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Army #2 has the [Rook+Alfil+Ferz] compound. This interesting piece cannot be found anywhere else. Eric Greenwood's variant Archabbott Chess has the[B+D+W] piece.
I like Jeff Stroud's piece name 'Y-Rider', used in Army #8. The name 'Falcon' is used in Gary K. Gifford's new variant Gryphon Aanca Chess.
Cavebear Stroud is one of my teachers, and you know he taught me everything i needed to know about chess. Mr Stroud has always been for me in the good time and the bad times. Now let me tell you people this variant is quite awesome, even though it might sound very sketchy. Mr Stroud was born in California, and moved to Canada, and then Switzerland, and then Japan. One day he asked his friend to buy him a 9000-yen chessboard. But instead his friend bought him a chessboard that's worth 90000-yen chessboard. This chessboard was made out of the finest Japanese wood. Mr Stroud has thought of many new and awesome variants with simpler army building strategies. He's a man of his genius. Mr Stroud is one of my business teachers, and write now we're doing many database assignments. I think that Mr Stroud is one of the best teachers in the world. I had a lot of other comments on this page, and he told me to delete them, but i couldn't because I’m not a member. P.S Mr Stroud is rated 2200, which is quite awesome. Your Student Daniel Rozin
I think the rules should allow players set up positions of major pieces freely. Let players find out best setup for each army. Tutti-Frutti has a ABC combination of rook bishop and knight, which is much too powerful. Armies in ABC chess are less powerful than that of tutti-frutti, which is better for cwda design. Players can define more armies with balanced power for ABC chess.
I prefer symmetric game, although I like your pawn promotion rule.
I like the idea of making an army using various combinations of a few building blocks, though I do have two critiques.
1: Balance. A combination piece is usually wirth more than the sum of its parts (eg: a Queen is worth more than a Rook and a Bishop; a Mann is worth more than a Wazir and a Ferz) which means an army with A+B+C=7.75 is likely to be completely overpowered. For example, look at army 1:
BNW=10, NW=5.25, BW=5.25, W=1.25, B=3.25, N=3.25, BN=8.75 (total: 37).
This is over a full Rook stronger than the regular chess army.
The more equal the components are, the more powerful they are when they work together. For example, army 2 (where one component has most of the value) is only about 2 pawns stronger than the regular chess army. So, armies with wildly unequal component strengths will need to have stronger components than more egalitarian armies to compensate for this.
2: The components should be versatile enough to be fun to play with on their own. For example, an Alfil can only reach 1/8 of the board which is un-fun to play (both with and against). One solution to this would be 'ABCD' chess, with 4 components arranged like this:
AB | CD | AD | ABC | K | BC | BD | AC |
By adding an extra component, one can eliminate the need for components to survive on their own, and can make weak components without having to worry about un-fun Alfil play.
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