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does this also happen if an attacking pawn is on the 3rd row, directly in front of your pawn line. instead of taking the attacking pawn you double step away from it. can your opponent then place his pawn diagonally forward to where yours was in the 2nd row and remove your pawn from the board?
or does EN-PASSANT only happen when the attacker is on the 4th row?
also when the EN-PASSANT rule is applied on the very next go, is that the players move
or does he place his pawn remove yours then make another move?
Is there a rule for not taking a pawn on the first available offer[or 1st chance] IE: White pawn threatens Black pawn. Black moves another peice. White moves another piece. Is it legal for Black pawn to then take the White pawn? I seem to remember reading this at some point but am unable to find it again.
Only 'en passant capture' is limited to your first opportunity. See the 2006-08-07 Comment by Doug Chatham for a web page reference.
Question: can a king move himself next to the opponent king to threaten check if the 'checking king' is 'backed' by another piece?
No. A king may never move itself next to the opponent's king. Period.
See the Chess FAQ for more information.
for 5 minutes game / blitz: after 5 minutes if the opponent time already finished but still doing moves, is it acceptable? thanks.
May A King Attack When it is in check?
Josh asks, 'May A King Attack When it is in check?' Answer: Certainly. Thus if your opponent's Queen moves next to your King and checks it, your King can simply take the Queen (unless your opponent has that checking square protected by another piece of theirs. Remember: Kings cannot move into check. Nor can they castle while in check, nor can they castle through a check. But they can certainly capture other [unprotected] pieces while in check.
I think this is a great resource. It really taught me how to play chess. I`v been wanting to go out for the chess team, but never knew how to play. Now I can. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
can a person castle when an opponent occupies a space between the king and rook even though the king is not in check.
I was playing chess with one of my friends and I put him in check with my rook. My rook was 2 spaces away from his king. He said that if the king is in check you can move more that one space to capture the piece that put you in check. Is this legal?
[Answer: no it is not legal]
i was playing a guy when i put him in checkmate i only called check he said that the win goes to him? i cant find anything in relation to this is this true or false?
Article 9.3 of the Laws of Chess says 'Declaring a check is not obligatory.' So, you weren't even required to say 'check', much less 'checkmate'.
Through 2006 this was an actively-Commented article. The record of inquiries for FIDE Laws: 2008 3 messages; 2007 2 messages; 2006 41 messages; 2005 27 messages; 2003-02, 39 messages. The FIDE Rules under castling, 5-1b to 5-1f are interesting and maybe not entirely unambiguous. Under Castling, once touching a Rook, you can never castle with that Rook, unless having moved King appropriately first in the maneuvre.
in the tournement with 15 min. to each player I have checkmated my opponent. at the very moment he said my flag was fallen. The referee declaver the game a draw. Is he right ?
Question.. Playing a grade school tournament both players have a King and a Bishop. Player 'W' flag falls Is it a win (as it is possible to playout and win.. time permitting) or is it a a draw? I'm confused by: 6.10 Except where Articles 5.1 or one of the Articles 5.2 (a), (b) and (c) apply, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by the player. However, the game is drawn, if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player`s king by any possible series of legal moves, even with the most unskilled counterplay. and 'If your flag falls and your opponent has insufficient material to win on time, the game is a draw. Insufficient material is when (1) one’s opponent has only a lone king; (2) one’s opponent has only king and bishop or king and knight, and does not have a forced win; or when (3) one has no pawns and one’s opponent has only king and two knights and no forced win (§14E)'
If the Bishops are on like-colored squares, it is an immediate draw even before the flag falls, as no checkmate positions exist. Ifthey are on unlike-colored squares it is more tricky. The other rules you quote seem to contradit each other. (Isn't the second one only for blitz Chess?) In theory a checkmate position exists, but only as a helpmate: you must put your King voluntarily in a corner, your Bishop next to it to block its only escape square, and then you can be mated. This definitely does not count as a 'forced win', unless you are already in that position and the opponent can mate you in one move and it is his move. I always thought that at standard time controls forfeiting on time in KBKB* counts as a loss, but perhaps they changed the rules.
Your link on this page (http://www.chessvariants.com/fidelaws.html) to the 'FIDE Handbook' (http://www.fide.com/official/handbook.asp) is broken. Your link should either direct users to 'http://www.fide.com/' or directly to the PDF at 'http://www.fide.com/FIDE/handbook/LawsOfChess.pdf'
http://www.fide.com/fide These are conservatives in f.i.d.e. photo, they have to be. Standing pat against these woodpushers is one alternative. When Mad Queen overtook Shatranj, it's hard to imagine their work was based on more than 10 or 100 CVs in their workshop. ''Mediaeval ingenuity had more commonsense than we do today.'' They cut to the quick and the heart of the matter. Evidently they were more intuitively intelligent in view how long their brainstorm lasted. Nothing namby pamby there. CVPage has broadened CV knowledge with now millions of alternative CVs at its disposal allowing for trivial tweaks. Absolutely certain is that the correct next stage of Chess is in this website's grasp, providing for multiple stamps of approval not just one. So long as it stands pat (I am addressing peripheral entities I know of too), it plays into the hands of entrenched Orthodoxy. CVPage becomes their embarrassing step-sister and sororal bastion of orthodoxy, insofar as it does not even try to hierarchize collected material. F.I.D.E. and CVPage would probably not be on speaking terms, and it serves each one's interest but shirks responsibility. Now one recent commenter-naysayer has a good point. Reform may indeed come from the top-down among players. It is the upper echelon who are sick and tired of sitting down to dinner for the same tired course. The chess master sits down to the table and extends his grasping paw to touch the same tiresome fork-Bishop, knife-Knight, and spoon-fed-Rook. Poor guy. No wonder he's hungry for new challenge. Going nuts, or gone bananas, like Fischer -- to extend the metaphor. http://ingeb.org/songs/whatisth.html (Enough's enough, rice pudding for supper again, like some pastchess openings' having been played a hundred thousand times.)
Question; does anyone know, when all the black pieces are taken and Black king is alone on board is there a set number of moves white has to checkmate???
He must give mate within 50 moves if a pawn hasn't moved. /Mats
Thanks :)
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To make an en passant capture, the attacking pawn must be on the opponent's fourth row. Also, if you capture en passant, that is your move -- you don't get a bonus turn. For more information on en passant, see this FAQ page.