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Rich Hutnik wrote on Sun, Oct 19, 2008 04:25 AM UTC:
Hello Fergus.  I want to comment here:
1. There ARE programs out there that can benefit from this, and websites. 
On the programming front, there is Axiom (and Zillions), ChessV,
Cyberboard, and Winboard.
2. You are touching on a chicken and egg issue if you were to go with
'there is no software out there'.  Well, unless there is standardized
protocols, you aren't likely to see programs created specifically for
that.  And unless the programs are out there, then sites go they aren't
going to bother.  All this then becomes an excuse for not doing anything.
3. As for AIs being poor, well not sure what that has to do with providing
a GUI for people to be able to play over a server against other people. 
What I will say is, if you develop the communication protocols to enable
interoperability, using what is out there now (see names above), then you
will provide a place for people to work on AIs that are stronger.  They
could even work with Axiom to be able to code up stronger AIs.

So, things are out there now.  What is needed is to get them to work, and
not have people make excuses to justify the way things are today.

Also, if you do want to work with a developer on this, please contact me at: rich [at] or richardhutnik [at] optonline [dot] net.   The developer of Axiom (Greg Schmidt) is working with Aaron Dalton of the SDG site to get Axiom to interface with his site.  It is in discussions now.  It would be helpful to email me, and I can get you the link to the forum, and also their email addresses, so this can come about.

So, in a nutshell, there are things afoot now, and getting Game Courier to also tie in and work would helpful.

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