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Comments by RobertoLavieri

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Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Nov 24, 2003 02:16 AM UTC:
I mean: Vote for Kamikaze Mortal Shogi!. Mortla is an involuntary mistake

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Nov 24, 2003 03:07 AM UTC:
I have to be precise: I think Chess is not a VERY popular game in America,
but it is certainly played by a significative number of players. Chess
variants are less popular. I live in Venezuela, here some variants are
played eventually in certain circles, but the number of players of Chess
variants is relatively modest, perhaps of four or five hundred of persons
that sometimes play some variant. Not all known variants are played,
fundamentally these people plays Grand Chess and/or Ultima, and in less
proportion, Omega Chess, and in the last times, I have seen people playing
Rococo, with Mirror Array, and these persons are part of the ULTIMA fans.
How many persons?. The real fans of Rococo may be two or three decens, and
the game may have been played at least once by, say, between one and two
hundred, It is my stimation. Is it popular?. Well, it depends how are you
measuring the things. Chess Variants are NOT very popular, so perhaps
these number means 'relative popularity', although I´m not sure to apply
this qualificative ...

Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Tue, Nov 25, 2003 06:45 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Aproval poll partial results must be visible in this page, I think

Contest to design a chess variant on 44 squares. Our annual N-squares chess variant design competition.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Nov 27, 2003 02:28 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
I am preparing two games for the contest, but the ZRF's are not ready yet.
May be in two or three weeks, more or less. I´ll send my games once I have
finished the ZRF´s and tested the games, making the final adjusts and
re-testing, if necessary.
The prizes?. Well, if someone offers prizes, it is expected that winners
can get the prizes, but I have not read WHEN.

Combined Arms Brigade Chess. New movement for traditional Chess pieces with a modern military theme. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Nov 28, 2003 01:02 PM UTC:
Can you explain better the movements of Knights, Bishops and Rooks?. Please, I´m not completely clear.

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Dec 17, 2003 03:55 PM UTC:
I like the attempt to make the hexagonal Ultima-type game, and the
Bureocrat is a very interesting piece, I like it a lot. It should be
immune to the immobilizer, making the Immobilizer a bit less powerful in
some situations. For the Coordinator, I suggest it can capture an enemy
piece if the piece is on the intersection of the vertical line  that pass
through the Coordinator position with any of the Rook-lines that pass
through the King position. I know you are beginning the work for the
Hex-Ultima-Type game (it seems more close to Hex-Rococo-Type at first
view, let´s see the evolution of the ideas). Any help or suggestions you
need let me know, I´m interested in your project, there is nothing on
hexagonal Ultima-Type games. Surely, other people is also interested.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Dec 17, 2003 08:28 PM UTC:
For the Coordinator, it would be best if it captures in Coordination with
the King using both vertical lines, the one that pass by the Coordinator
position, and the one that pass by the King position, and the enemy pieces
in the intersection of one of these lines with the Rook-lines that pass by
the position of the other piece in coordination, are captured. I have
suggested Antoine a pair of other ideas about, but decisions are not easy
at this early stage. Once ready the first BETA ZRF, some tests are needed
for refinements, but accord with his words, it is not expected the ZRF
before the first two month of 2004. I agree with Antoine about the use of
only one Long-Leaper. In a HEX Board, Long-Leapers are very powerful, and
a pair of them looks too much for the game.

GCT1 Poll Results. The latest results of the approval poll for selecting the games to be played in the first Game Courier tournament.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Dec 18, 2003 02:15 AM UTC:
I´m not surprised by the votes on favor of Grand Chess, Shogi and Ultima, but I have not expected other results. Chaturanga and Shatranj: Nostalgic feelings on History ?. Rococo: Sub-voted?, Kamikaze Mortal Shogi: not well known?. For my games, I obviously expected Maxima´s votes over Achernar and Deneb, but I recommend try Achernar, it is cool, clear and really intense from the beginning to the end! (in two-three weeks: The new version). Takeover and Pocket Mutation: very nice games!. Star Trek: some panic with 3d games?. I can mention many other good games in competition, but some words to Voidrider: Perhaps the best 'little board' competing game, subjectively.(For a while, because I have not sent my entries for the 44 squares contest. Wait one or two weeks and see what I´m talking about. This is a propaganda for my coming-soon games, of course.)

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Dec 18, 2003 06:21 PM UTC:
What happened with tha Alfaerie graphics?. Are the same as the Abstract
graphics in the new Preset

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Dec 24, 2003 01:05 PM UTC:
Merry Christmas!. The best wishes for all friends and visitors of The Chess
Variants Pages!

Contest: the 9 Queens Problem. Put 9 queens and 1 or 2 pawns such that queens do not see each other. Send your solution before Feb 29, and win a book![All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Jan 9, 2004 05:46 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Nice problem!. I have not a proof yet, but I think it is not possible a
solution with only one Pawn.
With two Pawns I have constructed this one:
QUEENS in  a1, b3, c5, d3, d8, e6, f4, g2, h5.
PAWNS in  c3, b5.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Jan 9, 2004 08:54 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
This position shows TEN QUEENS and TWO PAWNS, Queens safe each other:
QUEENS: a8, b5, c3, d1, d6, e4, f2, f7, g5, h3
PAWNS: d5, f3

Is it possible with NINE QUEENS and ONE PAWN?. I think the answer is NO,
but it is not easy to give a proof!.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Jan 9, 2004 09:25 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
HERE IS THE ANSWER: YES!!!, it is possible to put 9 Queens and one Pawn in
an 8x8 Board, every Queen unattacked by other Queen.
QUEENS: a8, b5, c2, d4, d6, e1, f7, g5, h3
PAWN: d4

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Jan 10, 2004 02:00 AM UTC:
Gary, excuse it. I agree with your dissapointment. I were effusive because
I enjoyed the problem and the way I attacked the solution, trying to give
a proof to my wrong hypothesis of impossibility, it conduced me to find
the solution. Of course, I´m not the winner of the book, it was almost
clear in the Andreas mail that he found the solution, and he did it before
me; and now I know you did it days before. But I am more interested in the
mathematical problem than in the prize. I´m going to think in the general
problem, but it is a very difficult one, I conjecture that if N>=n
(certain n<=8), and if N<M<2N, it is possible to put M Queens and M-N Paws
on the board in such way the Queens are safe each other.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Jan 10, 2004 02:08 AM UTC:
It exists n ( n <= 8 ) such that, if N >= n, and if M is a number such
that N < M <= 2N, then it is possible to put M Queens and M-N Pawns on the
NxN board ia a manner that the Queens are safe each other

Time Travel Chess. Pieces can travel into the Future. Kings can also return to the Past! (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Jan 14, 2004 12:08 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★

Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Jan 19, 2004 12:30 PM UTC:
Some of us may have some problems for make a move certain days, but it can be compensated with more moves other day, if both players agree. The idea of clocks is a good one, but it may need some adjusts to reallity, I think.

Hanga Roa. A chess variant inspired by the people of Easter Island. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Tue, Jan 20, 2004 02:30 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
It seems to be a nice game. I figure it is much more complex than it looks at first view. I´m not sure if the throwing of two Stones adds too much to the game, the density grows quickly, and some tactics would be difficult to perform, so there is the need of some non-trivial planning from the beginnings. A question: Can Arikis throw only ONE stone?. Can they move without any throw?. I have not played a complete game yet, I have only moved the pieces for a while, taking an idea of the game play, but I think that it is very difficult reach the other side goal, it looks more easy the surrounding objective of the game. I spent one hour this afternoon trying to implement a primitive version of a ZRF, but I have had some troubles with it. My impression is that Zillions is going to be a poor Hanga Roa player, I don´t know if there is other person trying an implementation, but the main problem may be the incapacity of Zillions to avoid fast losing positions in this kind of games, because the objectives of it.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Jan 21, 2004 08:31 PM UTC:
Hernan, Juan Pablo: As good contributors, I think you may be Members of The Chess Variants Pages. Read about, and if you are interested, register as Members. The only things needed are your eventual contributions to the Pages, as Hanga Roa (no money!), and it has some benefits, as the possibility of enter the Contests, write comments directly, vote in all the Polls, etc, apart from become part of this nice community. Think on it.

Leap Chess. Game with mandatory captures and other Checkers-like elements on a board of 44 squares. (6x8, Cells: 44) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Jan 22, 2004 06:09 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Is there a little bug in the ZRF with the one-step slide movement-?. If so, it is not difficult fixing it.

Rococo. A clear, aggressive Ultima variant on a 10x10 ring board. (10x10, Cells: 100) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Jan 30, 2004 08:27 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
The game is excellent as it is -in its three variants-, and Ultima is, certainly, an extraordinary game too. These games are enterely different in the game play, and both are nice, each one with its own characteristics. No changes to any of them!.

Nova Chess. Members-Only Played on an 8x8 or 10x10 board with a wide range of pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]

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Ultima. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Also called Baroque. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Feb 5, 2004 12:51 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Ultima is a great game, regardless the opinion of the author, Robert Abbot, about 'what is wrong with Ultima'. The case is that many people around the world plays Ultima, and accept the game as it is. The game play is closed almost all the time, and it is not easy win this game, and draw is the most possible result in many games between two experienced players playing more or less well. If someone wants an improvement that add richness to the game play without the loss of the philosophy and main ideas behind Ultima, perhaps the most simple way is introducing two pieces missing with Queen movement: First, the Advancer, and second, The FIDE-QUEEN!. The idea is reduce the number of Long-Leapers and Chameleons to only one each, it is not clear the need of two of them, as pointed out by Antoine Fourriere. I have pre-tested a version with this new elements, and the game play is nice, more dynamic than the original game, but you can feel the essence of Ultima regardless the new changes. But this idea, and perhaps any other, could find resistance by the relatively numerous fans of this game, that continue playing it, as originally born.

Pocket Polypiece Chess 43. Game with off-board pocket where all pieces of a type change when one piece of a type is moved normally. (7x6, Cells: 43) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Feb 12, 2004 09:23 PM UTC:
The 73 Sq´s version looks fine!. I agree with the leaper/withdrawer, but I´m not sure the value is almost the same if the withdrawer captures with one square movement. Usual Withdrawers are not very strong pieces, prhaps similar in value to the proposed leaper

Ultima. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Also called Baroque. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Feb 16, 2004 05:21 PM UTC:
ULTIMATUM, an ULTIMA variant. The proposal is simple: One Chameleon, one Long-Leaper. Add a FIDE-Queen and an Advancer per band. The suggested initial setup is s follows: (White): Immobilizer in a1, Withdrawer, Long-Leaper, King, Queen, Chameleon, Advancer and Coordinator, respectively in b1, c1,...,h1. For Black mirrored arrays, with Coordinator in a8, Advancer in b8, Chameleon in c8, followed by Queen, King, Long-Leaper, Withdrawer and Immobilizer. I doubt about the suicide rule, it would be not as good in this variant as in Ultima. The game play of this variant is very dynamic, but essence of ULTIMA is preserved, and it seems to be more inclined to attack than defense, at least while the new pieces are on the board. Game play in the edges is less effective, due the Queens and Advancers, and Immobilizer is more vulnerable. BETA-TESTERS NEEDED: If you want to test the variant, I can send to you a ZRF BETA, for tests purposes now (it has to be refined a little yet, but it is perfectly functional). If you are interested, e-Mail me. My adress: , and I´ll send to you the compressed file.

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