Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To H. G. Muller wrote on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 05:48 PM UTC:What other games do you have in mind? Checkers and Go? Bridge and Poker? Of course any program can be changed to do anything else, but the question is if this is useful. The current WinBoard is designed for Chess-like games, and rests on the assumptions that there are only two players, which alternate turn, in which they move only a single piece to a square that is empty or occupied by an opponent. Normally there are no side effects to a move. The protocol does not provide a mechanism to specify side effects, it just specifies a From and a To square. The rare side effects that occur in Chess (castling and e.p.) are implied. Only for promotions the promotion piece is specified. For games like Checkers and Go you basically would have to teach WinBoard what the side effects of the moves are (capture of opponent pieces on jumping or surrounding), and this would be easier if you were using a dedicated GUI for Checkers or Go. For games with hexagonal or triangular boards the required graphics would be so different, that it also makes no sense to integrate it in the same GUI. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Standards does not match any item.