Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Rich Hutnik wrote on Fri, Oct 17, 2008 02:46 PM UTC:What I would like to do is get standards out there so not only Zillion could interface with the CV site and others, but other people could create programs that do the same also. You have open standards/protocols, so the maker of ChessV, Winboard and others, could then get their programs working with the various game websites out there (CV, SDG, Richard's PBEM). Someone could also develop a specialized GUI just for this. Idea here is providing a way to be able to get more people on more websites, and allow specialization in the development of different components. By working on the interface end, and allowing people to create these, IAGO could then have a place where it could capture game stats, and do record keeping for games. This all starts by standardizing the way client applications interface with websites. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Zillions and GC does not match any item.