Comments by judgmentality
Are there pieces people would like to see made that currently have no graphics? I'd like to know whether anyone has done a graphic for the pieces in Tripunch Chess, for instance the Aanca described in this essay.
Described there is a piece which makes a one step Rook move, i.e., wazir move, and then continues outwards as a Bishop.
I have seen people refer to an aanca as belonging in Grande Acedrex, but aren't they confusing the Aanca with the Gryphon?
This piece is very closely related to Eric Greenwood's Duke piece, but not quite the same.
D - Duke: moves one square straight and any # diagonally; or any # diagonally and one straight. May not jump or move to an adjacent square.
Gary: If you don't mind, please do, and please copy Antoine when you do and ask him to add them to the Alfaerie - Many. Also, if you could send the other colored pieces that we don't already have in Alfaerie - Many, such as the green and blue and red colored elephants, colored crooked rooks, etc. Would be deeply appreciated. Should be lots of fun to play. Thanks. (I'd do it myself but creation of even the most rudimentary graphics is just beyond my reach at the moment. Apologies.)
James, looking forward to seeing your tripunch ideas. Thank you.
This essay is an admirable start! I think we can expand on the categories quite a bit and provide more examples. As the author himself says:
'I would encourage an effort to build on this, so that a more complete resource would be available to Chess Variant designers or problemists.'
I think there may be an obvious category which is 'Imitator' as in the Chameleon / Mimotaur. [Edited addition: I see now that David has written an entirely separate and also excellent essay on imitators.]
The 'Ooze' has a cousin in the Amoeba from Hedden's Microorganism Chess which I think introduces some more original categories of pieces as well...
Shogi Champ plays in chess tournament.
Remarkable is the 38th place of FM Yoshiharu Habu (6/9). Why? Because Habu is not really a chess player, but the world's leading Shogi champion, who has taken a casual interest in chess.
Read the rest
Since the previous poll didn't list them separately, I question this approach, with the concern that votes for these games will be diffused resulting in their disqualification even though their cumulative might qualify them.
Ah, I see. To be frankly honest, I wasn't paying sufficient attention to your stipulation and for that I apologize. I feel the way I do when I make a blunder in a chess game. Hm. But I think my position, though it may appear weakened, still has value.
You do say 'Unless the number of players justifies it...' You were surprised by the number of people who voted in the initial poll; you could also be surprised by the number participating in this one. I don't think that's likely, so that doesn't remain as a substantive concern.
I do still have concerns that I don't see you addressing. Perhaps you can.
I still do have the concern that some people will not meticulously list all four as you seem to suggest they should and the votes will diffuse and that caprice could end up diffusing them. With the exception of Falcon Chess and Falcon Chess 100, which I think independently qualified and should both be added if they are both ranked high enough, I am still in favor of 'no one's' A or B. I know someone who strongly dislikes cannons and because of that, he is likely to rank one version of Grand Shatranj much lower; someone else could do the reverse and the result is diffusion. On the other hand, both people who like Grand Shatranj might end up being disappointed to know that neither were included despite the fact that each voted for a version of it. Isn't there an assumption you are making that people who like Great Shatranj will tend to like both versions approximately equally, that people who like Falcon Chess will like Falcon Chess 100 almost just as much? I am someone who prefers less familiar games so I will rank Falcon Chess 100 higher. That's an example of how votes between Falcon Chess and Falcon Chess 100 could get diffused with neither of them qualifying (though I think it fair games since both qualified).
In actual fact, to sum up, I expect diffusion so the chances that any versions of Mir Chess, Grand Shatranj, Great Shatranj and Falcon Chess will show up are lessened and they are playing on an unequal footing. In my last comment, I suggested that we ran the real danger of both versions of both showing up. In fact, the opposite concern seems to be more germane, no?
What I am saying in both comments though is that people are unlikely to rank all versions of each similarly, though if they look at this thread, it may motivate them to do so, but how many will pay attention to this detail?
Yes, Dr. Who Chess seems like fun. Great concept. The inventor has been kind enough to try out a game with me which we are playing just now.
Well, of course there is Time Travel Chess which is a great variant, lots of fun to play, the rules for which could be applied to most other variants. In the notes to Time Travel Chess, there is discussion of another time travel variant.
Time Travel Chess is also in the preference poll, but not currently doing very well (#27) -- unfortunately. Third Game Courier Tournament Preference Poll
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