Person Information
Sean Christopher Duggan
User ID: fuzzy

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User ID: fuzzy
Contributor, Game Inventor, Member
Last Logged on 2019-09-02 16:15:44.
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My first contribution was in 1996. I ran into Hans on a message board where
he was asking for chess variants. Well, in middle school, I'd created a
chess variant for the heck of it, so I sent Hans a text file describing the
game. I then promptly forgot about it. Then, years later, I happened upon
this website and found that not only had my variant been published there,
but someone had even created a variant to improve playability. Since then,
I've dabbled some in Zillions of Games, releasing a ZRF for DoubleChess and
trying to implement and then refine Fantasy Chess. ^_^ I'm definitely an
amateur both in regular chess and in variants.