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This mistake before the revision gave me an idea.
Desnaffle Chess
Ahh thank you for your kind words!
I hope you have a nice day!
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It's a nice concept for sure, but the fact that the leapers are so weak and don't promote at all is killing me. (only Gold can mate by itself with help from the King, and it isn't even immediately available after dropping).
I suppose it could be a proof of concept for a future game of yours. A good idea would be to have the leapers be forward-only but have decently strong promotions, most of which are more mobile forward than backward, along with a piece significantly more powerful than the rest of the army. This is what Seireigi does with the standard Shogi set.
I would guess that the weakness of the pieces makes it very difficult to achieve checkmate, so that the game would focus on trying to reach the other side, and win by campmate.
What's a campmate?
It's in the rules.
============= @ Mr. H.G. Muller Respected H.G. Muller, how to express a piece that can capture
other pieces, but [[[[ Not foe king ]]] ? This helps a lot in new piece composation.
__ btw, kD is to capture foe king only. ___ How to express the
reverse way, i.e., Not able to capture foe king?
Thanks so much for your help.
sincerely, adella....
You can see my Paramount Parafigures.
Th k modifier inverts the power to deliver check compared to what the piece would otherwise have.
It does not matter that the leapers don't promote because pieces are never taken out of the game forever, they all return via drops. The stronger player always has enough pieces to checkmate.
On the pieces: You are free to name the pieces whatever you want, but for the convenience of CV enthusiasts I suggest the addition of the following things:
Ox: It is also known as Alibaba (Alfil-Dabbaba compound piece)
Courtier: It is also known as Zebra, a piece with a long history in Chess.
It also suggest adding Betza notations for all the pieces. It is
Ox (Betza notation AD)
Camel (Betza notation L or C)
Courtier (Betza notation J or Z)
Ram (Betza notation HG)
P.S. I am not aware of other games featuring the Ram. Cazaux's Troll comes close, but it has additionally a pawn move.
HG or T appeared in Simi River, Wukong, Markawa, Desnaffle Chess.
There are already Betza notations in the notes.
Well, but not very human readable, one has to decode cryptic things like
customPiece3 = r:GH
what is perfectly OK as an instruction for a CV engine, but it is not a note adressing human readers.
It does not matter that the leapers don't promote because pieces are never taken out of the game forever, they all return via drops. The stronger player always has enough pieces to checkmate.
What matters is that many of the leapers are so weak as to be ineffectual against a piece like a King without the possibility of promoting to something stronger. Even the weakest leapers in Shogi, the (Shogi) Knight and Pawn, have some way to work around that with their promotions to the equivalent of a Gold General. But I suppose it is good enough as a proof of concept.
@ Respected H.G. Muller, Thanks so much for your talent. I appreciate your help a lot. sincerely, adella.
If you want a game where T can be promoted, there's Markawa where T can be promoted to NB.
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Can this be published please ?