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Nuno, Try giving each Bishop three piece attributes moved?, must-convert? and cant-convert?, all set initially to false. When attempting to move a Bishop, check the attributes of that Bishop. If all three attributes are false, neither Bishop has moved. Choose a normal move or a conversion and look for the other Bishop on its starting square (it will be there unless it has been captured) and if you choose a normal move set the other Bishop's must-convert? to true, if you choose a conversion, set the other Bishop's cant-convert? to true. Set the first Bishop's moved? to true. When checking the Bishop to be moved, if moved? is true, the Bishop has moved before and only normal moves are allowed. If moved? is false, and the other Bishop has moved, exactly one of must-convert? and cant-convert? will be true. Choose the appropriate move and set the Bishop's moved? to true.
if one of the two bishops is captured, it is still the case that neither have moved. I would give the bishop free choice. (I would give the bishop a knight move instead of a wazir move. But this is just me.)
The Dragon Horse may be worth as much as a pair of Knights (even more on larger boards). In Fergus Duniho's Caïssa Britannia the Bishop can also make a noncapturing Wazir move. Has anyone determined the value of this piece? The Bishops Conversion Rule would become unnecessary.
This 'Augmented Bishop' may be approximately the same strength as the 'Long Knight', which I define to be a Nightrider that is limited to making one or two Knight-leaps. Worth considering on large board variants.
Maura's Modern Chess already has a solution for the 'Bishop Conversion' to the light squares. Modern Chess has the 'Bishop Castling' rule, where one, and only one, of the Bishops is allowed to swap places with the Knight, Queen or Minister adjacent to it. Neither of the pieces involved in the 'Bishop Castling' must have moved before, and the move is optional. Unlike Carlos Cetina's Bishop Conversion Rule, which mandates one of the Bishops to convert to the light squares; Maura's Bishop Castling is just an option. If a player is confortable playing with 2 Bishops on the dark squares, he may choose to do so. But he may end up playing against a formation that has Bishops on both light and dark squares.
Question -
This says "for one of the bishops of the player, the first move made with this bishop must be [a conversion]". But what if a player has a bishop captured before either has moved? The wording makes it sound like the other bishop would still be required to convert, but my guess is that is not what was intended. I would think that if a bishop is captured before either has moved, the other one would be able to convert but would not be required to convert. Carlos, can you please clarify?
Hi Greg:
The wording is from Hans based on the info I sent him by email and I admit that it can be somewhat confusing because I really had not considered the possibility that you refer until Mike Nelson pointed out it in a comment wrote on Oct 21/2002.
My answer is that said remaining bishop would have FREE CHOICE to be converted or moved normally according to the color of the square in which it is placed.
Great, thank you. That is what I had expected. I will update the page to incorporate this.
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