Chaturanga-For-Four (Machiavellian Version)
Keys "s"=save "l"=load "b"=back once
Chaturanga-For-Four (Machiavellian Version)
John Zimmerman's exciting, machiavellian game. Without alliances, which I am not able to simulate here, the game is drawish.
Whoever is in check has to move next amd the moves rotate from there.
If you are stalemated, your king freezes and your other pieces are removed.
If you are checkmated, your king is removed and the other pieces go to whoever's move checkmated you.
If your king moves to the opposite corner and leaves on the next move, a queen appears. One queen is allowed per side.
Surviving king wins.
These are simple illustrations rather than strong opponents.
Bug Reports -- Thank you! Keep them coming!
Written by Ed Friedlander
WWW Page Added: Sunday, December 30, 2001