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The concept of several powerful pieces on the board is not new. There are games with even more powerful arrays. The power of the pieces is balanced, at least in part, by the larger board. The game may lend itself to tactical play as a result of the ability of these pieces.
Castling is not mentioned in the only source. That's all I can tell you.

3rr rre
The description of this game does not mention the asymmetry contained in both the diagram and the preset. Accidental?
Are you asking for an acknowledgment that the symmetry is rotational rather than mirrored? or that there are four singleton pieces in the center rather than two?
Yes, I was confused by the worded description.
'Each player's first rank, from left to right, is Rook, Knight, Bishop, Archbishop, General, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook.'
I guess that means from where each person is sitting rather than from the vantage point of one side.
Thank you for helping me understand this matter better. Good to know.
Here are Turkish Great Chess II-VI, but there is no Turkish Great Chess I. Does it hide under another name, or why is it missing?
Yes, there is a Turkish Great Chess, Variation One. I don't know what happened to it. I will try to write it up (again?) next week, unless someone else gets to it first.
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