Knight (captured to me previously), by example, then I can drop the Knight in the next turn, isn't it?. If that's the case, it is not discouraging check the enemy King, but it would be a bad idea scape of the check impostorizing anything, unless it is not other alternative.
Mistake. The comment was inserted here due an error. It is about 'Imposter Chess'. Excuse it.
Laila, be sure you typed 'p' instead of 'P'. The capital letter is for White pieces
I´m not sure if there is a compatibility problem with WebTVPlus, perhaps someone can give you an answer (Fergus, Peter Aronson?). I have only seen compatibility problems when I have tried to use the PBEM System from Solaris Operating System (my graphic workstation in my job). I have not heard about compatibility of the system with other enviroments. I´m curious about compatibility with Linux, by example. Is there anybody that can make comments about?...
Problems with Courier System?. (I sent the last message)
You seem to be a very good programmer using Zillions, and I think you are clearly better than me in this kind of work, so my help to you in coding may be close to inutile. But I can offer high-quality (?. Subjective opinion) graphics for pieces and boards, and certainly, a lot of work play-testing this great and unconventional game!
Larry, what is the state of the code for Nemoroth?. May I help?. I can try the graphics, but if so, I need know some details of the programming. I´m not sure the best way to manage the graphics of multiple-ocuppied squares, but I have some ideas about. One question: Why don´t become a member of TCVP?. You are part of the Chess Variants fans community, and of the kind of people that we ever need here. WELCOME!.
The graphics are incomplete, I have around 15 pairs of other pieces available, but the idea now is prepare a set that can be used with Courier. I have seen that not all the pieces I sent are the most recent version, so I have to update it soon, adding the pieces missing and the last versions of some of the pieces. The listed pieces are good, but there are some of them that are a bit bigger or smaller than the most recent versions, and there is perhaps a line of drawn pixels more or less, down in some icons, causing a not-very perceptible sempsation of very little changes of level in the ubbication of pieces on the squares. The immobilizer icon is very old, the new one is bigger, Alternative Queen, alternative Guards-like pieces, alternative Royal pieces, Marshall and Archbishop graphics, alternative equine pieces, and some of ROCOCO pieces are missing in the set, but the icons have been made. Wait one or two weeks, more or less, and I'll update the set, although the posted here can be used perfectly now (When I transform my icons, in BMP format with all colors, to GIF images, the graphic loss quality and color distorts a little, including the pure green used back, appearing many times a halo around the piece, and I have to make additional retouches, so there is some work giving the images in GIF format. TONY: Would you help me creating Presets for some of my games with two buttons: allowing the change of pieces sets used in the game, Alfaerie or Galactic?
Nobody has thought about the idea of Courier Tournements?. The games to play?, well, may be a selection, may be thematic, or by voting, the case is that it should be interesting, because the rithm of play using Courier is usually faster than other method of interchange of moves. We are missing Glenn Overby II, he is a good organizer of this kind of events. Does anybody know about Glenn?. If you have some ideas about, let it arise. Tournements using Courier can be a cool experience...
I like this: once paired the contendors, they must play simultaneously three recognized variants (perhaps with a few games added to the list, say three or four), the games to play are selected by commitee in each round, or by the contendors. One victory means three points with white, and four points with black, a draw 1.5 points with white, and 2 with black , and the player with more points pass to the next round. If equal, the players must play one game more, selected previously, or by the contendors, taken from the list of games. The final round may ba all around, with three or four players...
I don´t know if there are precedents of tournements where the Black win or Draw is overvalued, but it was only an idea trying to take fast decisions about what player goes to the next round, without extra games. In Chess, there are statistical reasons for suspect that White has a very little advantage over black, seen the results of G.M. games in tournements. In many variants it is possible that the little advantage is diluted, but in other variants that may not be the case. I think that in some little board sized variants, the White has advantage, but I don´t want to qualify it, neither mention the possible variants I have in mind, because I have not enough elements to judge. Well, if there are another good ideas for the Tournements, welcome. But it may be good avoid a lot of extra games in each round.
Yes, other variants than recognized ones may enter the tornements. in fact, you can organize any kind of tournements, I agree that other competitions where the variants are not fixed previously have been a success, but it does not invalidate the possibilty of a tournement of recognized variants. Then point is what kind of tournement we want as the first game Courier Tournement, and that of recognized variants is a reasonable idea, but it can be too a Tournement of variants elected by voting, each player mentions ten variants, and they are punctuated depending on position in the list. After the count of punctuations, the variants of the tournement are elected from the lists, the variants with more sum of points. Why not?. This idea is not a bad one, neither it is the idea of a recognized variants competition, an Oriental variants Tournement, a Hexagonal variants Tournement, a 3D variants tournement, or many some other natural or interesting ideas. What is the first?. Why?.
Yes, there are some games that MUST be included in the list of electable, so there is the need of Presets for these games. By example, Rococo (Why it is not yet a preset for this game?, I'm going to construct one as soon as possible!), Marsellais (other example of a good and forbidden game in Courier!), Crazy 38, Michael's version of Luotuoqi (why not?.), Star Trek 3D (Kobayashi Maru or Warp Zone variants?), The Central squares, Ximeracak, Fischer Random Chess, Italian Progressive Chess, Korean Chess, Beautiful Sun Chess, Makruk, and many other very interesting or popular variants, actually without a preset in Courier, you can include Taikyouku Shogi (well, if there are candidates to play it in the Tournement)
THIS IS AN ELECTORAL ADVERTISEMENT: Vote for Kamikaze Mortla Shogi!. It is nice! Well, you have some other good options, not only in the initial list, there are good new games in the list, and it can be increased in the next days... What about Rococo, Extinction Chess, Pocket Polypiece, Star Trek 3d, Viking...? And you have still the option of increase your list!. If you have not voted yet, be encouraged and VOTE NOW!.
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