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Comments by alienum
Sorry, the problem persists in log=wolff-cvgameroom-2017-80-979.
It does not allow to make any of the moves normally considered as legal, except 9.Qxd2, 9.Nxd2 and 9.Kxd2. Note that Black's last move was 8... f*d2.
Reviewing the "makov333-maeko-2009-327-405" game, I found that it is broken in the 3rd turn, just after Black dropped a non-capturing pawn. Then, apparently the bug is related to the action of dropping non-capturing pawns.
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There is a bug in this preset that prevents me from making any moves [except 9.Qxd2, 9.Nxd2 or 9.Kxd2] in the game "wolff-cvgameroom-2017-80-979". On the screen appears a message saying: "Syntax Error on line 339. The function fL has not been defined..."
It also affects finished games such as "maeko-fergus-2009-237-530" that is broken in the 8th turn.