This page is written by the game's inventor, Gerd Degens.
By Gerd P. Degens
The Game requires a board with 15 ranks and 15 files.
On ranks 2 to 14, pieces are morphed according to the rules (see below). There is no morphing on ranks 1 and 15.
Included in the game are so-called ZeCaRis - hybrid figures made up of the Zebra and Camel figures in the Rider version (ZebraCamelRider).
Standard set of pieces - plus additional pieces. Details in the rule section.
Except for the following changes, the Fide rules apply.
There is no capturing en passant, castling and promotion of pawns takes place.
Bare king loses. Stalemate is a win.
Setup and morph table
Ranks 1 and 15
There is no morphing on ranks 1 and 15.
Rank 2 and 14
On ranks 2 and 14 there are only pawns or pieces are morphed into pawns to enable pawn promotion.
Ranks 3 to 13
See table.
Move options
The ZeCaRi is a hybrid figure of the zebra and camel figure and moves as follows:
The amazon is a hybrid figure of the queen and knight and moves as follows:
The nightrider can perform the move of a knight once or several times in sequence. A piece on a target square cannot be jumped over.
The cardinalrider is a hybrid figure of bishop and nightrider and moves as follows:
The amazonrider is a hybrid figure of queen and nightrider and moves as follows:
The king can move to an adjoining square and castles as follows: