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Comments by DerekNalls

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Amphibian Chess ZIP file. Pieces capture by leaping when there's a square past the target, or by replacement when the target is on the edge.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:26 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Amphora ZIP file. Chess variant inspired by game of Stone Warriors on wine bottle shaped board with 40 squares.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:32 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

21st Century chess ZIP file. A Zillions file to play an updating of Chess for the video game generation, on a 10x8 board with Barons and Jesters.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:39 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Amphora ZIP file. Chess variant inspired by game of Stone Warriors on wine bottle shaped board with 40 squares.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:47 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Annan Shogi ZIP file. Shogi variant where pieces move like a friendly piece directly behind it (and similar variants).[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:56 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Derek Nalls wrote on Sun, Feb 13, 2005 06:58 PM UTC:
[Comment voluntarily deleted.]

Symmetrical Chess Collection Essay. Members-Only Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]

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Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Since this comment is for a page that has not been published yet, you must be signed in to read it.

Experiments in Symmetry. Several experimental games to test whether perfect symmetry makes a game better.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Wed, Feb 16, 2005 02:46 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
My, you are a barn-burner!
[Fast, too.]

You seem to clearly understand what you have undertaken and introduced. 
For the test purpose you have in mind, my preliminary assessment is that
your assortment of games are above average to excellent.

Are you hoping for a collective interest and effort which will get enough
of these games adequately playtested within a reasonable time to prove
and/or disprove one of our competing, mutually-exclusive hypotheses?

Perhaps, it will happen.
I hope so.

Best of luck and my compliments for your remarkable initiative!

By the way, you may have invented a great game today (which you will
someday be remembered for) even if doing so was merely incidental to your
main purpose.

Symmetrical Chess Collection Essay. Members-Only Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]

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Experiments in Symmetry. Several experimental games to test whether perfect symmetry makes a game better.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Feb 17, 2005 01:37 AM UTC:
'A leaperless combination of Bigamous Chess and Episcopal Chess with
RBBQKQBBR would probably be closer to Derek's ideal, I would think, and
avoid the 'all Bishops on one color' problem of Bigamous Chess.'

Just my opinion-

On an 8H x 9W board, this is the best possible test game of all I have
seen proposed if you are willing to admit one more large variant.

All credit is rightfully Aronson's.

Derek Nalls wrote on Thu, Feb 17, 2005 04:03 AM UTC:
'Although they gain left/right symmetry, for whatever that is worth,
I think it is more important to have one's Bishops on opposite colors.'

Your assessment is correct.

Having both bishops trapped in the same spacing (light or dark) is a
serious imbalance (asymmetry) and design flaw.

This is not a correct way to gain left-right (E-W) symmetry.  Fortunately,
it is not unduly difficult to devise a correct way to gain left-right (E-W)

If you gain a treasure chest but its weight sinks your ship, what have
gained ultimately?

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