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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `Type` = 'DTP' AND `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
123123. Missing description
katana Advertising. katana. (Recognized!)
Betza notation (extended). The powerful XBetza extension to Betza's funny notation. By H. G. Muller.
Bob Greenwade's SVG Library. A collection of SVG piece images. By Bob Greenwade.
Chess Adventurer
. True Type chess font with distinguished bishop. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Alfonso
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from famous games book of King Alfonso from Spain, 13th century. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Assistant Light. Chess publishing software.
Chess Berlin 1.1
. True type chess font. Author: Eric Bentzen.
Chess Captor. Program to make chess diagrams.
Chess Cases
. True type chess font used in Problemiste. By Matthieu Leschemelle.
Chess Condal
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from Spanish chess books. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Diagram Construction Utility. Webpage that helps to make chess diagrams for publications.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Croatian, Danish, English, German, Slavonic, Swedish, and Yugoslavian. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess figurine font, based on Switserland font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian and Norwegian. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess figurine font, based on Times New Roman font.
. For texts with chess figures. For Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian and Norwegian. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Figurine Font: FigurineStymbol T1, using Times New Roman.
. For texts with chess figures. For Croatian, Danish, English, German, Slavonic, Swedish, and Yugoslavian. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Figurine Font: FigurineStymbol T2, using Times New Roman.
. For texts with chess figures. For French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess font: Chess Utrecht
. Stylized chess font (true type). By Hans L. Bodlaender.
Chess Harlequin
. True type chess font based on diagrams from French book. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Kingdom
. True type chess font, based on diagrams from Latin American chess books. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Leipzig
. True type chess font from book from Leipzig, end of 19th century. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Line
. Simple geometric chess font. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Lucena
. True type chess font based on 500 years old book `incunable of Lucena'. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Magnetic
. True type chess font based on magnetic chess set. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Mark
. A TrueType diagram font in a simple geometric style. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Mark
. True type chess font with stylized figures. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Marroquin
. True type chess font. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Marroquin
. A TrueType diagram font in a modern Mexican style. Author: Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Maya
. True type chess font for children's chess publications, using silhouettes of Staunton pieces. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Mediaeval
. True type chess font with traditional design. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Merida
. True type chess font with classic design. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Millennia
. True type chess font in two versions with stylized versions for the third millennium. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Miscel
. Clipart font for chess publications; true type font. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Motif
. True type chess font with simple figures and bold outlines. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Usual
. True type chess font; redesign of Chess Regular. By Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
Chess Utrecht
. Stylized chess font, true type. By Hans L. Bodlaender.
Chess Utrecht. A True Type chess font. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Chess Word Macros and Fonts. Alastair Scott's Chess DTP Page. Author: Alastair Scott.
Diagram Designer. Lets you display diagrams without uploading any graphics. By Fergus Duniho.
Diagram Editor with scalable graphics. An easy-to-use tool for drawing boards and pieces of any size and color. By H. G. Muller.
Diagram Maker. Zillions of Games file for creating chess problem diagrams. Author: Ben Good.
En Passant - website of the Nørresundby Chess Club. Much information on programs for chess publishing, chess programs, etc. Author: Eric Bentzen.
. Word macros for generating diagrams using chess fonts for the board and pieces. Author: Alastair Scott.
ffen2diag. A tool to make chess and fairy / variant chess diagrams. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Font Settings. Change your fonts for viewing this site. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Font: Draughts
. True type font with symbols for draughts/checkers pieces. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
GenDiagW. A Word macro to make chess diagrams. By Michel Drouilly.
HTML vs Markdown. A style guide to using Markdown or HTML on this site. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Icon Clearinghouse. A collection of chess icons for all to use in Interactive Diagrams and Game Courier setups. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 2. Part two features dozens of animal-based icons. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 3. Part three features nobility, clergy, military, and related icons. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 4. Part four focuses on enhanced and limited orthodox pieces. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 5. Part 5 has pieces that don't neatly fit into other categories. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 6. Part 6 focuses on my own original pieces and icons. By Bob Greenwade.
katana katana. katana. (Recognized!)
Magnetic Piece PNGs. Magnetic style Chess Variant Piece Images in PNG format. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Fergus Duniho and Armando Hernandez Marroquin.
New Concepts. Missing description
Online PGN Viewer. Webtool to visualize the moves of a chessgame in PGN notation.
. Word macros for converting Portable Game Notation (PGN) files to figurine algebraic notation using chess fonts for the figurines. Author: Alastair Scott.
Piece Graphics Library by Jean-Louis Cazaux. Collection of piece graphics, specially made for use in Zillions-of-Games, by J.-L.Cazaux. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Quivira Font. Unicode, TrueType font containing historical chess piece characters. By Alexander Lange.
shat2diag2. A tool to make uncheckered chess and fairy / variant chess diagrams. By Hans L. Bodlaender.
TeX Chess
. Chess program (including many variants) in TeX. By (zzo38) A. Black.
The Nishiki-teki font's Chess variant characters. A listing of Chess variant piece characters in the Nishiki-teki font. Author: Fergus Duniho.
The showpiece script. A script for displaying individual piece images with some modifications. By Fergus Duniho.
Traveller Standard
. True type chess font. Author: Alan Cowderoy.
Unicode Fonts with Chess Piece Images. Images of how the Unicode Chess piece characters are displayed in different fonts. Author: Fergus Duniho.
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