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Fergus, I see that we are equally minded. I, also, feel attracted by gathering east and west (that's the driver of my Shako, check it out). Also, I had proposed to use the 'Vao' long time ago in my Gigachess : I called it 'crossbow', you call it 'arrow'. Les grands esprits se rencontrent !

I remember Shako from the large variant contest. I discovered this site shortly before that contest ended, and I voted for Shako. I'm less familiar with Giga Chess. You may be pleased to know that I considered the name of Crossbow for the Vao, and I even created a Chinese piece for it before settling on the name of Arrow. You can see it at
Almost a year ago, in the comment linked below, I considered changing the promotion rules of Eurasian Chess to more closely match those of Grand Chess: I am now thinking this would be a good idea. What I have in mind is allowing Pawn promotion on any of the last three ranks, with mandatory promotion on the last rank, to any captured piece. Without any captured pieces to promote to, a Pawn could not move to the last rank, but it could still check positions on the last rank. This is how promotion is done in Grand Chess. I think this is a good idea, because it makes the game more Eurasian. The promotion rules are the same as in Grand Chess (a European variant), and the promotion zone is the same as in Shogi (a major Asian variant). Also, it is a compromise between the promotion rule in Chess (promotion on the last rank) and the promotion rule in Xiang Qi (promotion on crossing the river). As for gameplay, it compensates for the further distance from the last rank by allowing promotion earlier, which I think is one of the reasons for the rule in Grand Chess, and it compensates for the King's lesser ability to guard a Pawn making its way to the last rank. Since a King can't cross the river, all it could protect a Pawn from would be the other King, and this protection could be easily blocked by interposing a piece on the other side of the river from the King. So I will update the ZRF and Game Courier preset, and then I will change the rule description on this page.
Good game, but it did'nt deserve to be called 'Eurasian'. There are only one piece wich is exactly Asian (Pao) and only one piece wich is exactly European (Queen). Vao is fairy chess piece, so it's neither European, nor Asian. Using piecec, wich are both European and Asian is primitive. To call game 'Eurasian' i can suggest to add these pieces: for 'Asia': Alibaba (someone might say what it also fairy piece, altrough it's combinatian of two Asian pieces, but they are wrong: there was such piece in game wich is even older than Chaturanga, it was called 'Boat', when it was replaced with alfil; i did'nt suggest to use alfil because it's to weak); Bodyguard (from Hiashatar, Mongolians and Buriatians are Asians, aren't they?); some piece, wich was used ONLY in Shogi (for example, lion from Chu Shogi); Camel from Tamerlane chess; for 'Europe': Gryghon (from Grande Acedrexe); Chanselor and Archbishop (they are pretty old pieces, and was invented in Europe); i would suggest something from Bulgarian chess, but these games are not very known, so i don't suggest it; and the main... PIECE FROM TAFL GAMES (see 'Pincer pawn' in Piececlopedia)!!! This piece is really European, and it's even older than all chess pieces!!! If there will be game, wich uses these pieces, it will really deserve to be called Eurasian!
Good game, but it did'nt deserve to be called 'Eurasian'.
On that, we disagree.
There are only one piece wich is exactly Asian (Pao) and only one piece wich is exactly European (Queen).
I would use the word 'exclusively' in place of 'exactly' but otherwise agree. Except for the Vao, the rest are found in both European and Asian regional variants.
Vao is fairy chess piece, so it's neither European, nor Asian.
That is a non sequitur. It is both by virtue of descent, in much the same way that a Canadian like Kristen Kreuk can be called Eurasian.
Using piecec, wich are both European and Asian is primitive.
Would you care to explain what that even means?
If there will be game, wich uses these pieces, it will really deserve to be called Eurasian!
There are, of course, other ways to make Chess variants that blend together European and Asian elements, but what you suggest would not blend together elements of the major regional variants of Europe and Asia as well as this game does, and consequently a game with the pieces you suggest would be less deserving of the name Eurasian Chess.
It's me, who written coment that this game didn't deserve it's name. Ok, maybe i am not right, but i still think that game must have some piece wich is used only in Shogi. Or at least add promotion of some pieces other than pawns (at least, promoting piece like Sage to Dragon Horse). It will make Shogi feeling a bit higer (there are nothing in this game wich is only from Shogi). About boat: sorry, i made mistake: boat had same move as alfil, i forgot it. You can read read about Bulgarian chess here: This game is not as known as Shatar, Grande Acedrex, Tafl and others, so i will not approv if someone decide to make 'Eurasian chess' with pieces from it, i just liked Bulgarian chess and i am sad that it's not well-known, that's why i have mentioned then. So, maybe this game really deserves it's name (almost), but it's still good idea to make game with pieces from several different hystorical games.
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