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Contest to design a chess variant on 43 squares. Missing description[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Carlos Martín-Fuert wrote on Sun, Jul 6, 2003 02:48 PM UTC:
Could you please name the three entrants whose ballots you have not yet received?

📝Glenn Overby II wrote on Mon, Jul 7, 2003 11:53 PM UTC:
The eight finalists are now posted to the site.  Congratulations to the
survivors, and a big thanks to all who entered and all who voted.

The finals round of voting runs from 15 July through 15 August.


Jared McComb wrote on Tue, Jul 8, 2003 01:46 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Do entrants have to vote in this round?  Are entrants banned from voting in
this round?  If an entrant may vote, may they vote for themselves?  The
rules do not make this clear.


🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Jul 8, 2003 05:06 PM UTC:
Regarding the Condorcet counting process, there is a potential unfairness if finalists cannot vote for their own games. This process counts how many times each game is favored over one of the other games. It generally makes sense that the games a person does vote for will all count as being favored above the games that same person does not vote for. The potential unfairness would be if I cannot vote for my own game and this causes my votes for other games to all count as votes of preference for these games above my own. If finalists are allowed to vote, this unfairness goes away either by allowing us to vote for our own games or, if we can't vote for our own games, by not counting our votes for other games as preferences for these games above our own.

Jared McComb wrote on Tue, Jul 8, 2003 08:47 PM UTC:
Are you saying you don't know either, or are you trying to answer my question?  I'm confused.

(Incidentally, I'm also wondering what number Chestria placed.)

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Jul 9, 2003 02:29 AM UTC:
I'm not answering your question. I am not running this contest and do not
make the decisions regarding how votes are counted. I am just raising an
issue I would like Glenn to address before I cast any votes in the second
round. I would also like him to answer your questions, because they're
all important questions that any finalist in this contest needs answers

Glenn has written that the second round will be done in the same fashion
as the first with two exceptions. Since neither exception changes the
requirements for entrants, I would presume that finalists are still
required to vote in order to win. But the requirement can no longer be
what is stated for the first round, because it requires entrants to vote
for at least ten games to stay in the contest, and there are only eight
games left. So, if finalists are still required to vote in the second
round, we need to know how many games we're required to vote for.

📝Glenn Overby II wrote on Wed, Jul 9, 2003 12:39 PM UTC:
I apologize for not making the second round vote rules more clear.  There
should have been a third clause: 'Entrants may vote or not vote under the
same rules as all other voters.'

Now I'm glad that I posted the finalists a few days early.  :)

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Aug 15, 2003 04:34 AM UTC:
I've just cast my votes, and I would like to point out that some last-minute votes may be delayed by the blackout in the northeast U.S. and Canada. I was fortunate that the blackout never reached me, but it did affect other parts of my city.

Jared McComb wrote on Tue, Sep 2, 2003 12:36 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Grrr!  I lost my Internet access yesterday and was in agony about the
results, and I get online today and find that nothing happened!


Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Sep 8, 2003 01:08 PM UTC:
'The winners are going to be announced on September 1...'. It is not clear the year, it does not appear to be on 2003...

📝Glenn Overby II wrote on Mon, Sep 8, 2003 07:53 PM UTC:
Well, I could wait until 2004, but I probably shouldn't.  :)

We ran one of the largest Scouting events in the United States last
weekend...about 4,400 participants for the 2nd Illini Jamboree at Rantoul,
Illinois.  As an employee of the host council, I've been busy.  My

The winners are known...please give me a week or two to sort out the
prizes you'll be able to pick from.

First: Duel Chess
Second: Voidrider Chess
Third: Diminuendo Chess 
Fourth: Opposition Chess
Fifth: Rook Mania

Congratulations to the winners and finalists, and thank you to all the
entrants and voters.

Jared McComb wrote on Wed, Sep 24, 2003 03:26 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
It does look as if you may be waiting until 2004 (or at least November
2003) to announce the prizes, Mr. Overby.

Also, when will the 44SC start?  I've been working on my first entry for
about a month now, because I just can't wait for you to announce it.


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