Daniel Elliott Loeb send me the following information on Barney Pells METAGAME Game-playing Workbench. The author of the file below is Barney Pell.
METAGAME Game-Playing Workbench 2.0.0
- Generator for Symmetric Chess-like Games
- Automatically generates new games in this diverse class.
- Generator can be controlled by parameters affecting board-size, piece complexity, types of goals, branching factor, and so on.
- Generated pieces are given mnemonic names, which can be modified by the user.
- Definitions of chess, checkers, chinese_chess, shogi, lose_chess, lose_checkers, french_checkers, tic_tac_toe translated into symmetric chess-like games.
- Text interface for generating and playing games, with extensive help menus and move completion.
- Legal move generator
- Takes in the rules of any game in this class (either generated or user defined), an returns the set of legal moves from any board position.
- A sophisticated player: ITERATE
- This is an iterative-deepending alpha-beta searcher, with resource bounds, randomized ordering on ties, and the principal continuation heuristic
- The supplied evaluation function uses features of MATERIAL, THREATS, PIECE-MOBILITY, TOTAL-MOBILITY, and PIECE-SQUARE tables. The weights for these features can be set by users or programs for different games.
- The evaluation function used in this searcher can be entirely customized or replaced by the user or program.
- Efficient indexing, for fast search and pattern matching.
- Game Clock / Timing Facilities
- Portability: This Workbench can now be used in Quintus or Sictus Prolog.
I would appreciate any feedback (at (email removed contact us for address) cam.ac.uk) concerning the system and its use. I will try to be responsive to any comments/requests/bugs/etc.
Barney Pell Computer Laboratory New Museum Site Pembroke Street Cambridge CB2 3QG England E-Mail: (email removed contact us for address) cam.ac.uk Telephone: (44)(0)223 334602 Fax: (44)(0)223 334678 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To receive and build the Metagame Workbench: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The metagame system is implemented in SICStus Prolog, version 2.1, which is available by email to: (email removed contact us for address) s.se This new release also supports Quintus Prolog. HOW TO ftp: 1) Issue FTP command to connect to our ftp server ftp ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk or ftp When asked for Name, respond with "anonymous" When asked for Password, respond with your email address 2) Issue change directory command to where the METAGAME system is cd users/bdp 3) Change transfer mode to binary binary 4) Now retrieve the METAGAME system get metagame2.0.tar.Z 5) Exit the ftp program quit 6) Now uncompress and untar the files uncompress -c metagame2.0.tar.Z | tar xvf - Note that this command creates a subdirectory Metagame in the current directory and uncompresses the files into that directory. 7) (Optional) Remove the compressed METAGAME system rm metagame2.0.tar.Z 8) Change into the Metagame directory cd Metagame 9) Build the system make install 10) Run the system bin/metagame That will put you in the system proper. After that, use the help menus to find out what to do. Remember that if you ever encounter an error which fails to prolog, just type: "metagame." to get back into the system. 11) Have fun with the METAGAME system... Note that some of these instructions (1-7) apply only to Berkeley derived Unix, eg BSD, SunOS, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also available are two papers on Metagame: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ metagame.ps.Z: Metagame: A New Challenge for Games and Learning chess-like.ps.Z Metagame in Symmetric Chess-Like Games And one paper on Go: -------------------- go.ps.Z: Exploratory Learning in the Game of GO To retrieve and print these papers: 1) Get them from FTP, as described above 2) uncompress them: uncompress file.ps.Z 3) print them to a postscript printer: lpr -Tps file.ps ----------------------------------------
Webpage created: February 7, 1997.