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Comments by RobertoLavieri

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Fugue. Based on Ultima and Rococo this game has pieces that capture in unusual ways. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Mar 19, 2004 04:59 PM UTC:
The last comment was mine. Excuse I forgot add my User ID. 
Yes, George, some measures may be very interesting, and it can show some
things sometimes, but it is not all we can say about the theme.
The rest of the message is going to be displayed in some moments, due my

Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Mar 21, 2004 08:52 PM UTC:
Fergus, I don´t know the preferences of my adversaries in Shogi and KMS, but I like the Checkered Board, but if anyone prefer the Marble Board it is fine for me. The uncheckered Board has a green background color that shocks a bit on my eyes (I have some troubles with my vision, so this is not merely a capricious preference)

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Mar 22, 2004 12:14 AM UTC:
Advantage in the exchange is REALLY difficult to measure, it depends
strongly on position, and FIDE-CHESS is a notorious example. G.M. Tigran
Petrossian, ex-world champion, was famous by a strict positional Quality
sacrifice in some openings, giving its Rook for a Knight without any
apparent advantage. After a lot of moves, say 20 or 25, the advantage was
notorious, but not easy to see at first!.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Mar 22, 2004 03:18 AM UTC:
Clarity in the rules?. Well, the game of Nemoroth is not exactly the
example of this, but it seems to be a good game very playable (at least I
have seen that in the two test games I have tried). I´m not sure anyone
can stablish standard measures for all games. If you want to have a better
idea about a game, play it, test it and obtain preliminary conclusions. It
is best that any other theoretical consideration.

Mortal Shogi ZRFs ZIP file. Play Shogi and a couple variants with diminishing pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡Roberto Lavieri wrote on Tue, Mar 23, 2004 12:54 PM UTC:
I have not attempted to download the files, I think Fergus can answer you what´s happening, he coded the ZRF´s. In every case, my files work well. If the problems persist, I can send you it, if you want; e-mail me if you can´t find a solution. Have you Windows XP installed in your computer?. Some Zillions files don´t work properly in WXP, but I don´t know why, the management of images seem to observe some incompatibilities, and I´m unable to figure what´s going on.

Game Courier Logs. View the logs of games played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Mar 24, 2004 08:42 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
The First Game Courier Tournement has begun, it is developing nicely and
I´m sure all in the Tournement is enjoying it a lot. Recognitions to
Fergus work, he not only  made an excellent work organizing this
competition, but improving the System specially for it. Thank you, Fergus,
superb work. In the future, we can expect new Tournements. Of what kind?.
It is not hard to see that a Shogi Tournement can attract a lot of people,
maybe the same effect can produce an Oriental-Variants Tournement,
including Shogi, Makruk and Xiang-Qi. Ultima variants Tournement can have
adepts, Large Board Tournement may be interesting, and a Little Board
Tournement, with a selection of games taken from the Contests, should be
really great. 
By the moment, this first experience should serve as a point of reference
for future competitions.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Mar 25, 2004 01:05 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Instead of Loonybird, you can select Dragonfly. Yes, this Tournement can attract many people, I think. You can explore the market, and hear the opinion of interested people.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Mar 25, 2004 01:13 AM UTC:
Whale Shogi is a nice game not very known, and it is not trivial, regardless the dimensions of board. I don´t know the history of this game, but I think it is not enterely Japanese, isn´t right?

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Mar 25, 2004 01:35 AM UTC:
I have seen the page of Whale Shogi in the index. It is an Schmittberger game, most played outside Japan, although apparently not very much. No jokes Mike. Tai Shogi and Taikyouku Shogi can´t be in the Tournement. All of us are mortal people. The selection of games must be not too extense, I agree with the primary selection of Fergus (sustituting Loonybird by Dragonfly), and it may still be reduced a little.

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Mar 25, 2004 05:39 PM UTC:
George, finally, you give a good reason for measures. There are things that
you are not going to be capable to see with theoretical considerations,
but I admit that not ever you, or me, are going to be interested in
feeling the invisible essence of one specific game.

Ultima. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Also called Baroque. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Fri, Mar 26, 2004 06:27 PM UTC:
I don´t know if it is written somewhere, but I have seen that the practice answer in yes, an Immobilizer immobilized by Chameleon can commit suicide. This rule is also understood in Rococo and Maxima, and it is also implemented in this way in the Zillions versions of these games. Some people enjoys Ultima and some of its variants, as some people likes FIDE-Chess and some its variants. Why not?

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Mar 29, 2004 04:13 PM UTC:
I certainly enjoy this Pages, and some of the designs are interesting and
nice to me, this is a sane entertainment seeing others ideas and show my
own ideas to others too, Chess is not a unique concept, in certain way it
is a meta-concept, and explorations around it is a cool matter. Of corse,
there are ever some predilections, and it is natural, as the natural
resistance to changes, but time to time the things change, if not, we
would be playing Chaturanga or Shatranj now. Changes come after
exploration of new ideas, rejecting old ones and making sustitutions that
colective feels good for the purpose of the game. I like the things we are
doing, if all of us dislike our work, it is better close this nice site
and migrate to any of the multiple Pages in which we can play FIDE-Chess
and write opinions about it. It is good too, but I think that many of us
are happy with the things we can see in The Chess Variants Pages, Not all
the things are superb, but this is the way the things are: Some are good,
some are bad, and it depends on the eye that is watching a particular
thing in a certain moment, not everybody has the same opinion about a
topic everytime, this is one of the biggest characteristics of human
beings, and this characteristic is great, it is one of the paradigms of

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Wed, Mar 31, 2004 11:24 PM UTC:
Excellent analysis, Antoine. I have to add some comments to your lines, and
some other comments about George´s interesting ideas. I think that
measures are good for a first view in abstract, but the measures needed
are not ever easy to standarize, and I have a lot of examples. I´ll coming
back to this in the next days, when I have a bit of time to write
something about it.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Apr 1, 2004 01:14 AM UTC:
I don´t agree that potential advantage in the exchange comes ever from
significant differences in piece values, and good examples comes from
positional games like Xian-Qi or Hexetera/Etcetera. In Hexetera, my
subjective estimation of values are, fixing Pawn in 1: Man 1.5,
Flyer-Elephant 2.5, Guardian 4, Rook 5.5; but in this game the usual
exchanges for advantage are strictly positional, and many times (really
many times)this kind of exchange is performed exchanging a major piece for
the capture a piece of less value, i.e., conceeding material. In this game
there is not permissed to change pieces of the same type, making this game
almost estrictly positional, and sacrifices are not only usual, but many
times necessary for a definition, finishing a game in around 40 moves. In
Xiang-Qi, material advantage is not as important as positional advantage,
and other of my games, Deneb, is clearly a very positional game, being
that all the major pieces have approximately the same medium value, around
a little less than a FIDE-Rook, but the extinction rules induce games that
lasts in average 25-35 moves. It is difficult establish good measures for
positional games in which material advantages are not determinant. I´ll be
back with other games in which good measures are not easy to stablish

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Apr 1, 2004 03:52 PM UTC:
Arimaa is an easy-to learn Goal-oriented game with some elements of Chess
and Jungle game, invented by the M.S. in Electronic Engeneering Omar Syed,
with the colaboration of his young son, Aamir. Omar was born in India and
lives in USA, he has worked for NASA and 4YOU NET. He is stablishing an
interesting CHALLENGE: He is going to pay 10,000 US$ to the first person,
company or Organization who develops a program that run in a general
computer that can beat the best chosen human representative Arimaa player
in a match of at least 6 games. In January 2004 begun a Tournement (free
fee) to determine the best player, and the winner should receive 1000 US$
and the chance of winning an additional good prize beating the best
program to the moment, and other prizes were offered to second and third
place in the Tournement. In February 2004, the same Omar Syed beated the
best program at the moment with a contundent score 8-0. You can visit the
page for more details, in this page a gameroom is mantained
and you can play online this game against ranked players. More Tournements
are expected in the future.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Apr 1, 2004 03:59 PM UTC:
Arimaa challenge is going to be mantained until January first of the year

Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Thu, Apr 1, 2004 07:49 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
The Tournement is developing nicely, players are using the time adds and gaining extra time, and many games are now in advanced stages. As I expected, some Grand-Chess games are in complex positions, and due the power of pieces, board size and central position of the King, material advantages are good, but not decisive. We have had two decisions at the present, both on Chinese Chess games, with victories of Antoine Fourriere and Michael Madsen, very strong players that must be deciding any of the top four positions at the end of the Tournement, in my opinion. Ultima games are being well played to the present, this is a notorious fact because this is the first experience for some players. Shogi and KMS are in intermedium stages, without great things to say yet. Glisky games are more or less pacific to the present, and many games are played in a conservative way. Good luck to everybody!

Fugue ZIP file. Based on Ultima and Rococo this game has pieces that capture in unusual ways.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Apr 3, 2004 01:00 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Pawn 1, Swapper 3, Long-Leaper 4, Archer 5, Queen 6, Pushmepullyu 6, Shield 7, Immobilizer 7. These are my estimates.

Shanghai Palace Chess. A blend of Chinese, Japanese, and Western Chess. (9x9, Cells: 81) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Apr 4, 2004 02:16 AM UTC:
I have to play this game before give an opinion. Some elements sound interesting, but I have doubts about how can look the game play. Is it coming a ZRF?

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Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Apr 4, 2004 03:25 AM UTC:
What´s going on with the clock in 'Ratings and comments'?. I see negative

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Apr 4, 2004 03:27 AM UTC:
After my message, all is right now, but it should be interesting an
explanation about what could happen

Game Courier Tournament #1. A multi-variant tournament played on Game Courier.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Apr 4, 2004 03:52 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
I have not doubts, the popular classics are between the best playable and nice games, and its selection was a good fact. Grand-Chess, Shogi, Xiang-Qi, Ultima and Glinsky pass the proof without great effort, they are excellent!. We have to see the other games in scene... (including the modest contributions of some of us, many of them excellent too, in my biased opinion)

Ultima. Game where each type of piece has a different capturing ability. Also called Baroque. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Apr 5, 2004 11:53 AM UTC:
You can play this game using the Game Courier System, inviting someone (open or direceted) or accepting invitations. The first thing you have to do is register as user. Click on 'PLAY!' (main page of 'What´s New'), Click then on 'Game Courier System' and follow clicking on 'Register', It is free!. About the way you play the game, it is not adjusted to official rules. Certainly, you are an atipical ULTIMA player, usually this kind people is particularily resistant to changes in the game, and it is played preferently with the original rules. One 'improvement' of the inventor was rejected by the fans, and new 'improvements' to the original game are not usually very welcome, aparently.

PBMWaitingRoom[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Apr 5, 2004 12:15 PM UTC:
To the people that want to play: Please define reasonable time controls. Some potential contendors may be discouraged to play if the time controls are too exigent ('Gwidon Naskrent': May you reconsider the rithm of play, bonus time, etc?)

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Apr 5, 2004 09:26 PM UTC:
'If you move within the bonus period of zero seconds, you will gain a
bonus of 1 day.' 
Is this a bonus per move?. I think it is not. The period for being
bennefited with the bonus is of zero seconds, i.e., if you don´t play
immediately, you can´t gain any bonus. Please revise it

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