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H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Nov 25, 2023 06:55 AM EST in reply to François Houdebert from 02:48 AM:

It should be possible to add my repository to your git as a remote source, and then pull the hgm branch from it. You could then rebase your branch on top of that. (Which will probably require resolving lots of conflicts.)

"New piece showcase" is one of the "other Jocly games" you can select from the CVP Jocly installation.

Apart from adding new games I did make some enhancements to more basic parts of Jocly, such as the base-model.js (e.g. to allow multiple royals), and even deep in the Jocly core (for animation of multiple capture, and improved trajectory of bent sliders so they do not move through other pieces). So it would not be a bad idea to make this the new master branch.

We will have to solve one problem to prevent a regression, though: to make repetition detection work correctly I had to change the way base-model.js calculates the hash key. (The old way would consider a position different if two identical pieces swapped location, and in games with piece drops this happens a lot.) But the hash key was also used to probe the opening book, so that change made the existing books useless. Recreating the books with the new hash key doesn't seem possible; the program to create the books was not released with the rest of Jocly, and should be considered lost.

Now only Chess and Xiangqi have a book. So we could keep a version of base-model.js that calculates the hash key the old way, and only use that with Chess and Xiangqi. That is not very subtle, though. Another way is to include the routine that calculates the hash key in the *-model.js files for these two games, and set it up such that they use that to overrule the key calculation in base-model.js.

I am afraid I will not be much help with .stl files, or editing/creating 3D pieces in general. As I explained in my reply to Jean-Louis I never got any further than understanding how the piece.js files of Jocly encode the pieces, so that I am able to distort existing shapes by altering the coordinates of the mesh that defines their shape with a text editor. Altering the maps so far was beyond my capabilities. (Well, that is not entirely true, as these are jpg files that could be edited with MS Paint, but that does not produce the subtle hue gradients you need to make the resulting piece any good.)

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