Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To M Winther wrote on Thu, May 18, 2006 05:55 PM UTC:Joost, you have a strong point there. There is an immense number of interesting possibilities. A piece could be a rook in its fight mode, but it can in an instant turn into some kind of long-leaper, for instance. Why it works is because it costs a move to return it to its rook-state again, which is necessary, because it cannot capture in its long-leap state. The Harpy was implemented so that it must return to fight state before being again able to move like a Flying Harpy. But it's also possible to implement the double mode piece so that it can remain in the transport-mode, and make several non-capturing leaps in that state. It depends on the game context which is best, I suppose. --Mats Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID The Harpy does not match any item.