Comments by benr
Is the second stage of movement of the Gryphon and Aanca limited with respect to the direction of the first stage? To just 30 degree turns, or otherwise?
I was just noticing the same thing! The menu text also seems too large on my mobile. I will try to help where I can, probably just sending you code snippets.
Hmm, the ffen2diag tool already uses nobr tags. That's deprecated now, but it should still work to prevent breaking the images into new lines...?
I have modified the display of comments in such a way that mobile devices should be happier. What does "List just summaries" do? What are summaries?
I tweaked the menu a bit so the Favorites menu shows up correctly on my mobile (made it a touch wider). I've also added (again) some links to the Info tab. (Fergus, have you seen my emails?) Also, I modified the "List all subjects" page to give names to the post-2012 topics that have hexadecimal codes as their subjectid's. I have hidden some of the administrative tools in the footers as well. They are visible only when the currently logged in user is an Editor.
Fergus, my email to you in 2011 was from my general email address; after becoming an editor here in 2013 I started emailing you from the address listed in my Personal Information page. I can see what you mean about the width of the comments. (I noticed it when I made the change, but dismissed it.) I could enforce a max-width, but if you want to design a nice background for the resulting margins then I'll leave it to you: design is not my thing.
(Not even a computer opponent, just a program that would correctly check for legality of moves?)
- Center of Attention
- Capture the Scepter
- Rooksquare Chess
- Racing Kings (rather different, but I might as well mention the V.R.Parton contribution)
The "nun" is commonly called the unicorn in 3d games, and I think it's reasonable to extend that name into 4d games. (Do you have a good reference for the name "balloon"? I've only ever seen it called that in one place.) The initial setup is interesting; all the pawns are protected--many of them by the army of balloons--and they smother many of the initial lines. I don't completely understand the pawn movements.
I can't quite tell from the Wikipedia article; are these rules from Gollon's book? I don't have a copy, but if so this page should probably reference that book directly rather than the wiki article.
See also Vegas Fun Chess on these pages or other dice games in Chapter 30 in the Classified Encyclopedia.
This looks really good. I'd be fine including the script in the header, and I like the idea for user-side simple coding.
Thanks for the additional diagrams. The pawns then have essentially three "forward" directions and one lateral, and you do allow a capturing move that is "forward" in two directions. It's maybe interesting then that pawns start at different distances to their promotion zone, but they can speed ahead sometimes with capture. I'll look more carefully later, but in your first checkmate diagram, can't the king escape to 4334 or 4434?
I would leave it in, but add a rook to, say, 4134. I had realized that a K+Q wins against bare k, but hadn't bothered to put much thought into other mates (even non-forcible ones) before. I think these are quite interesting.
I'm not sure why this, the three preceding Wizard of Oz variants, and the fifth planned one should actually be separate game pages. Are you not just providing the mutator of the Yellow Brick Road? At least the 9x9 and 10x10 also use some additional piece-types, but this one is just obtained by dropping the queen and rearranging the remaining pieces.
I can't tell what's going on in this page. This isn't a game, is it?
And how does this page relate to the other games? If it's just clarifications or add-ons, I will change it to a non-Game page (maybe Reference?), and you should probably include links to the relevant games.
Hi Zied, I have given your account Contributor status, so you should now be able to submit your game through the site's forms. (We normally require that a person's first submission be sent through the general email contact; I've found your game through your Person Information page and so have foregone this requirement.)
(I've created a new Subject and moved the original post into this thread.)
I hope someone here has played more 3-player chess than I to be able to answer Timmy's questions. One thing I can say about any multiplayer chess is that a free-for-all tends to lead to players who are behind ganging up on the leader(s). Most people find this a detriment to the game.
Three player variants on this site
[Our games have an entry for number of players, but our searches previously didn't allow it to be searched. I've added code to make that possible. I will update some search forms later, as I hope to add/modify some other functionality there still.]
So I should try to modify those scripts. Ideally it would shrink all the images (equally) in the case of a very large board on a mobile screen, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that. Any ideas? Also, I was thinking about redoing some of msdisplay; specifically, removing the {pre} tags from submissions "Not using HMTL" and inserting paragraph breaks using a script similar to what Fergus added for comments. The main problem with that is ASCII diagrams: unless I make them use a monospaced font they won't line up, and wide ASCII diagrams could break over lines on small displays.
I was hoping for a solution that would scale images enough so that lines were not broken. (Alignment for boards with different rank sizes is another issue, which I had not considered yet.) I was looking for a way that the js output could be treated as a single object to be scaled to fit the screen; perhaps flattening to a single image would do that in addition to being better for other reasons. By "transition to single images hosted on this site" do you mean on the author's end? For ASCII diagrams I am mostly concerned with old pages (90s ones :P) that already use them (and whose authors might no longer be active). I suppose changing msdisplay to add P tags and a monospace font will make any "non-HTML" page without an ASCII diagram better on mobile, and will make such pages with a wide ASCII diagram bad on mobile, but just in a different way than at present. I had thought about introducing a more sophisticated text entry method (e.g. CKEditor or TinyMCE), which could render "Uses HTML" obsolete (for future pages): every page would use HTML, but the user wouldn't need to worry about coding. On top of that, we could be a little more careful about what we allow our users to submit (whitelisting html elements and customizing to allow Muller's [diagram], the ffen2diag script, etc.). If we think we want to and can manage to move to a third-party CMS, then I won't keep looking into this. (This is outside my tech comfort zone, so it would take me a while anyway.)
H.G., can you link to such an example? As far as I can tell, we just apply wordwrapping (to default 75 characters) and put PRE tags around each section. But this should preserve linebreaks, and seems to e.g. at Or did you mean in the comments? Test. Aha, ordinary linebreaks here don't get processed. I can probably fix this reasonably quickly. Fergus, I think one of the text entry systems I mentioned in my last comment would do the first three bullets of what you want. And I would like to disallow arbitrary use of scripts, instead having the displaying function replace things like [diagram] with the appropriate script (for a short list of approved scripts).
George, you can still edit and comment on your submissions before they are "unhidden" by an editor. (From the menu under your name you can find a link to your unreviewed submissions, and anyone with the url can get to it.) I haven't cleared that submission yet because (as I said in a comment there) it seems too much like your other Wizard of Oz variants, and I think it would be better suited as a comment on one of those games. (I think you receive an email when someone comments on your game, correct? Does that still go through if the game is still hidden?)
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