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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, May 13, 2004 10:33 PM UTC:
The final of the Canarias en Red Internet Chess Festival ended in a victory
for Indian GM Krishnan Sasikiran (India´s number two player, 22 years old,
ELO 2659), ahead of a valiant GM Sergey Karjakin, who is just 14 years
old. 73 players, including 18 GMs and FIDE champion Ponomariov, were
present in one of the strongest blitz tournaments ever. Hikaru Nakamura
('Star Wars') did very well in the qualification phase, with 8 points
and beating some very strong GMs, but he couldn´t clasify to the finals by
only a half of point. Nakamura beated Sasirikan, the winner of the
Tournement, twice in two games!. A misterious anonymous player did very
well too. Now it is known he was Henrique Mecking, Brazilian that was one
of the world strongest players in the 70´s. He was affected by a severe
illness, but a miracle happened, and he is playing again Chess.

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