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Answered my question on castling, en passant, and promotion. Better than the first site I went too. Thanks!
The instructions are brilliantly written complete with graphical representation. A good site to forward on to friends who aspire to be your chess opponent! :) Thanks
wow thanks for the stalemate and checkmate is same as mate
Amazing! I didn't know there were so many rules!
I didn't know there was such a move as 'En Passant'. What does it mean? And is this standart Chess?
Yes, it is indeed standard chess. It means, In passing.
can the opposing member attack the piece that has the king in check if there is no space between the opposing piece and the king?
To answer lordking's chess question: When a King is in check there are three possible legal actions (aside from resigning): 1) capture the checking piece, 2) move the King out of check, or 3) block the check. Regardless of which action is taken, the King must not be in check after the move is completed. If the King cannot get out of check he is said to be in 'checkmate.'
The third figure explaining the rules of castling (castle3.gif) cannot be correct. Both white bishops are on black squares, which would be possible only after a pawn has been promoted to a bishop (except the queens all pieces are still there). Besides, white cannot castle because the white king is on a4. That means it has been moved already (a4 belongs to the white queen) and, as a result, castling is not possible no matter whether the black bishop gives check or not.
I as a master can beat Jeeves up at chess...ha!got you there.
has there ever been a rule of 21 moves after all your pieces are gone and all you have is a king left. is their a 21 moves rule.
well our class played chess against gr 5 and we won so yeh! oh yeh u should let us play the game
great information and very easy to navigate. also the only website not blocked by my school filter.
I learned a couple new things. Thanks. I didn't know that the pawn could be promoted to anything even if it was not a captured piece. Also, I needed help with castling.
I learned a great deal from this site! I used to play my dad and always loose, but now I provide him with a can of kick ass!
I don't understand... It said fun and games but I cannot play anything!!!
once again, chess reflects life :)
it brings the game to life,even to those who are new to the game.
Lots of great information
Thank you.
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