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Maxima is a Zillions-of-Games file. It is categorized as: Two dimensional.
Maxima . This ZRF enforces the checkmate condition in Maxima.
Author: Roberto Lavieri and Joost aan de Brugh. Inventor: Roberto Lavieri.
<p>Copy the ZIF files to the same directory where the ZRF files are located. These ZIF files are text files called by the ZRF. <p>In the main MAXIMA page, it is stablished that one of the winning conditions is to Checkmate the King, but in the original ZRF it was not implemented. It used the easier to implement Capture-The-King win condition. This ZRF, named MAXIMA_1.ZRF, modified from the original by Mr. de Brugh, implements the Checkmate condition and is really the correct ZRF for the game. <p>These are the checkmate rules as implemented in this ZRF: <p>- You can't leave your King in check. <p>- If you threaten to invade the opponent's palace. Your opponent is automatically in check and must prevent you from invading his castle. <p>- You may not put two pieces in your own palace (invade your own palace). You may only 'threaten' to invade your own palace if this would capture your opponent's king (see below). <p>- Immobilized kings may not suicide. <p>- If you bare your opponent's king, you automatically checkmate his king and win. <p>- If any possible move is illegal because of these rules, you are stalemated. In the ZRF-file the game is drawn. <p>And these are the rules when the two win condition 'interfere'. <p>- You may invade your opponent's palace if you are in check. I could better say, your opponent may not check you if that move allows you to invade his palace. <p>- You may invade your own palace to capture your opponent's king. Your opponent is not allowed to leave or put his king in check, even if capturing the king would result in an invasion of the own palace. <p>- You may not invade your own palace to bare your opponent's king. <p>These three rules are the same as in the ZRF-file with capture-the-king-condition. </p>
Other Information
The board used for this game has 76 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.
Invented in the year 2003.
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See Also
- Maxima. The Maxima page is now available in Spanish! (Spanish Language) By Roberto Lavieri.
- Maxima. Maxima is an interesting and exiting variant of Ultima, with new elements that make Maxima more clear and dynamic. (Cells: 76) By Roberto Lavieri.
- Maxima. Play Maxima, an interesting and exiting variant of Ultima, with new elements that make Maxima more clear and dynamic. Author: Roberto Lavieri and Antoine Fourrière. Inventor: Roberto Lavieri.
- Maxima Set. Missing description Author: Roberto Lavieri.
- Maxima . Maxima is an interesting and exiting variant of Ultima, with new elements that make Maxima more clear and dynamic. By Roberto Lavieri.
- Maxima . Download this file to see a sample game of Maxima! Author: Rhonan Lavieri and Roberto Lavieri. Inventor: Roberto Lavieri.
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