Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Rich Hutnik wrote on Wed, Oct 8, 2008 07:40 PM UTC:On this note, I will agree with the this comment: That a FEN is a better way to store a game state, but there is also a need to be able communicate a game move or series of game moves. If this is what I said, I would agree to it, and believe that both need to be worked on. I believe we need both an extended FEN, and a reworking of PGN so that it is more universal. If this is what is being said, I do believe we have common ground on here, and we can proceed to work on these. I am of the believe that the move notation will likely come before the extended FEN. The issue with the extended FEN is that FEN relies on being able to record a set number of piece types. However, we have a potential for an infinite number of game pieces, so his is an issue. FEN, as of now, can't handle this. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Standards does not match any item.