Comments by mthomas

Is it allowed to remove a check by having the reborn piece block the attack?
Say white King on h2 attacked by black bishop b8, White captures a black pawn b3xc4, pawn is reborn on c7.

This is an interesting game, very good idea for the playing mechanics. But the description is difficult to understand. If I got it right:
A player may either move their king or one of their stones. There is no capture, one can move only to empty squares. The king, if attacked, moves like a normal king (like fers or wazir). If not attacked, he may leap to any empty and not attacked square.
Stones move like wazir, fers, dabbabah, alfil or knight. A stone can move like X if a stone of any color or the friendly king is an X's move away. E.g. white stone on a3, white king or any stone on a4: the stone a3 can move like wazir (to a2 or b3).
If a king is on a square an opponent's stone could move to, the king is attacked.

What is U-grid chess? I can't find anything about it.
PS: not to mention random permutation chess. After every turn of every player, a random permutation of all 64 squares is generated and the pieces are rearranged according to it. King rule effective, checkmate is loss, if player to move attacks opponents king, they may not capture it. No double move, e.p., promotion or castling. Absolute chaos, but still not totally without strategy, one can still decide if and which piece to capture, while all non-capturing moves are effectively the same since everything is randomly rearranged.

I can't login with my old account (user ID is MThomas).
I tried to change the password, and I got the email with the link to the page to enter the keyword and new PW, but after entering these it says: "failure to decrypt email adress".
I tried two times, and I'm sure I entered the correct keyword.
What should I do?

Presto Chess: "The first player that gives check with a piece that cannot be taken wins the game."
This leaves it unclear if the checking piece must actually be taken or if it's enough to be able to capture it, and one may instead move the king away or a piece in between. And in the second case: must the capturing move be legal or need it be only pseudolegal?
Another variant of this family:
Like orthodox chess, but a side in check must not move their king. If the check cannot be defended by capturing the checking piece (by a different piece than the king) or moving in between, that side is checkmated and loses. When not in check, one may move the king as usual. Might be called "paralysed king chess".
A milder variant: like above, but the king is allowed to capture a piece attacking him, if it is not a double check.

Is it possible to use other pieces from the alfaerie set than those 26 which are displayed and acessible by one letter? I tried around with braces, e.g. {squirrel} or {bsquirrel.gif} but it doesn't work.

I have added the initial setup squares to the piece description. Also I have slightly altered the setup so that all pawns are defended at the beginning of the game.

I have added the content now.
Some time ago I started to create the page but cancelled it because I wanted to think again about the rules. But somehow the page was created anyways.
It seems to me that the rules need clarification with respect to stalemate. It is easy to create ambiguities when messing with the king rule :/
The basic idea of this variant is to enhance the king rule. After a side moved, not only must their king be not attacked, but there must also be a square next to the king not attacked by the opponent and not occupied by a friendly piece.
The game ends if a side cannot make a legal move. Here this means: if there is no pseudolegal move which fulfils both demands of the enhanced king rule. Then it is either checkmate and the opponent wins, or it is stalemate and the game is a draw.
In orthodox chess, checkmate is when the king of the side to move is threatened, i. e. attacked. But here, the concept of the king being threatened may be enhanced, as the enhanced king rule suggests: the king is threatened if one of the two demands of the king rule is not fulfilled. That would mean that stalemate does no longer exist. If both demands are fulfilled, i.e. the king is not threatened, then the king has a square to move to and there is a legal move (because the king is, after the move, adjacent to the square he just moved away from so that the second demand is again fulfilled).
But one could also stay with the usual definition of "threatened". Then, if the king is not attacked and has no square to move to and no other piece can legally move, it would be stalemate and a draw.
The former appeals more to me, and I'm going to clarify the rules accordingly.
BTW the "adjacent to queen" rule is also interesting, it would solve the problem of black being checkmated at the very beginning of the game. But it is not really necessary. I want to keep it as simple as possible and just declare the beginning of the game an exception.

But why the limitation to set up queen and archbishop on different coloured squares, when they can change the square colour by moving like rook resp. knight?

I edited the rules a bit to make them more clear. No effective rule changes.

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I uploaded the zillions file (with piece graphics) now. I tested it and think it works correctly. Please tell me if you should find any bugs or issues.

How can I edit the description of a page already created? I mean the description that shows in the listings of pages.
Specifically I want to add a description to Square Attrition Chess so that it does no longer show the bold "Missing description".

Could an editor please add this description:
"Squares can be visited a limited number of times."
Many thanks.

The current description is not so good. Can an editor please change it to:
"The total distance a piece can travel is limited."
Many thanks.

I played this on many times and it is fun, even if the outcome is more dependent on luck than on skill.

Since some days I can't create a new game page. After filling out the form and clicking on "step2" it only says:
"adding item entry..."
but nothing happens. The game page doesn't show up in my unreviewed submissions. Clearing the browser cache didn't help.
BTW: what should I enter in the "Rows", "Cols" and "Cells" fields of the form if I want to post a chess variant on an infinite board or on a board whose number of cells/squares can change during the game?
It seems that, since about one week ago, the short description of a newly submitted game is not stored. I submitted two games in this week, and both don't show the description (and I'm sure I didn't forget to enter one).

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Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.
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I'd like to favourite Three check Chess (, but it seems not possible, because there is no game description page for it :/